9 research outputs found

    Optimization of Activation Methods for Mouse Oocytes Using Calcium-free CZB Medium, SrCl2, and Cytochalasin B in Vitro

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    Embryonic stem cells can be obtained by generating an embryo through fertilization; however, an embryo can also be generated asexually through parthenogenesis. This procedure will overcome the ethical issues regarding the use of embryos initially generated for reproductive purposes. The aim of this study was to obtain an optimized oocyte activation method through parthenogenesis by using mice oocytes as a model. Ten mM SrCl2 and 5 µg/ml Cytochalasin B (CB) in calcium-free Chatot Ziomek Bavister (CZB) were used as a medium for an in vitro activation of mouse oocytes. Treatment combinations for the oocyte activation methods were (A) activation in CZB & SrCl2 (prepared in stock) for two hours and in CZB & CB for four hours; (B) activation in CZB & SrCl2 (fresh medium) for two hours and in CZB & CB for four hours; and (C) activation in CZB & CB & SrCl2 (fresh medium) for six hours. The results show that the activation rate of  mouse oocytes  with  method C has  been  the best among all the protocols. This optimized protocol clearly provides a new insight in the generation of embryos for further use, particularly for producing embryonic stem cells

    Telaah Film “Dance with Wolves” Melalui Teori Genre Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Not many western genre films are made in the film industry, because of not many ideas can be explored. The Dance With Wolves film is a western genre film and is not made as a religious film. This film also does not intend to include Islamic principles. The most interesting is that this western genre film was made with high imagination and creativity. By using the theory of genre from Branston and Stanford, it was then studied further through the concept and living rules ??in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. The results of this study illustrated a struggle (jihad) in the elements of the story (repertoires of elements) that united and inspired feelings. Also in the verisimilitude genre theory, a statement of belief (ilmul yaqin) raised in the truth of Allah's creation. Furthermore, through the cultural context theory, it could be seen that at-tamaddun exists

    Aplikasi Monitoring Stok Barang Berbasis Web pada PT. Intermetal Indo Mekanika

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    Intermetal Indo Mekanika merupakan salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pembelian, penjualan, dan persediaan barang dagang yang dimana mempunyai banyak pelanggan, sehingga setiap transaksi–transaksi penjualan, pembelian dan persediaan yang terjadi akan diproses untuk dilaporkan kepada pihak manajemen. Namun saat ini dalam perhitungan dan pelaporan stok barang di PT. Intermetal Indo Mekanika masih menggunakan sistem manual ke gudang. Sehingga sering terjadinya kesalahan dalam perhitungan stok barang dan pembuatan laporan waktu lama. Tujuan penelitian ini, ialah menganalisa monitoring stok barang dan merancang sebuah sistem monitoring stok barang yang dapat membantu pencapaian tujuan Perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis perancangan, metode perancangan perangkat lunak dan metode pengujian perangkat lunak. Metode analisis perancangan yang digunakan adalah analisis PIECES, metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah konsep perancangan dengan menggunakan diagram UML, metode pengujian perangkat lunak menggunakan konsep Black Box. Hasil yang dicapai adalah suatu aplikasi monitoring aplikasi stok barang yang dapat digunakan oleh admin gudang, sales, purchasing dan manager untuk memantau ketersediaan stok barang menjadi akurat. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi monitoring stok barang masuk dan barang keluar yang telah dibuat dapat membantu bagian gudang dan sales memantau persediaan stok barang dan kinerja penjualan Perusahaan. Aplikasi monitoring stok barang ini menyediakan informasi dengan cepat, mudah da akurat yang didalamnya berisi data-data barang masuk atau keluar,peringatan ketersediaan stok barang jika sudah menipis, nama-nama suplier dan customer serta laporan stok barang, barang masuk dan barang keluar.                                                                            Kata kunci : Aplikasi, monitoring, stok barang &nbsp

    The Evolution of Islamic Preaching by the Existence of Smartphones

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    This study aims to get an overview of the development of Islamic Preaching through smartphones in the digital era. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenology design. This study examined the phenomenon of the booming of Preaching content on social media since Preaching through social media is currently in demand, as indicated by the emergence of a large number of the preacher, especially in Indonesia. The experience and motive of such phenomenon became the basis of this study's analysis using phenomenological methods and Alfred Schutz's theory. The results demonstrated a change in the Preaching of the preacher. The spirit of delivering Preaching (through writings) is based on two types of motives. First, individuals are eager (to) receive a blessing from Allah and be ‘ghirah.' Second, the convenience and facilities available in smartphone technology have triggered the development of social media platforms that eventually support the delivery of Preaching

    Studi Pola Konsumsi Teh Di Indonesia Untuk Mendukung Diversifikasi Produk Yang Berkelanjutan (A Study of Tea Consumption Pattern in Indonesia Toward Sustainable Product Diversification)

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    Penelitian mengenai eksplorasi perspektif konsumen terhadap persyaratan produk teh telah menjadi perhatian dunia, seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan konsumen dan daya saing pasar. Khususnya di Indonesia, kebutuhan pasar yang lebih luas dan kebijakan pemerintah yang relevan terhadap pertimbangan lingkungan membuat masalah ini juga perlu ditangani secara signifikan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis pola konsumsi teh di Indonesia untuk mendukung diversifikasi produk yang berkelanjutan. Desain penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Kuesioner dikembangkan menggunakan wawancara terstruktur, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 188 orang. Survei ini mengakomodasi teh secara umum, seperti teh hijau, teh putih, teh hitam, dan lain-lain . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan preferensi responden terhadap teh yang paling dominan adalah jenis teh celup (57,45%), teh serbuk (28,19%) dan teh siap minum (14,36%). Responden dengan usia 31-40 tahun paling banyak menkonsumsi teh setiap hari (1,90 gelas.hari-1). Sebanyak 78,19% responden memilih konsumsi teh tawar setiap hari, diikuti oleh teh dengan susu 12,23% dan teh dengan krimer 9,57%. Hasil analisis lebih lanjut menggunakan Likelihood Ratio Test, didapatkan bahwa antara variabel usia, jenis kelamin dan pekerjaan tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dalam pemilihan jenis teh

    The Renewability Indicator and Cumulative Degree of Perfection for Gamboeng Tea; Part.2, Exergy Calculation of Tea Factory

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    Renewability Indicator (RI) and Cumulative Degree of Perfection (CDP) were used to observe sustainability of Gamboeng Tea. The assessment then compared with black tea process in Black Sea Region in Turkey from the previous study. Calculation of exergy for Gamboeng fresh tea leaf had already described in Part.1. Since the main process for both production was drying, then tropical humid climate in Gamboeng is the main challenge to increase efficiency, and thus, renewability. This second part described the significant improvement of renewability had applied in Gamboeng by using wood pellet in rotary pannier. Further recommended improvement were by installing better humidity detector and connected to the process control so the process can adapt the ambient change which the relative humidity can be varied from 65% and up to 92%