33 research outputs found

    Processing fresh mussels (M. galloprovincialis) by sous vide technology: effect on the microbiological characteristics

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    Sous-vide cook-chilled (SVCC) is used to describe food that has been vacuum-packed and given mild heat treatment under controlled conditions of time and temperature and subsequently rapidly cooled and stored at chilled conditions until heated before serving (Rhodehamel, 1992; Hansen et al., 1995). Limited studies reported the application of this process in aquacultural products (Espinosa et al., 2016; Shakila et al., 2009), such as trout fillets (Gonzalez-Fandos et al., 2004), 2009) and carp (Can, 2011) and there are no reports on the opportunities to apply such process to molluscs. The aim of the present research was to test the effect of the application of the SVCC technique on fresh mussel microbiological characteristics. Commercial Mediterranean mussels (M. galloprovincialis) were individually inoculated with 100 \ub5l suspension of Pseudomonas spp.(107 UFC/mL), packaged in a Oriented Polyamide/Polypropylene (OPA/PP, Orved S.p.A., Musile di Piave, VE, Italy) pouch and heat-sealed before being submitted to heat treatment in a steam oven (Lanoix Ali S.p.A., Treviso, Italy). After treatment, mussel pouches were immediately chilled at 3\ub0C. Six different time temperature combinations (75/85/95 \ub0C for 10 and 30 min), were tested in triplicate (3 specimens/group) and compared to raw and inoculated mussels. Total aerobic bacterial count (TBC), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), anaerobic sulphite-reducing clostridia, Pseudomonas spp. and pH were determined. All time/temperature combinations resulted in a substantial reduction of the Pseudomonas spp. population (<1 log CFU/g) both in raw (4.9 log CFU/g) and experimentally inoculated (5.7 log CFU/g) mussels. The homogenate pH values (6.22) resulted not affected by the heat treatment. Such results were confirmed on natural bacterial load of mussel. A TBC reduction (2.4 log and 3,5 log, respectively) was registered after treatment at 85 \ub0C both for 10 and 30 min, while the highest reduction (4.8 log) was observed at 95 \ub0C for 10 min confirming the efficacy of sous vide cook treatments even for fresh mussels. The technological and sensorial traits, as well the stability of these products both under refrigeration and thermal abuse conditions during storage need to be evaluated

    Sous vide cook-chill mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis): Evaluation of chemical, microbiological and sensory quality during chilled storage (3 °C)

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    Abstract The changes in the chemical, physical, microbiological and sensory qualities of sous vide cooked processed mussels in comparison with conventional cooked mussels (90°C-10 min) were monitored during chilled storage (3.0 ± 1 °C). The sous vide cook and chill method at 85 °C for 10 min with or without salt brine resulted in being able to preserve the quality of mussels and extend their shelf-life to 21 storage days. Moreover, with the addition of brine a shelf-life extension of up to 30 days was possible, in comparison to mussels subjected to conventional cooking. The use of brine, other then facilitating packaging procedures preventing micro ruptures, showed a positive effect on moisture content (81.4 vs 73.5%), TVB-N (10.4 vs 16.7 mg N/100 g), reduced bacterial growth and sensory attributes, such as meat turgidity of mussels. Mussels processed by " sous vide cook and chill" method, marketed at refrigerated conditions, may be a promising addition to "ready to eat" and "ready to cook" food products with an extended shelf-life and high versatility as requested by the changes in consumer habits

    Studio dei cambiamenti strutturali del formaggio tipo stracchino in conservazione

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate structure changes in Stracchino cheese during storage using rheological measurements. Three packaging materials were used: 1) cellophane-polyethylene as a reference package commonly use for this product (R); 2) calcium polycarbonate and HDPE (Ovtene, OV); 3) active Ovtene, obtained by addition of potassium sorbate to OV (AOV). Product structure was evaluated using rheological oscillatory measurements in linear viscoelastic range (frequency sweep test) over 28 days

    Emballages comestibles à base de protéines et autres polymères (étude de formulation et conditions de réalisation)

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    DIJON-BU Sciences Economie (212312102) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effetto dell’aggiunta di inulina sulle proprietà reologiche e panificatorie di impasti di frumento

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    The effect of inulin addition on the rheological properties of wheat doughs and bread quality was evaluated. The influence of polymerisation degree (DP) of fructans was investigate using three commercial products (Raftiline ® ST: DP 10; Raftiline ® HP and Raftiline ® HP gel: DP 23). Inulin contents from 2.5 to 7.5% on dry matter as wheat flour plus inulin were used. Fibre addition increased mixing time and dough stability and decreased softening degree and farinograph water absorption, which depend on DP. Bread quality was evaluated using loaf volume, crumb moisture and texture