27 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Family Physician Plan on the Performance of the Medical and Health Centers of the Ghorveh City

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    The aim of the present research is to investigate the effect of the family physician plan on the medical and health centers of Ghorveh. The type of the research is semi empirical and is applied in nature. The research universe includes 15 medical and health centers of Ghorveh. The tools for collecting the data were information collection forms of the available statistical forms. The findings revealed there was a meaningful difference (P < 0/001) with regards to the performances among the average monthly services in 2005 and 2009 at the 15 centers under study in 2005 (prior to the implementation of the plan) and in 2009 (at the time of the implementation of the plan). The performance at such centers in 2009 with regards to the mentally ill patients under care has decreased substantially

    Emergency Medical Services in Iran

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    Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Iran, named Emergency 115 was established in 1978 with cooperation from America. In Iran, EMS delivery is financed by the government and is free of charge to those served. Established standards call for a response time of less than eight minutes in cities and less than 15 minutes in suburban areas for 80% of the cases, and this standard has been met everywhere in the country except for Tehran (the capital of Iran). Emergency services coverage for traffic accidents has exceeded 52.3%. In recent years, the Foundation of Medical Emergency Schools has established emergency medicine training programs for both EMS personnel and the general public. Also, personnel of the Iran Medical Emergency and Accidents Management Organization are establishing the standards for hospital emergency procedures and providing oversight of the emergency departments in hospitals. Over all, pre-hospital emergency services have made notable advances, and they are continuing to improve

    Factors influencing the creativity and innovation in managers of military and civilian hospitals in Tehran, Iran

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    Introduction: Hospitals, like other organizations in the community for survival and development are managers need creative and innovative. Breeding and training of such managers Appropriate demand shall provide the platform that its determination requires the understanding of factors affecting innovation and creativity of people is. Aim : Factors influencing creativity and innovation managers, both military and civilian hospitals in Tehran. Methods: Cross-sectional study method was conducted. Senior managers and middle managers in nine selected military and civilian hospitals in Tehran (90) The study formed. Data collection was conducted by questionnaire. Data obtained from 90 questionnaires, using SPSS software for analysis and comparison of mean scores obtained in different groups ANOVA was used. Results: Results showed that the most organizational factors achieving points with 56.2 and the subsets of organizational factors, factors related to the reward system earned the highest score. The most important factors affecting innovation, hospital managers, and individual factors achieving points with 83.2 was identified among a subset of individual factors, factors related to science, knowledge and expertise manager earned the highest score. Conclusions : According to the results, providing a suitable environment and good for the field organization may encourage hospitals to create innovative managers. To create such an environment also reform the payment systems and designing a suitable payment system in hospitals, action seems necessary. Change the prevailing culture in hospitals and innovation become the norm and a positive value, the benefit is not empty

    Developing Criteria for Complementary Health Insurance (CHI) Benefit Packages for a Medical Service Insurance Organization in Iran: A Qualitative Content Analysis

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    Introduction: Development of Complementary Health Insurance (CHI) benefit packages has always been one of the main challenges of Health Insurance Organizations in Iran. Records related to developing a health insurance package in Iran show that there is no specific criterion for developing such packages.  This study aimed at developing criteria for providing CHI benefit packages presented by the Medical Service Insurance Organization in Iran. Methods: The current research is a qualitative and applied research which has been conducted in 2014. The sample size included 24 authorities in the domain of CHI, and a semi-structured interview was used for collecting data. Data analysis was based on framework method applying Atlas-Ti 5.2 software. Results: Nineteen main themes and 53 sub-themes and finally 20 criteria were identified for four main dimensions of the benefit package including the insured, commitments of insurance services, financial resources and Medical Service Insurance Organization special priorities. Conclusion: In this study, various criteria were identified for developing CHI. It seems that applying important criteria such as equity, clinical guidelines, effectiveness, and efficiency of CHI benefit package presented by Medical Service Insurance Organization can decrease the shortcomings of the current system and using standardization can lead to targeting the service benefit package, removing its defects and improving the health of insured people

    Retinal Identification and Connecting this Information to Electronic Health Record

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    This paper aims at identification of individuals using the retinal image that the extraction of blood vessels based on density classification and identification is carried out according to the Fuzzy logic and then according to the performed operations of individual’s electronic healthrecord. For this purpose, a new algorithm was presented for extraction of specific characteristics of retina based on image analysis and statistic calculations. Extraction of eye blood vessels is carried out based on adaptive filters. Our proposed method in comparison to previous methods which merely have carried out the identification through individually comparison of retina has a higher accuracy and speed. This distinction in the identification accuracy and speed was used in the type of classification and Fuzzy rules. In this paper, we will cluster the image noise at the first stage and at the end of clustering, two classes of noise and the original image will remain. This clustering will be done using the density method of Density-Based Clustering. Then we will extract the eye vessels using adaptive filters. After identifying classes and eye vessels extraction, we will identify the image of the retina under experiment based on the five-stage Fuzzy logic and rules and extract the individual’s file.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i3.252

    Retinal Identification Based on Density Clustering and Fuzzy Logic and Connecting This information to Electronic Health Record Authors

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    This paper aims at identification of individuals using the retinal image that the extraction of blood vessels based on density classification and identification is carried out according to the Fuzzy logic and then according to the performed operations of individual’s electronic health record. For this purpose, a new algorithm was presented for extraction of specific characteristics of retina based on image analysis and statistic calculations. Extraction of eye blood vessels is carried out based on adaptive filters. Our proposed method in comparison to previous methods which merely have carried out the identification through individually comparison of retina has a higher accuracy and speed. This distinction in the identification accuracy and speed was used in the type of classification and Fuzzy rules. In this paper, we will cluster the image noise at the first stage and at the end of clustering, two classes of noise and the original image will remain. This clustering will be done using the density method of Density-Based Clustering. Then we will extract the eye vessels using adaptive filters. After identifying classes and eye vessels extraction, we will identify the image of the retina under experiment based on the five-stage Fuzzy logic and rules and extract the individual’s file

    Benefits, barriers, and limitations on the use of Hospital Incident Command System

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    Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) has been established with the mission of prevention, response, and recovery in hazards. Regarding the key role of hospitals in medical management of events, the present study is aimed at investigating benefits, barriers, and limitations of applying HICS in hospital. Employing a review study, articles related to the aforementioned subject published from 1995 to 2016 were extracted from accredited websites and databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Elsevier, and SID by searching keywords such as HICS, benefits, barriers, and limitations. Then, those articles were summarized and reported. Using of HICS can cause creating preparedness in facing disasters, constructive management in strategies of controlling events, and disasters. Therefore, experiences indicate that there are some limitations in the system such as failure to assess the strength and severity of vulnerabilities of hospital, no observation of standards for disaster management in the design, constructing and equipping hospitals, and the absence of a model for evaluating the system. Accordingly, the conducted studies were investigated for probing the performance HICS. With regard to the role of health in disaster management, it requires advanced international methods in facing disasters. Using accurate models for assessing, the investigation of preparedness of hospitals in precrisis conditions based on components such as command, communications, security, safety, development of action plans, changes in staff's attitudes through effective operational training and exercises and creation of required maneuvers seems necessary

    Key success factors of health research centers: A mixed method study

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    Background: In order to achieve success in future goals and activities, health research centers are required to identify their key success factors. Objective: This study aimed to extract and rank the factors affecting the success of research centers at one of the medical universities in Iran. Methods: This study is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) study, which was conducted between May to October in 2016. The study setting was 22 health research centers. In qualitative phase, we extracted the factors affecting the success in research centers through purposeful interviews with 10 experts of centers, and classified them into themes and sub-themes. In the quantitative phase, we prepared a questionnaire and scored and ranked the factors recognized by 54 of the study samples by Friedman test. Results: Nine themes and 42 sub-themes were identified. Themes included: strategic orientation, management, human capital, support, projects, infrastructure, communications and collaboration, paradigm and innovation and they were rated respectively as components of success in research centers. Among the 42 identified factors, 10 factors were ranked respectively as the key factors of success, and included: science and technology road map, strategic plan, evaluation indexes, committed human resources, scientific evaluation of members and centers, innovation in research and implementation, financial support, capable researchers, equipment infrastructure and teamwork. Conclusion: According to the results, the strategic orientation was the most important component in the success of research centers. Therefore, managers and authorities of research centers should pay more attention to strategic areas in future planning, including the science and technology road map and strategic pla


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    Objectives: Kidney transplant is today one of the most common treatments prescribed for end stage renal diseases, which is annually performed in great numbers in Iran. On the other hand, the fair distribution of public health services is one of the most important goals that health systems are seeking to realize. Among different health services, equal accessibility to advanced treatments, including kidney transplant, is of utmost importance. Hence, the present study attempts to examine the equality, or lack thereof, of the geographical distribution of kidney transplant beds in Iran using the Gini coefficient index. Methods: The demographic and population data for different provinces of Iran are based on the 2006 census survey reported by the Statistics Center of Iran and the data on the number of kidney transplant beds by province were obtained from the Iranian Ministry of Health in the same year. The proportion of kidney transplant beds was calculated for a population of 100,000 in each province and the corresponding Gini coefficient was calculated. The Gini index is a coefficient ranging from 0 to 1 in which a coefficient lower than 0.2 shows complete equality, one between 0.2 and 0.3 represents high equality, one between 0.3 and 0.4 indicates inequality, one between 0.4 and 0.6 shows high inequality and a measure higher than 0.6 represents complete inequality in the distribution of the given variable.  Findings: Iran recorded a total population of 70,495,782 in 2006 and a total number of 294 kidney transplant beds. The Province of Tehran had more than half the beds installed in its hospitals while 17 provinces had no kidney transplant beds at all. The proportion of kidney transplant beds per 100,000 nationwide population was 0.4, with a corresponding Gini coefficient of 0.44. Conclusion: The obtained Gini coefficient in this study reveals a high degree of inequality in the geographical distribution of kidney transplant beds in Iran. Therefore, health system managers are urged to consider the findings of such studies in their large-scale health planning in order to remove such unequal distribution of health services. Keywords: Kidney transplant beds, Geographical distribution, Inequality, GINI  coefficientObiective: Transplantul renal constituie astazi unul dintre tratamentele cele mai frecvent prescrise pentru bolile renale in stadiu terminal, realizate anual intr-un numar mare in Iran. Pe de alta parte, distributia echitabila a serviciilor de sanatate publica reprezinta unul dintre cele mai importante scopuri urmarite de sistemele de sanatate. In cadrul diferitelor servicii de sanatate, accesibilitatea egala la tratamente avansate, inclusiv la transplantul renal, este de maxima importanta. De aceea, studiul de fata incearca sa examineze egalitatea (sau lipsa egalitatii) distributiei geografice a paturilor spitalicesti pentru transplant renal in Iran utilizand coeficientul Gini. Metode: Datele demografice si populationale privind diferitele provincii ale Iranului provin de la recensamantul din 2006 realizat de catre Centrul de Statistica al Iranului, iar datele referitoare la numarul paturilor de transplant renal pe provincie in acelasi an au fost obtinute de la Miniserul Iranian al Sanatatii. A fost calculata proportia paturilor pentru transplant renal la 100.000 locuitori in fiecare provincie, precum si coeficientul Gini aferent. Indexul Gini variaza intre 0 si 1, astfel: un coeficient sub 0,2 indica egalitate completa, valorile intre 0,2 si 0,3 reprezinta o egalitate inalta, intre 0,3 si 0,4 indica inegalitate, intre 0,4 si 0,6 arata o inegalitate ridicata, iar peste 0,6 reprezinta o inegalitate completa in distributia unei variabile date.  Rezultate: In 2006, Iran inregistra o populatie totala de 70.495.782 si un numar total de 294 de paturi pentru transplant renal. Provincia Tehran detinea mai mult de jumatate din aceste paturi instalate in spitalele sale, in timp ce 17 provincii nu aveau deloc paturi pentru transplant renal. Proportia nationala a paturilor de transplant renal la 100.000 era de 0,4, la un coeficient Gini aferent de 0,44. Concluzie: Coeficientul Gini obtinut in acest studiu releva un grad ridicat de inegalitate in distributia geografica a paturilor spitalicesti pentru transplant renal in Iran. In consecinta, managerii sistemului de sanatate sunt solicitati sa ia in considerare rezultatele acestui gen de studii in planificarea sanitara strategica, pentru a elimina o distributie atat de inegala a serviciilor de sanatate. Cuvinte cheie: paturi spitalicesti pentru transplant renal, distributie geografica, inegalitate, coeficient GINI