40 research outputs found

    Efficient computation of the second-Born self-energy using tensor-contraction operations

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    In the nonequilibrium Green's function approach, the approximation of the correlation self-energy at the second-Born level is of particular interest, since it allows for a maximal speed-up in computational scaling when used together with the Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz for the Green's function. The present day numerical time-propagation algorithms for the Green's function are able to tackle first principles simulations of atoms and molecules, but they are limited to relatively small systems due to unfavourable scaling of self-energy diagrams with respect to the basis size. We propose an efficient computation of the self-energy diagrams by using tensor-contraction operations to transform the internal summations into functions of external low-level linear algebra libraries. We discuss the achieved computational speed-up in transient electron dynamics in selected molecular systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Ultrafast modification of Hubbard UU in a strongly correlated material: ab initio high-harmonic generation in NiO

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    Engineering effective electronic parameters is a major focus in condensed matter physics. Their dynamical modulation opens the possibility of creating and controlling physical properties in systems driven out of equilibrium. In this work, we demonstrate that the Hubbard UU, the on-site Coulomb repulsion in strongly correlated materials, can be modified on femtosecond time scales by a strong nonresonant laser excitation in the prototypical charge transfer insulator NiO. Using our recently developed time-dependent density functional theory plus self-consistent UU (TDDFT+U) method, we demonstrate the importance of a dynamically modulated UU in the description of the high-harmonic generation of NiO. Our study opens the door to novel ways of modifying effective interactions in strongly correlated materials via laser driving, which may lead to new control paradigms for field-induced phase transitions and perhaps laser-induced Mott insulation in charge-transfer materials

    All-optical nonequilibrium pathway to stabilizing magnetic Weyl semimetals in pyrochlore iridates

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    Nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is becoming one of the central topics of modern condensed matter physics. Floquet topological states were suggested to emerge in photodressed band structures in the presence of periodic laser driving. Here we propose a viable nonequilibrium route without requiring coherent Floquet states to reach the elusive magnetic Weyl semimetallic phase in pyrochlore iridates by ultrafast modification of the effective electron-electron interaction with short laser pulses. Combining \textit{ab initio} calculations for a time-dependent self-consistent reduced Hubbard UU controlled by laser intensity and nonequilibrium magnetism simulations for quantum quenches, we find dynamically modified magnetic order giving rise to transiently emerging Weyl cones that are probed by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our work offers a unique and realistic pathway for nonequilibrium materials engineering beyond Floquet physics to create and sustain Weyl semimetals. This may lead to ultrafast, tens-of-femtoseconds switching protocols for light-engineered Berry curvature in combination with ultrafast magnetism.Comment: 27 pages including methods and supplementary information, 4 figures, 4 supplementary figure

    Comparing the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz with the full Kadanoff-Baym equations for an excitonic insulator out of equilibrium

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    We investigate out-of-equilibrium dynamics in an excitonic insulator (EI) with a finite momentum pairing perturbed by a laser-pulse excitation and a sudden coupling to fermionic baths. The transient dynamics of the excitonic order parameter is resolved using the full nonequilibrium Green's function approach and the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz (GKBA) within the second-Born approximation. The comparison between the two approaches after a laser pulse excitation shows a good agreement in the weak and the intermediate photo-doping regime. In contrast, the laser-pulse dynamics resolved by the GKBA does not show a complete melting of the excitonic order after a strong excitation. Instead we observe persistent oscillations of the excitonic order parameter with a predominant frequency given by the renormalized equilibrium bandgap. This anomalous behavior can be overcome within the GKBA formalism by coupling to an external bath, which leads to a transition of the EI system towards the normal state. We analyze the long-time evolution of the system and distinguish decay timescales related to dephasing and thermalization.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum Electrodynamical Bloch Theory with Homogeneous Magnetic Fields

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    We propose a solution to the problem of Bloch electrons in a homogeneous magnetic field by including the quantum fluctuations of the photon field. A generalized quantum electrodynamical (QED) Bloch theory from first principles is presented. In the limit of vanishing quantum fluctuations we recover the standard results of solid-state physics, for instance, the fractal spectrum of the Hofstadter butterfly. As a further application we show how the well known Landau physics is modified by the photon field and that Landau polaritons emerge. This shows that our QED-Bloch theory does not only allow to capture the physics of solid-state systems in homogeneous magnetic fields, but also novel features that appear at the interface of condensed matter physics and quantum optics