422 research outputs found

    Efectos craneomandibulares de la técnica articulatoria del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes con patología temporomandibular y dismetría de miembros inferiores

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    Objetivos: Evaluar los cambios en la máxima amplitud oral (MAO), movilidad suboccipital (MS), umbral del dolor a la presión (UDP), grado de intensidad del dolor percibido (IDP) a la presión mecánica, en sujetos con patología temporomandibular de origen miógeno y dismetría de miembros inferiores, tras la aplicación de un tratamiento combinado mediante técnicas de inhibición de la musculatura suboccipital (TIS) y técnicas neuromusculares (TNM), en adición o no a una técnica articulatoria del cóndilo mandibular (TACM). Material y método: Se realizó un estudio experimental longitudinal, prospectivo aleatorizado y doble ciego. La muestra compuesta por 66 sujetos, con una edad media de 39 años (desviación típica de 14 años) y una proporción femenina de 80,3%, fue distribuida aleatoriamente en un grupo control (n=29) y uno experimental (n=37). El grupo control fue sometido a TIS y TNM sobre los músculos maseteros de forma bilateral. Adicionalmente, al grupo experimental se le aplicó la TACM. Las variables medidas fueron la MAO mediante un calibre digital, el UDP en las bandas tensas de los músculos maseteros y temporales por medio de un algómetro, la MS registrada con un inclinómetro digital y la IDP por estimulación mecánica medida con la escala visual analógica (EVA). Los valores de estas variables fueron cuantificados antes, e inmediatamente después de cada tratamiento. Resultados: La comparación intergrupal mostró cambios clínicamente relevantes a favor del grupo experimental en, la MAO, en los UDP de ambos temporales y el masetero izquierdo, así como en la IDP medida con la EVA de ambos temporales en las diferencias entre las medidas pretest y postest. Con respecto a la MS, la comparación intergrupal no mostró cambios relevantes. La IDP del masetero derecho aumentó en el grupo experimental. Conclusiones: La introducción de la TACM en el protocolo de tratamiento produjo cambios clínicamente relevantes en la MAO, en los UDP de los músculos temporales y masetero izquierdo, y en la IDP de ambos temporales. Por el contrario, no produjo mejoras en la MS.Objetives: to assess the changes in maximal mandibular opening (MMO), upper cervical mobility (UCM), pressure pain threshold (PPT) and painful response (PR) to mechanical stimulation in patients with temporomandibular disorders and leg length Inequality, after a combined treatment of suboccipital inhibition (SI) and neuromuscular glide (NG), with or without a mandibular condile mobilization (MCM). Subject and methods: an experimental, longitudinal, prospective, randomised and double-blinded study. The sample composed of 66 subjects, with a mean age of 39 years (standard deviation of 14 years) and a female proportion of 80.3%, was randomly distributed in a control group (n = 29) and an experimental group (n = 37). In the control group, a (SI) manoeuvre was combined with a NG technique on the masseters muscles. A MCM was added to this protocol in the experimental group. As a measurement tool, PPT was assessed on areas where tight bands of masseter and temporalis muscles were located (algometry). Likewise, UCM was measured with a digital inclinometer, MMO with a digital caliper, and PR measured with visual analogic scale (VAS) to mechanical stimulation. Measurements were made before the intervention and inmediately afterwards. Results: the comparison between groups showed clinically relevant differences in MMO, PPT in temporalis and left masseter muscles, and PR to mechanical stimulation measured with VAS in both temporalis muscles. The UCM not show significant changes on experimental group. The PR showed an increase in right masseter of experimental group. Conclusions: The MCM generates clinically relevant changes in MMO, PPT in both temporalis and left masseter muscles, and PR by EVA score of both temporalis. On the other side, the inclusion of MCM does not add changes in MCM and the PR of masseters muscles

    A model of spatial location: New data for the Gor River megalithic landscape (Spain) from LiDAR technology and field survey

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    The megalithic cluster of the Gor River valley (Andalusia, Spain) is one of the biggest dolmenic groups in Europe, made up of 151 preserved megaliths. In spite of this high number of known monuments, increasing loss and destruction of many of the graves has taken place during the last decades due to enormous soil erosion and anthropogenic activities. With the aim of recording the location of these lost megaliths, Digital Terrain Models and LiDAR data have been used to analyse the terrain showing a high quantity of structures that seem similar to those actually documented in the zone but that were not noticed until now. These possible new burial mounds have been tested by archaeological surface survey, choosing three contrasting areas as samples. Results have shown a high success rate for this methodology, even allowing the discovery of new megalithic graves in heavily researched areas. We interpret the likely higher number of burial mounds in the area to indicate greater territorial control in boundary areas between 4th and 3rd millennium BC.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) PID2020-117437GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Relationship between posture and temporomandibular disorders. Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introducción: La relación entre la postura y los trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM) ha sido abordada desde hace décadas, sin que se haya podido aportar fuerte evidencia en ningún sentido. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar sistemáticamente y sintetizar de forma cuantitativa (vía metaanálisis) la evidencia existente sobre la relación entre postura y TTM. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda en los recursos electrónicos Pubmed, Lilacs, Sciencedirect, Scielo, Pedro y The Cochrane Library de estudios analíticos observacionales de cohortes, de casos y controles y/o transversales de asociación cruzada, que evaluaran la relación entre postura y TTM, publicados a partir de 2012, en inglés, español, portugués y francés. Dos revisores analizaron la calidad metodológica de los artículos incluidos. Resultados: Ocho artículos fueron seleccionados finalmente y evaluados. Cinco encontraron relación, mientras tres no la hallaron. El metanálisis tampoco arrojó resultados esclarecedores, aunque parece indicar que pueden existir diferencias en el ángulo “ojo-trago”-“plano horizontal”, siendo ligeramente menor este ángulo en sujetos sanos en comparación con los sujetos con TTM. Conclusiones: no se puede establecer que haya una fuerte evidencia científica favorable a que exista relación entre postura y TTM, debido a la paridad del número de estudios con resultados en ambos sentidos y a la calidad metodológica que presentan los artículos incluidos

    Statistical proposals for a formal classification of Chalcolithic stone masonry passage graves with circular chamber in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Funding This study forms part of the research project ‘Producción artesanal y división del trabajo en el Calcolítico del Sudeste de la Península Ibérica: un análisis a partir del registro arqueológico de Los Millares (PARTESI)’ financed by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-117437 GB-I00/ AEI/ https://doi. org/10.13039/501100011033).This study offers a classification of 106 megalithic stone masonry passage graves forming part of the Los Millares archaeological complex characterised by circular chambers. The study has employed a statistical method implementing the OneR, JRip and Part classification algorithms as well as multivariate analyses. The research yielded four groups: large tombs capped with flat roofs, small tombs covered by false domes, and two types of medium-large tombs capped either by flat or false-domes that can be distinguished according to the angles of their chambers walls and the presence of construction reinforcements, including the number of stone retainer rings walls serving to brace the thrust.Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-117437 GB-I00/ AE

    What is the role of adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines in relation to physical fitness components among adolescents?

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    Background: Physical inactivity, excessive sedentary time, and lack of sleep time have been independently associated with lower health-related physical fitness. However, little is known about the combined association between 24-h movement guidelines (i.e., physical activity, recreational screen time, and sleep duration) and components of physical fitness. Objective: The main aim was to examine the likelihood of having high/very high levels on different components of physical fitness based on meeting with 24-h movement guidelines. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1276 Spanish youths (13.07±0.86; 55.88% boys), aged 11–16 years, completed self-reported questionnaires on physical activity, recreational screen time, and sleep duration. Physical fitness components were assessed by 20-m shuttle-run test, standing long jump test, handgrip strength test, and 4×10-m shuttle-run test. Meeting 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 9–11h/day (children aged 5–13) or 8–10h/day (adolescents aged 14–17) of sleep, ≤2h/day of recreational screen time and at least 60min/day of moderateto-vigorous physical activity. The probability of having a high/very high score for each physical fitness components (i.e., ≥60th centile according to the normative cut-off points for European adolescents) in relation to adherence to 24-h movement guidelines was analyzed using a series of binary logistic regressions. Results: Participants who met the three 24-h movement guidelines were more likely to have high/very high for cardiorespiratory fitness (OR=3.31; 95% CI: 1.79, 6.14; p<0.001), standing long jump (OR=1.91; 95% CI: 1.06, 3.45; p=0.031), muscular fitness (OR=2.05; 95% CI: 1.09, 3.86; p=0.048) and physical fitness (OR=1.99; 95% CI: 1.08, 3.66; p=0.012), but not for handgrip strength (OR=1.15; 95% CI: 0.64, 2.01; p=0.636) and speed/agility (OR=1.65; 95% CI: 0.92, 2.96; p=0.093), compared to those who did not meet all three recommendations. Conclusion: Since meeting the three 24-h movement guidelines increased the likelihood of having higher levels in most physical fitness components, it seems necessary to promote these movement behaviors early in life, as they could serve as a gateway for improving health-related fitness in future generations.This study has been funded by the European Community and the Ministry of Economy of Extremadura (IB16193). We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructures and European Community. Dr. Tapia-Serrano is supported by the Junta of Extremadura (PD18015) and European Social Fund (FSE). In addition, this research has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, The FSE, and the Junta of Extremadura, with grant numbers GR21124. Dr. López-Gil is a Margarita Salas Fellow (Universidad Pública de Navarra – 1225/2022). Dr. García-Hermoso is a Miguel Servet Fellow (Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FSE – CP18/0150)

    Functionalization of silica with amine and ammonium alkyl chains, dendrons and dendrimers: Synthesis and antibacterial properties

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    Materials modified with ammonium groups on the surface have shown antibacterial activity. In this paper, alkyl chains, carbosilane (CBS) dendrimers and dendrons and poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers containing amine and ammonium groups have been grafted to silica surface and the influence of molecule structure on the stability and on antibacterial activity have been evaluated. These materials have been characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), zeta (Z) potential, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 CP MAS NMR). The degree of silica functionalization depends on type of outer groups, amine or ammonium, type and core of dendrimer, and length of chains. The Z potential measurements of these materials in water suspensions were used to test their stability in this medium. These measurements showed, for some of the modified silicas, the diminishing of Z potential from positive values toward zero, probably due to interaction of the functional groups with the silica surface. This variation was also dependent on ligand structure and peripheral functions. Finally, studies of inhibition of bacteria growth stand out again the relevance of ligand structure and number of functional groups on silica surface. The most active systems were those with more surface covered, those with cationic groups further away from silica surface and higher dendritic generation.Universidad de AlcaláMinisterio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Osmotic stress activates nif and fix genes and induces the Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 Nod factor production via NodD2 by up-regulation of the nodA2 operon and the nodA3 gene

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    The symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes is characterized by a complex molecular dialogue in which the bacterial NodD protein plays a major role due to its capacity to activate the expression of the nodulation genes in the presence of appropiate flavonoids. These genes are involved in the synthesis of molecules, the nodulation factors (NF), responsible for launching the nodulation process. Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899, a rhizobial strain that nodulates Phaseolus vulgaris, is characterized by its tolerance to multiple environmental stresses such as high temperatures, acidity or elevated osmolarity. This strain produces nodulation factors under saline stress and the same set of CIAT 899 nodulation genes activated by inducing flavonoids are also up-regulated in a process controlled by the NodD2 protein. In this paper, we have studied the effect of osmotic stress (high mannitol concentrations) on the R. tropici CIAT 899 transcriptomic response. In the same manner as with saline stress, the osmotic stress mediated NF production and export was controlled directly by NodD2. In contrast to previous reports, the nodA2FE operon and the nodA3 and nodD1 genes were up-regulated with mannitol, which correlated with an increase in the production of biologically active NF. Interestingly, in these conditions, this regulatory protein controlled not only the expression of nodulation genes but also the expression of other genes involved in protein folding and synthesis, motility, synthesis of polysaccharides and, surprinsingly, nitrogen fixation. Moreover, the non-metabolizable sugar dulcitol was also able to induce the NF production and the activation of nod genes in CIAT 899.España, MINECO AGL2016-77163-

    Statistical analysis on metric and geometric features of dolmens in the Gor river megalithic landscape (Granada, Andalusia, Spain)

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    Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/CBUA.The construction of dolmens took place in Europe from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (fifth millennium BC–second millennium BC) and had a rapid development along the Atlantic façade, with an important focus in Andalusia. Within this area, the megalithic necropolises located in the banks of the Gor River (Granada, Andalusia, Spain) are studied. In this paper, multivariate techniques are applied to characterize the dolmens associated with the Gor river megalithic landscape by means of two analyses. First, a new classification of the dolmens in necropolises using their location variables produces an optimal number of 8 necropolis instead of the traditional 11. In addition, this classification improves the traditional spatial division of the dolmens because there is no overlapping between necropolises. Secondly, a multivariate analysis of the dimensional variables, which aims to detect possible constructional patterns, is performed obtaining three main variables of grouping. The first two, length and width of the chamber, can be summarized as the area of the chamber and, in terms of this, the dolmens can be classified into two main groups. The third one, the length of the corridor, can be considered as a factor for intragroup discrimination.University of Granada/CBU

    The Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 NodD2 protein regulates the production of Nod factors under salt stress in a flavonoidindependent manner

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    In the symbiotic associations between rhizobia and legumes, NodD promotes the expression of the nodulation genes in the presence of appropriate flavonoids. This set of genes is implied in the synthesis of Nodulation factors, which are responsible for launching the nodulation process. Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 is the most successful symbiont of Phaseolus vulgaris and can nodulate a variety of legumes. This strain produces Nodulation factors under abiotic stress such as acidity or high concentration of salt. Genome sequencing of CIAT 899 allowed the identification of five nodD genes. Whereas NodD1 is essential to nodulate Leucaena leucocephala, Lotus japonicus and Macroptilium atropurpureum, symbiosis with P. vulgaris and Lotus burtii decreased the nodule number but did not abolish the symbiotic process when NodD1 is absent. Nodulation factor synthesis under salt stress is not regulated by NodD1. Here we confirmed that NodD2 is responsible for the activation of the CIAT 899 symbiotic genes under salt stress. We have demonstrated that NodD1 and NodD2 control the synthesis of the Nod factor necessary for a successful symbiosis with P. vulgaris and L. burtii. This is the first time that NodD is directly implied in the activation of the symbiotic genes under an abiotic stress

    A Geographical Dataset Describing the Complexity of the Gor River Megalithic Landscape

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    This paper presents the data that have served as the basis for the study of the spatial patterns of the megaliths of the Gor River Valley (Granada, Spain) as part of a PhD dissertation presented in July 2023 at the University of Granada. This complex, of which 151 dolmens are currently preserved, is one of the largest in Europe, standing out fundamentally because of its density. This feature undoubtedly points out the importance of symbolic territorial control searched by Late Prehistoric communities that built these graves. The geographical databases here presented are two: on the one hand, the database made up of up to 70 quantitative and qualitative variables that has been used to carry out the bulk of the doctoral study on the 151 referred dolmens and, on the other hand, the database made up of a total of 230 points identified through the review of DTMs based on LiDAR data and which could correspond totally or partially to burial mounds that have practically disappeared or are poorly preserved on the surface.Como se expone en el propio artículo, este está destinado a poner a disposición pública no sólo los resultados de una investigación de largo recorrido sobre el megalitismo del Tío de Gor sino también los datos brutos que se han generado durante el proceso para que cualquier investigador pueda reproducirlos. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación implican la utilización de los megalitos en el área para marcar el territorio explotado por las comunidades que construyeron los sepulcros y las rutas que utilizaron para desplazarse. Esta demarcación tuvo inicio, a travésde este tipo de construcciones, durante el IV milenio cal AC pero, sobre todo, condujo a un sistema perfectamente estructurado en el III milenio AC hasta que las tumbas terminaron por situarse en una serie de emplazamientos que no sólo garantizaron su intervisibilidad sino el dominio sobre las áreas de mayor interés para los desplazamientos (especialmente desde el valle al altiplano) y que, en muchos casos, quedaban relativamente escondidas en el abrupto paisaje abarrancado de la zona. Además, como han confirmado las dataciones, muchos de los sepulcros volvieron a usarse durante la Edad del Bronce y especialmente en sus fases finales de la transición entre el II y el I milenios a. C. La investigación, además, ha permitido plantear, a través de análisis LiDAR que alguno de los sepulcros que originalmente se situaban en el altiplano y que se presumía desaparecidos pueden existir todavía muy destruidos y/o bajo grandes majanos generados por limpieza de las tierras de labor.Producción artesanal y división del trabajo en el Calcolítico del Sudeste de la Península Ibérica: un análisis a partir del registro arqueológico de Los Millares (PARTESI) (PID2020-117437GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónDinámicas de continuidad y transformación entre el Neolítico y el Calcolítico en el Alto Guadalquivir (DINAGUA) (Proy_Exc00002). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de AndalucíaArqueobiología del Neolítico del Sur de la Península Ibérica – NeArqBioSI (A-HUM-460-UGR18). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía. FEDERImagen e Ideología en la Prehistoria Reciente de Granada (IMIDEGRA) (A-HUM-262-UGR20). Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía. FEDE