4 research outputs found
Bhopal Survivors’ Movement Study - video and audio
Video and audio recordings of these data are generally not available for public viewing/listening. Separate permission must be obtained from the interviewee for access to these video and audio data and any enquiries should be made via the Principal Investigator (Eurig Scandrett) or Queen Margaret University archive administrator: [email protected]. The purpose of the collection of data is to record the accounts of the survivor-activists and others involved in the Bhopal survivors’ movement, and these have been represented verbatim wherever possible. The research team is not responsible for the accuracy of any statements made and are aware that there are inconsistencies regarding factual details. No attempt has been made to correct these or provide consistency across the interview data set
Generating Theory in the Bhopal Survivors' Movement
Bhopal Survivors’ Movement Study - transcriptions and translations
These data comprise anonymised Hindi transcriptions and English translations of interviews conducted as part of the Bhopal Survivors’ Movement Study, which started in December 2007 (mostly between December 2007 and September 2008). These data are for public access and all participants have given their consent for these data to be publicly accessible under the condition of anonymity. Most transcriptions and translations have received a minimal edit in order to remove any information which would identify the interviewee, although there are some interviewees who have given permission for their names to be used