2 research outputs found

    Views of Pre-Service Teachers on the Usage of Mobile Blogs (Moblogs) in Teacher Education

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    Tasinabilir bilgi islem cihazlarinin ve internet altyapisi teknolojilerinin hizla gelismesi ve yayginlasmasi, bu teknolojilerin ögrenme amaçli olarak kullanilmasi potansiyelinin arastirilmasi ile ilgili çalismalara hiz vermistir. Mobil ögrenme, bu teknolojilerin ögrenme amaçli kullanilmasindaki yöntemlerden biridir. Ögrenenlerin gerçek anlamda zamandan ve mekandan bagimsiz olarak ögrenme kaynaklarina erisimini saglayan, ögretmen ve diger ögrenciler ile aninda iletisim kurma firsati sunan mobil ögrenme, ögretmen adaylari için de yeni ögrenme firsatlari sunmaktadir. Bu çalismada, ögretmenlik uygulamasi dersini alan ögretmen adaylarinin farkli teknolojiler ile eristikleri web günlügü paylasimlarinin kendilerine ve akranlarina olan katkilari hakkindaki görüslerini ortaya koymak hedeflenmistir. Arastirmanin çalisma grubu 2012-2013 yillarinda Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Egitim Fakültesi Bilgisayar ve Ögretim Teknolojileri Egitimi Bölümü Ögretmenlik Uygulamasi dersini alan 48 ögrenciden olusmustur. Tarama yöntemi ile yürütülmüs olan çalismanin verileri nitel analiz yöntemleri ile çözümlenmistir. Analiz sonucunda bulgular 10 ana tema altinda toplanmistir. Bulgular, ögretmen adaylarinin ögretmenlik uygulamasi dersinde mobil günlüklerinin kulllanilmasinin kendilerine olumlu katki sagladigini, aninda dönüt aldiklari için daha kalici ögrenmeler ve deneyimler yasadiklarini göstermistir. Ögretmen adaylari ayrica bu teknolojilerin kullanilmasinda donanimsal ve pedagojik sorunlar yasadiklarini da belirtmislerdir. Çalisma sonuçlarinin, mobil ögrenme yöntemleri için gelistirilen kavramsal çerçevenin test edilmesine ve mobil ögrenme için kullanilan teknolojilerin etkililiklerinin belirlenmesine hizmet edecegi düsünülmektedir.The development and the widespread usage of portable data processing devices and internet infrastructure technologies speeded up the studies about the investigation of the potential of these technologies’s usage for learning purposes. Mobile learning is among the methods in the usage of these technologies with learning aims. Mobile learning that provides the access of the learners to the learning sources independent from time and space and enables the simultaneous communication between the teacher and the student, also offers new learning opportunities for the pre-service teachers. The aim of this study is to put forward the views of pre-service teachers taking teaching practice course on the contributions of the blog sharings they accessed via various technologies on themselves and their peers. The study group was composed of 48 pre-service teachers taking teaching practice course in Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Computer and Instructional Technologies Department in 2012-2013 academic year. The data of the study, which was carried out by survey method, were analyzed with qualitative analysis methods. Findings that were gathered under 10 main themes revealed that the usage of mobile blogs in teaching practice courses contributed to pre-service teachers and they went through more permanent learning and experiences as they received simultaneous feedback. However, pre-service teachers indicated that they experienced some hardware and pedagogical problems in the usage of these technologies. The results of the study is believed to serve to identify the efficiency of the technologies used for mobile learning as well as to test the conceptual framework developed for mobile learning methods

    Views of Pre-Service Teachers on the Usage of Mobile Blogs (Moblogs) in Teacher Education

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    <span style="font-size: 12.6px; font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Tasinabilir bilgi islem cihazlarinin ve internet altyapisi teknolojilerinin hizla gelismesi ve yayginlasmasi, bu teknolojilerin ögrenme amaçli olarak kullanilmasi potansiyelinin arastirilmasi ile ilgili çalismalara hiz vermistir. Mobil ögrenme, bu teknolojilerin ögrenme amaçli kullanilmasindaki yöntemlerden biridir. Ögrenenlerin gerçek anlamda zamandan ve mekandan bagimsiz olarak ögrenme kaynaklarina erisimini saglayan, ögretmen ve diger ögrenciler ile aninda iletisim kurma firsati sunan mobil ögrenme, ögretmen adaylari için de yeni ögrenme firsatlari sunmaktadir. Bu çalismada, ögretmenlik uygulamasi dersini alan ögretmen adaylarinin farkli teknolojiler ile eristikleri web günlügü paylasimlarinin kendilerine ve akranlarina olan katkilari hakkindaki görüslerini ortaya koymak hedeflenmistir. Arastirmanin çalisma grubu 2012-2013 yillarinda Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Egitim Fakültesi Bilgisayar ve Ögretim Teknolojileri Egitimi Bölümü Ögretmenlik Uygulamasi dersini alan 48 ögrenciden olusmustur. Tarama yöntemi ile yürütülmüs olan çalismanin verileri nitel analiz yöntemleri ile çözümlenmistir. Analiz sonucunda bulgular 10 ana tema altinda toplanmistir. Bulgular, ögretmen adaylarinin ögretmenlik uygulamasi dersinde mobil günlüklerinin kulllanilmasinin kendilerine olumlu katki sagladigini, aninda dönüt aldiklari için daha kalici ögrenmeler ve deneyimler yasadiklarini göstermistir. Ögretmen adaylari ayrica bu teknolojilerin kullanilmasinda donanimsal ve pedagojik sorunlar yasadiklarini da belirtmislerdir. Çalisma sonuçlarinin, mobil ögrenme yöntemleri için gelistirilen kavramsal çerçevenin test edilmesine ve mobil ögrenme için kullanilan teknolojilerin etkililiklerinin belirlenmesine hizmet edecegi düsünülmektedir.</span><span style="font-size: 12.6px; font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">The development and the widespread usage of portable data processing devices and internet infrastructure technologies speeded up the studies about the investigation of the potential of these technologies’s usage for learning purposes. Mobile learning is among the methods in the usage of these technologies with learning aims. Mobile learning that provides the access of the learners to the learning sources independent from time and space and enables the simultaneous communication between the teacher and the student, also offers new learning opportunities for the pre-service teachers. The aim of this study is to put forward the views of pre-service teachers taking teaching practice course on the contributions of the blog sharings they accessed via various technologies on themselves and their peers. The study group was composed of 48 pre-service teachers taking teaching practice course in Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Computer and Instructional Technologies Department in 2012-2013 academic year. The data of the study, which was carried out by survey method, were analyzed with qualitative analysis methods. Findings that were gathered under 10 main themes revealed that the usage of mobile blogs in teaching practice courses contributed to pre-service teachers and they went through more permanent learning and experiences as they received simultaneous feedback. However, pre-service teachers indicated that they experienced some hardware and pedagogical problems in the usage of these technologies. The results of the study is believed to serve to identify the efficiency of the technologies used for mobile learning as well as to test the conceptual framework developed for mobile learning methods</span