9 research outputs found

    Recent research on liquisolid technology for solubility enhancement- A review

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    Liquisolid system is a novel and promising approach to enhance aqueous solubility, dissolution rate as well as bioavailability of water insoluble solid drugs or liquid lipophilic drugs by conversion of liquid drugs, drug suspensions or drug solution in non-volatile solvents, into dry, non-adherent, free flowing and compressible powder mixtures by simple blending with selected carriers and coating materials. This technology is based on a new mathematical model proposed by Spireas et al . The three main proposed mechanisms by which bioavailability of drug is increased that are increased surface area of drug, increase aqueous solubility of drug and improved wettability of the drug


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    Transdermal therapeutic systems are defined as self-contained, discrete dosage forms which, when applied to intact skin, deliver drug(s), through skin, at a controlled rate to systemic circulation. In the present study transdermal patches of Lornoxicam were prepared using hydrophilic polymer and hydrophobic polymer. Transdermal drug delivery system has the potential advantages of avoiding hepatic first pass metabolism, maintaining constant blood levels for a longer period of time, resulting in a reduction of dosing frequency, improved bioavailability, and decreased gastrointestinal irritation that occur due to local contact with gastric mucosa and improved patient compliance. Lornoxicam is a newer NSAID of the oxicam class for the treatment of anti-inflammatory properties in a range of painful and inflammatory conditions, including Rheumatoid arthritis and postoperative pain. Lornoxicam Patch was prepared by the solvent casting method using HPMC various grade and Eudragit RS 100 as a polymer, PEG-400 and Tween 80 uses as plasticizer, Methanol and Dichloromethane used as solvent. LXTMP1 showed desired % Drug Content, Thickness, Folding Endurance, Flatness, Diffusion Study, Sensitivity Study on animal and Kinetic Model Study and better than other seven batches so, it is selected optimized batch


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    Nanosuspension contains submicron colloidal dispersion of pharmaceutical active ingredient particles in a liquid phase stabilized by surfactants. The poor water solubility of drugs is major problem for drug formulation. The reduction of drug particles into the sub-micron range leads to a significant increase in the dissolution rate, bioavailability as well as improve stability. Nanosuspension consists of the pure poorly water-soluble drug without any matrix material suspended in dispersion. Nanosuspension many attempts have been made to deliver poorly water soluble drugs as a nanosuspension prepared by adopting various methods. Techniques such as media milling and high pressure homogenization have been used commercially for producing nanosuspension. Recently, the engineering of nanosuspension employing emulsions and microemulsion as templates. The unique features of nanosuspension have enabled their use in various dosage forms, including specialized delivery systems such as mucoadhesive hydrogels, parenteral, peroral, ocular and pulmonary routes. Keywords: Nanosuspension, Solubility enhancement, Saturation solubility, Homogenization

    Nanosuspension: a novel approach to enhance solubility of poorly water soluble drugs- A review

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    Solubility is the crucial factor for drug effectiveness, independence of the route of administration. Large proportion of newly discovered drugs are water insoluble and therefore poorly bioavailable contributing to desert development effort. Nanosuspensions have emerged as a promising strategy for the efficicent delivery of hydrophilic drugs because of their versatile features and unique advantages. The reduction of drug particles into submicron range leads to a significant increase in dissolution rate and therefore enhances bioavailability. Nanosuspension contain submicron colloidal dispersion of the pharmaceutical active ingredient particles in a liquid phase stabilised by surfactant. Nanosuspensions can be delivered by oral and non-oral route of administration. Study is focused on various methods of preparation with advantages and disadvantages, characterization properties, applications

    Formulation And Development Of Nanosuspension As An Alternative Approach For Solubility And Dissolution Enhancement Of Aceclofenac

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    Main objectives to develop Aceclofenac Nanosuspension are to enhance solubility and dissolution rate of poorly soluble Drug (aceclofenac), substantially leading to its bioavailability enhancement and Improvement of aqueous and saturation solubility in turn rapid release of Drug which leads to enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Aceclofenac Nanosuspension was prepared by quasi solvent evaporation method with help of different polymer and concentration. There was changes polymer ratio, volume of organic solvent and stirring speed. Aceclofenac nanosuspension gives immediate release. Aceclofenac nanosuspension were showing highest dissolution rate within 10 minutes comparison with marketed formulations. Aceclofenac Nanosuspension compacts may enhance aqueous solubility and dissolution rate in compare to other solubility enhancement technique hence, this research work may be useful to formulate Aceclofenac Nanosuspension which may give rapid onset of action by rapid absorption, maximize efficacy, dose frequency and hence increase patient Compliance

    A review- Recent research on microsponge a novel new drug delivery system

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    Microsponge is recent novel technique for control release and target specific drug delivery system. Therefore many scientist or researcher attracted towards the microsponge drug delivery system. Also Microsponge technology has been introduced in topical drug products to facilitate the controlled release of active drug into the skin in order to reduce systemic exposure and minimize local cutaneous reactions to active drugs. More and more developments in delivery systems are being integrated to optimize the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the therapy. Microsponge technology offers entrapment of ingredients and is believed to contribute towards reduced side effects, improved stability, increased elegance, and enhanced formulation flexibility. In addition, numerous studies have confirmed that microsponge systems are non-irritating, non-mutagenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic. Microsponge drug delivery system technology is being used currently in cosmetics, over-the-counter (OTC) skin care, sunscreens and prescription products

    RP-HPLC method development and validation for simultaneous estimation of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium, and amlodipine besylate in combination

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    Introduction: Dyslipidemia-hypertension proves to be a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve better adherence and cost-effectiveness than free equivalent combination therapies, a fixed-dose combination therapy with telmisartan (TEL), rosuvastatin calcium (ROS) and amlodipine besylate (AML) is required in this type of patients. Aim: A simple, selective and reproducible reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed and validated for estimation of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium, and amlodipine besylate in synthetic mixture. Materials and methods: Chromatographic separation was performed on a reversed-phase Luna C18 100Å column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., particle size 5 μ) using an isocratic elution of mobile phase consisting of methanol and acetonitrile (pH 3.5 adjusted by ortho-phosphoric acid) (60:40 v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Results: Ultraviolet (UV) detection was performed at 242 nm and retention time of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium and amlodipine besylate was found to be 2.67, 4.70, and 7.44 min, respectively. The calibration curve was linear (correlation coefficient >0.999) in the selected range of analyte. Conclusions: The method was validated for accuracy, precision, linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantitation and ruggedness. The system suitability parameter, such as theoretical plate, asymmetry, and resolution between standard five replicate were well within the limits

    RP-HPLC method development and validation for simultaneous estimation of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium, and amlodipine besylate in combination

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    Introduction: Dyslipidemia-hypertension proves to be a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve better adherence and cost-effectiveness than free equivalent combination therapies, a fixed-dose combination therapy with telmisartan (TEL), rosuvastatin calcium (ROS) and amlodipine besylate (AML) is required in this type of patients. Aim: A simple, selective and reproducible reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed and validated for estimation of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium, and amlodipine besylate in synthetic mixture. Materials and methods: Chromatographic separation was performed on a reversed-phase Luna C18 100Å column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., particle size 5 μ) using an isocratic elution of mobile phase consisting of methanol and acetonitrile (pH 3.5 adjusted by ortho-phosphoric acid) (60:40 v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Results: Ultraviolet (UV) detection was performed at 242 nm and retention time of telmisartan, rosuvastatin calcium and amlodipine besylate was found to be 2.67, 4.70, and 7.44 min, respectively. The calibration curve was linear (correlation coefficient >0.999) in the selected range of analyte. Conclusions: The method was validated for accuracy, precision, linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantitation and ruggedness. The system suitability parameter, such as theoretical plate, asymmetry, and resolution between standard five replicate were well within the limits

    Quality assessment of different marketed brands of Dasamoolaristam, an Ayurvedic formulation

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    Arista is a classical Ayurvedic preparation that is typically used as a digestive and cardiotonic. The present Investigation evaluated five different brands of Dasamoolaristam available in the market as per WHO and Indian Pharmacopoeial specifications. Various physicochemical parameters such as alcohol-soluble extractive, water-soluble extractive, total ash, acid-insoluble ash, total solid, and alcohol content were determined. The present investigation reveals that all the preparations contain acceptable levels of alcohol (less than 12% v/v). However, the preparations were found to contain unacceptable limits of microbial load although all showed the absence of Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, and Staphylococcus aureus