8 research outputs found

    Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Banks in Bangladesh

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    As economic globalization intensifies antagonism and makes an environment of constant transform, winning and keeping customers has become all the more significant. Nowadays banks have realized that cost of attracting a new customer is much more than retaining existing customers, so banks are emphasizing more upon customer satisfaction. These days customers demand for top quality services and products served with minimum wait time, so customers prefer techno- savvy banks as well bankers. At this backdrop, the main problem today before the commercial banks, more particularly the public sector banks in Bangladesh which were earlier operating in a sheltered regime after nationalization, is their long-run survival, tapping quality customers and forging way ahead by retaining their valued customers. The current research paper attempts to make a comparative analysis of level of customer satisfaction towards services provided by public and private sector banks. The study has been conducted in 5 cities. This study is based on questionnaire method. A sample of 500 customers has been selected using convenient sampling method. The statistical tests are conducted at 5% and 1% level of significant the main statistical tools are used. This study concluded that private sector banks are more preferred by majority of the customer as they emphasize more upon relationship building with their clients and are better equipped with modern infrastructure as compared to public sector banks. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Retail Banking, service Quality, Bank’s Perfor

    Service Quality in Mega Shops: A Study of Consumers Satisfaction in Apparel Retailing

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the consumer satisfaction of service quality offered at mega shops in Dhaka city. The data was collected from 200 respondents through structures questionnaire by using five point linker scales and was analyzed using one sample t test and multiple regression. The five dimensions such as tangibles, customer knowledge, responsiveness, convenience (dependent dimension) and competence. The finding showed that the dimensions of service quality such as tangibles, customer knowledge, convenience Competence were positively related to customer satisfaction. The management should focus on competence dimensions to be ahead of the competitor. Keywords: Service quality, Customer satisfaction, Apparel retailing, Dhaka cit

    The Effects of Prohibition of Non-Audit Services on the Audit Quality and Fees: A Study on Bangladesh

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    In this paper we have tried to find an answer to the question: does the prohibition of non-audit services affect the audit quality and audit fees in Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey was used to pick-up opinions from a sample of auditors who are working at Big-4 and non-Big-4 audit firms. The results suggest that preventing joint NAS and audit services will lead to the decrease in the number of auditors who provide audit services and hence audit fees would increase. Furthermore, auditors select NAS on the account of audit services due to the less effort required and the higher income gained. It is expected that audit services will be carried out by small audit firms of less experienced and unqualified staff. Demographics as auditors’ academic degree and experience have influenced the respondent auditors’ perceptions on some of the questions. It was found that type of audit firm has no impact on auditors’ perceptions, where all auditors expressed the same views on the impact of the NAS on the audit fees and the audit quality.  It is hope that the findings of this study would pave the way for policy setters to find out the mechanisms that would help in controlling audit fees and ensure a high level of audit quality in the audit market of Bangladesh. Keywords: Auditing, non-audit services, audit quality, audit fees, Bangladesh

    The Impact of Teacher and Technology in Class Room

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    Classroom teaching is a demanding job. Teacher spends most of his time in teaching. Teacher is responsible for many tasks in the classroom teaching. Teacher plans and implement the instructions. He plays the role of managers, psychologists, counselors, custodians, communicators, social ambassadors and entertainers. Sometimes teacher becomes disillusion and frustration while performing the multi tasks because the classroom demands, distracts and challenges the teacher to use new tools to brush up the key concepts and skills in regarding Science, Social Studies, Art and other curriculum standards. He tries to focus on effective teaching with the help of new tools. The practice of new tools able the students to read, reason, powerful writing, communicate productively with global community and conduct thoughtful research. The teacher faces the success in the right implementation of tools i.e. technology. Now a day the integration of technology in teaching and learning process has become a perennial one. Technology liberates to reestablish the role and value of the individual classroom teacher. The two things are compulsory for the usage of technology “first the perspective of the classroom must change to become learner centered, second, students and teachers must enter into a collaboration or partnership with technology in order to create a “community” that nurtures, encourages and supports the learning process” (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt). This paper focuses on the relation between teacher and the technology in the classroom teaching. Keywords: Teacher, Technology, Classroom, Teaching objective

    The Pattern of Quality Education: A Comparative Analysis on Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh

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    From the beginning of the last decade the private universities have been playing massive role at tertiary education in Bangladesh. It has almost changed the total scenario, story line of the education system of the last 200 years. Private universities started with a vision, goal and amid so many barriers and obstacles. It has also sound attainment and contribution to the nation. Quality education is a prerequisite for sustainable development. For finding the determinants of quality tertiary education, studies suggest inclusion of relevant variables, as the customers are well diversified with students, their parents and guardians, and academic and administrative staff- each having different needs and objectives. Thus, this paper tries to incorporate forty nine  “Quality Characteristics” which previously found significant by various studies with a few uniquely appropriate local characteristics. The results show that the quality of private university education mainly depends upon the competence of their academic and administrative staff, the content of their curriculum, reliability of the institution, and the attitude of their staff. Keywords: Quality Dimensions, Customers, Public Universities, Private Universitie

    The Function of Micro Credit System in Social Amendment A Case Study on Rajshahi District in Bangladesh

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    Micro-credits an extremely small loan given to impoverished people to help them become self employed havebecome an important tool in development economics and play an essential role in the fight against poverty, inparticular with respect to the self-sufficient of women. Since Muhammad Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank2,received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006, microcredit-systems have been increasingly conceptualized as part of aprofit-oriented “financial system approach”.For more than twenty years, microcredit has been widely heralded as theremedy for world poverty. Recent news stories, however, have sullied microcredit’s glowing reputation with reportson scandals, exorbitant compensation to managers, skyrocketing interest rates, and aggressive marketing schemes.Once praised as a universal panacea, microlenders are now being widely attacked as predatory loan sharks. (Korten,2011)However, in this paper we will discuss different approaches to micro-credits dealing with the question of howfar different concepts influence societal gender arrangements and under which circumstances micro-credits are usefultools for the self-sufficient of women in a sustainable way. For this reason, the results of an empirical studyconducted in Rajshahi will be presented in order to develop a multilayer model for the self-sufficient of womenwhich shows possible impacts of micro-credits on the individual level (micro level), the community level (centrallevel) as well as the socio-political level (macro level)Keywords: Self -sufficient Women, Micro credit, Social Amendment, Fund for Development (SFD)

    The Interaction Effects of the Factors Influencing Knowledge and Consciousness of the Infectious Diseases: Bangladeshi Population

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    In this study tabular system of data along with the linear probability models were used to predict the condition of infectious diseases and to identify the impact of influential factors that affect knowledge and consciousness about infectious diseases of the studied population (Here two most important infectious diseases are considered as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B) level of the people. It can be mentioned that with 10% increase in the respondent’s educational attainment, the consciousness level could also be increased by 1.26%. However, 10% increase in the habit of watching TV can increase the consciousness about HIV/AIDS by 1.26% which is same as the probability of the increment of educational attainment. In the case of the consciousness about Hepatitis B1 (HB1) virus it can be seen that the with the habit of taking protected drinking water as well as with the higher educational enrollment the consciousness level about HB1 is enhanced. It can be mentioned that with 10% increase in the respondent’s habit of taking protected water, the habit of taking HB1 vaccine could also be increased by 1.36%.  However, with 10% increment in the educational attainment can also be able to increase the probability of taking HB1 vaccine which is effective protection measurement in terms of keeping oneself free from HB1 by 0.97%. Keywords: Hepatitis B1, HIV/AIDS, Linear Probability Model (LPM)

    The Impact of Communicative Approach in Developing English Language Skill in Business Education

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    A completely new approach in language teaching and learning with innovative attributes was introduced as Communicative English in 1970. The same approach was launched in Bangladesh in the 90s with much enthusiasm.  The new approach with all the innovative and useful blessings met criticisms both from the academicians as well as the non-academicians for the lack of grammar and translation. Everyone happens to highlight the limitations of the new approach and held it responsible as a prime hindrance to language learning. The article attempts to address problems whether Communicative English is the prime solution of the problem the country is facing or the problem lies elsewhere. The study believes that the problem is not solely with the approach but with the other related auxiliaries as well.    The pedagogy, language learning and teaching strategies, teachers’ role in teaching a FL/SL and necessity of teacher training, feeble infrastructures, imperfect evaluation system etc. related to and responsible for the problem apart from the methodology of English language teaching and learning are held responsible for the failure of the approach.   In the light of the above-mentioned problems, the study proposes how the innovative and unfamiliar contents and technique can be made operative as an instructional method.  The paper also addresses a host of solutions like developing the teaching methodology, the outlook of the teachers as well as the students and their guardians towards the new approach with its innovative contents, suggestion for an eclectic method, innovative curriculum and evaluation system, etc. which are the various suggestions proposed by the author. Keywords: Communicative, Bangladesh, ELT, CLT, Eclectic, Business Education