2 research outputs found

    M. Jalil literary-critical activity in scientific and critical context of the 1920-30-ies

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     In this article literary and critical activity of the hero poet Moussa Jalil in the context of a historico-literary situation 1920 - 1930 - x is analyzed. In the Tatar literary criticism these years are characterized by difficult and contradictory development of literary criticism where Marx-Lenin methodology of studying literature are formed which cornerstone the Lenin theory of reflection, the doctrine about categories of class, party membership and nationality, the concept of liberation movement. On the example of the analysis of theoretical views of M. Jalil the way of forming the main creative method of the Soviet literature - socialist realism is traced. In the critical works special character, the principles and poetics of a new creative method are more boldly shown. In M. Jalil's articles the concept of the literary hero of the Soviet art is also developed. The critic estimated also modern Tatar poetry. In a complex studying life and works of modern poets, he estimates as well as stylistic and language features, and some aspects of their versification. The main characteristics of the critical activity are defined by authors of article: literary, realistic, publicistic criticism. It investigates also some questions of poetics of literary criticism. M. Jalil though considered pre-revolutionary heritage through class prism, he on the agenda raised a question of the studying and preservation. The critic highly appreciated the ideological and esthetic value of spiritual heritage of such classics as G. Tuqay, G. Kamal, M. Gafuri, Sh. Kamal etc. Relevance of work is explained by few studies of critical heritage of the poet. The used methods and the principles gave the chance more fully and systemically to investigate literary and critical heritage of M. Jalil and to reveal his role in formation and forming the Soviet literary criticism

    Between the East and the West – Phenomenon of Tartar Literary Criticism in The Lingvo-Cultural Aspect

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    The article is devoted to research into the phenomenon of the Tatar literary critical thought in the context of evolution of the Tatar culture amidst Western and Eastern philosophies. The authors proceed from the analysis of the genesis of the Tatar literary critique and highlights bifurcation assembly points, i.e. contribution of certain authors of the early XX century (1906- 1920) into the development of the literary critique as one of the branches of literary studies essential for the development of the literary process as a whole. The evolution of the scientific concept of the national literary critique is traced back to numerous factual materials pertaining to different types and genre of literary critical thought of such renowned national authors as S.Mardzhani, R.Fakhrutdinov, F.Amirkhan, G.Tukay, N.Dzhamal, N.Garsi, M.Ukmasi, G.Ibragimov, G.Battal, G.Sagdi, et al., who made a significant input into establishment and development of the Tartar literary critique, its methods, determination of the main principles at solving major tasks, which in its turn allows us to follow the process of fledging national literary criticism. The authors demonstrate evolution of the terminology in the Tartar literary critique under the influence of Oriental and European traditions. The authors of the article make convincing conclusions about the fact that in the beginning of the last century and under the influence of the Oriental on the one hand and Russian and European on the other, literary theory, cultural studies and at the time of serious contemplations over the literary terminology and concepts, the Tartar literary criticism paved the way for independent development, which in its turn promoted the establishment of the Tatar scientific thought and the theory of literature. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s2p50