5 research outputs found

    A Study of Correlations between Newborn Children Outcomes and Emotional States and Attachment to a Fetus in Women Pregnant Using in-Vitro Fertilization.

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    Children's development in the early years is significantly linked to further well- being. Among many factors involved in early development are mother’s attachment to the fetus and her emotional state during pregnancy. The current study prospectively explores mothers’ characteristics during the third trimester of pregnancy and their newborn children outcomes. The sample included 300 women with natural conception (NC) and 127 women with in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and their newborn children. For mothers, the following instruments were used: the Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale, the Clinical Scale for Self-assessment of Irritability, Depression and Anxiety. For newborns, the following parameters of newborn children outcomes were assessed: gestational period; the length and weight; the Apgar score in the first and fifth minutes after birth. All components of maternal attachment to the fetus were in the normal range for most women in both groups. All aspects of maternal attachment to the fetus were significantly greater in the IVF group. In both groups, more than 35% of women experienced depression and 43% of women experienced moderate/severe levels of anxiety. In the NC group, greater scores on giving of self and enjoying of watching tummy jiggle as the baby kicks inside were associated with less irritation in mothers. In the IVF group, the indicators of women’s attach- ment to their fetus were not associated with emotional states. Neither mothers’ attachment to their fetus nor their emotional states during pregnancy predicted newborn children outcomes. Children born from IVF had a statistically lower gestational period than in the NC group

    Psychological characteristics of women undergoing an IVF treatment.

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    Open Access In Russian (Abstract and References in English) The objective. To find specificities of mental states, personal and reactive anxiety, dominating reproductive motives in women, who participate in an IVF programme taking into account the time of planned pregnancy, number of IVF attempts and success of treatment. Patients and methods. The study included 214 women who participated in an IVF programme and 83 women with natural pregnancy. The following psychodiagnostic techniques were used: «Self-evaluation of mental states» (according to H.Eysenck), «Depression inventory» (A.Beck), anxiety scale (Ch.Spielberger, adapted by Yu.L.Khanin), reproductive motives questionnaire «My pregnancy» (O.V.Magdenko). Results. Mental states of most women of the IVF group are characterized by allowable levels of anxiety, rigidity, aggression and frustration. In 30% of women, symptoms of mild, moderate, medium, in single cases – severe depression are noted. High personal anxiety is characteristic of many women of the IVF group. No relationship between mental states and the number of IVF attempts and outcomes of treatment has been found. We have found that a longer planning of pregnancy is associated in women of the IVF group with increased frustration and significance of certain motives. The latent structure of the examined psychological characteristics in women of the IVF group is presented by four factors pointing to possible psychological predictors of the formation of negative mental states. Conclusion. The results we have obtained about the psychological characteristics of women objectify the tasks of a differentiated psychological follow-up of women during an IVF programme indicating the need for replication on other samples and further research with due account of the heterogeneity of an IVF group. Key words: heterogeneity of women of IVF group, women participating in IVF programme; personal and reactive anxiety, mental states, reproductive motives

    A relationship between the attitude to an unborn child and the relations between parents in the families with spontaneous and induced pregnancy

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    Objective. To analyze a relationship between maternal and paternal attitudes towards a fetus and parenteral relations in the families with spontaneous and induced pregnancy. Subjects and methods. The sample was composed of 332 families, including 228 and 84 ones with spontaneous and induced pregnancy, respectively. Results. In the group of families who had undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF), the maternal attachment to an unborn baby was significantly higher than in the group of those with natural conception. Conclusion. Parental relationships were a significant predictor of maternal and paternal attitudes to an unborn child in both groups

    Structural Сharacteristics of Mental States in Women Experiencing Difficulties Coping with Midlife Crisis

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    The development of a midlife crisis in women is accompanied by forming mental states that affect the quality of life and determine the possibilities of transformation of midlife crisis into a new stage of self-development. Study sample were 168 women, aged 30 to 44 years. We used projective techniques, questionnaires, content analysis as study methods. The deviation indicator from autogenous norm of M. Lusher test in women with the crisis symptoms has a rather strong positive correlation with the «negative conditions» index (r=0,4; p<0,001). We have identified the parameters of mental states (antipathy, anxiety, tension, asintonia, fatigue) that may contribute to the formation of negative mental states in general, hampering personal and social changes in the midlife crisis. The article defines the dominant motivations meaningful for development and transformation of midlife crisis in women. The results complement the scientific understanding of mental states and age characteristics from a gender perspectiv

    Value-meaning Barriers in Research Activity of Junior Scientists

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    Contents of value-meaning barriers are covered that acquire certain specifics in research activity and influence formation of meaning-forming research motivation of junior scientists. Such barriers were assumed to be conditioned by dissonance between dominating values and degree of their realization in junior researchers. Sample of respondents included 88 beginners: postgraduate students (n=65) and masters (n=23) of Tomsk high schools aged between 21 and 35 years. As research methods the expanded version of technique by M. Rokeach (proposed by M.S. Yanitsky and A.V. Seryy), methods of statistical analysis of results (frequency analysis, Mann-Whitney test) were used. Relevant value orientations of junior scientists are presented. Gender differences in value-meaning domain are revealed. Differences in values in postgraduate students and masters were found. Dissonance in degree of fulfillment of terminal and instrumental values has been established that indicates disturbances of value-meaning domain of the personality of junior scientists. Results add to scientific ideas about value-meaning barriers in research activity of junior scientists