323 research outputs found

    Asthma Control: The Right Inhaler for the Right Patient.

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    Inhaled therapy is the cornerstone of asthma management in that it optimizes the delivery of the medication to the site of action. The effectiveness of inhaled therapy is affected by the correct choice of the device and proper inhalation technique. In fact, this influences the drug delivery and distribution along the bronchial tree, including the most peripheral airways. In this context, accumulating evidence supports the contribution of small airways in asthma, and these have become an important target of treatment. In reality, the “ideal inhaler” does not exist, and not all inhalers are the same. Advances in technology has highlighted these differences, and have led to the design of new devices and the development of formulations characterized by extrafine particles that facilitate the distribution and deposition of the drug particles along the respiratory tract. In addition, efforts have been made to implement adherence to chronic treatment, which translates into clinical benefit. Taken together, the optimal control of asthma depends on the drug that is selected, the device that is employed and the removal of factors that reduce patient’s adherence to therapy. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12325-015-0201-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The geriatric asthma: pitfalls and challenges

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    Historically, asthma has been envisioned as a disease of younger ages. This has led to the assumption that respiratory symptoms suggestive of asthma occurring in older ages are to be attributed to conditions other than asthma, mainly COPD. Old observational reports and new epidemiological studies confirm that asthma is as frequent in older as it is in younger populations. Nevertheless, under-recognition, misdiagnosis and under-treatment are still relevant issues. The characterization of asthma in the aged suffers from the fact that there has been very little original research in this field. Indeed, geriatric asthma is often excluded from clinical trials because of age and comorbidities. The current review paper revises the areas that need to be elucidated, and highlights the gaps in the management of this condition. It follows that a multidimensional management is advocated for elderly asthmatics to evaluate the severity and establish the complexity of the disease. We suggest that the term “geriatric” asthma should be preferred to “senile” asthma, which is confined to the age-related changes in the lung, or the more generic “asthma in the elderly”, which is only descriptive of the prevalence in specific age groups

    Asthma and metabolic syndrome: Current knowledge and future perspectives.

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    Asthma and obesity are epidemiologically linked; however, similar relationships are also observed with other markers of the metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, which cannot be accounted for by increased body mass alone. Obesity appears to be a predisposing factor for the asthma onset, both in adults and in children. In addition, obesity could make asthma more difficult to control and to treat. Although obesity may predispose to increased Th2 inflammation or tendency to atopy, other mechanisms need to be considered, such as those mediated by hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia in the context of metabolic syndrome. The mechanisms underlying the association between asthma and metabolic syndrome are yet to be determined. In the past, these two conditions were believed to occur in the same individual without any pathogenetic link. However, the improvement in asthma symptoms following weight reduction indicates a causal relationship. The interplay between these two diseases is probably due to a bidirectional interaction. The purpose of this review is to describe the current knowledge about the possible link between metabolic syndrome and asthma, and explore potential application for future studies and strategic approaches

    Asthma in the elderly: A different disease?

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    Asthma is a chronic airway disease that affects all ages, but does this definition also include the elderly? Traditionally, asthma has been considered a disease of younger age, but epidemiological studies and clinical experience support the concept that asthma is as prevalent in older age as it is in the young. With the ever-increasing elderly population worldwide, the detection and proper management of the disease in old age may have a great impact from the public health perspective. Whether asthma in the elderly maintains the same characteristics as in young populations is an interesting matter. The diagnostic process in older individuals with suspected asthma follows the same steps, namely a detailed history supported by clinical examination and laboratory investigations; however, it should be recognised that elderly patients may partially lose reversibility of airway obstruction. The correct interpretation of spirometric curves in the elderly should take into account the physiological changes in the respiratory system. Several factors contribute to delaying the diagnosis of asthma in the elderly, including the age-related impairment in perception of breathlessness. The management of asthma in advanced age is complicated by the comorbidities and polypharmacotherapy, which advocate for a comprehensive approach with a multidimensional assessment. It should be emphasised that older age frequently represents an exclusion criterion for eligibility in clinical trials, and current asthma medications have rarely been tested in elderly asthmatics. Ageing is associated with pharmacokinetic changes of the medications. As a consequence, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of antiasthmatic medications can be variably affected. Similarly, drug-to-drug interactions may reduce the effectiveness of inhaled medications and increase the risk of side-effects. For this reason, we propose the term “geriatric asthma” be preferred to the more generic “asthma in the elderly”

    Explainable Machine-Learning Models for COVID-19 Prognosis Prediction Using Clinical, Laboratory and Radiomic Features

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic had devastating effects on various aspects of life: clinical cases, ranging from mild to severe, can lead to lung failure and to death. Due to the high incidence, data-driven models can support physicians in patient management. The explainability and interpretability of machine-learning models are mandatory in clinical scenarios. In this work, clinical, laboratory and radiomic features were used to train machine-learning models for COVID-19 prognosis prediction. Using Explainable AI algorithms, a multi-level explainable method was proposed taking into account the developer and the involved stakeholder (physician, and patient) perspectives. A total of 1023 radiomic features were extracted from 1589 Chest X-Ray images (CXR), combined with 38 clinical/laboratory features. After the pre-processing and selection phases, 40 CXR radiomic features and 23 clinical/laboratory features were used to train Support Vector Machine and Random Forest classifiers exploring three feature selection strategies. The combination of both radiomic, and clinical/laboratory features enabled higher performance in the resulting models. The intelligibility of the used features allowed us to validate the models' clinical findings. According to the medical literature, LDH, PaO2 and CRP were the most predictive laboratory features. Instead, ZoneEntropy and HighGrayLevelZoneEmphasis - indicative of the heterogeneity/uniformity of lung texture - were the most discriminating radiomic features. Our best predictive model, exploiting the Random Forest classifier and a signature composed of clinical, laboratory and radiomic features, achieved AUC=0.819, accuracy=0.733, specificity=0.705, and sensitivity=0.761 in the test set. The model, including a multi-level explainability, allows us to make strong clinical assumptions, confirmed by the literature insights

    Patient perspectives in the management of asthma: improving patient outcomes through critical selection of treatment options

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that requires long-term treatment, the goal of which is to control clinical symptoms for extended periods with the least possible amount of drugs. International guidelines recommend the addition of an inhaled long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) to a low- to medium-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) when low doses of ICS fail to control asthma symptoms. The fixed combined administration of ICS/LABA improves patient compliance, reducing the risk of therapy discontinuation. The relative deposition pattern of the inhaled drug to the target site is the result of a complex interaction between the device used, the aerosol formulation and the patient’s adherence to therapy. Different inhalation devices have been introduced in clinical practice over time. The new hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) solution aerosols allow for the particle size to be modified, thus leading to deeper penetration of the medication into the lung. The Modulite® technology allows for the manipulation of inhaled HFA-based solution formulations, such as the fixed beclomethasone/formoterol combination, resulting in a uniform treatment of inflammation and bronchoconstriction. The success of any anti-asthmatic treatment depends on the choice of the correct device and the adherence to therapy

    Beclomethasone/formoterol fixed combination for the management of asthma: patient considerations

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    Drugs for asthma and other chronic obstructive diseases of the lungs should be preferably delivered by the inhalation route to match therapeutic effects with low systemic exposure. Inhaled drugs are delivered to the lungs via different devices, mainly metered dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers, each characterized by specific inhaler technique and instructions for use. The patient–device interaction is part of the prescribed therapy and can have a relevant impact on adherence and clinical outcomes. The most suitable device should be considered for each patient to assure the correct drug intake and adherence to the prescribed therapy. The development of new drugs/devices in the past decades improved the compliance with inhaler and possibly drug delivery to the bronchi. The present review focuses on the recently developed beclomethasone/formoterol extrafine fixed combination and technical aspects of drug delivery to the lungs in patient’s perspective

    The impact of age on prevalence of positive skin prick tests and specific IgE tests

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    SummaryAging is associated with modifications of the immune system, defined as immunosenescence. This could contribute to a reduced prevalence of allergic disease in the elderly population. In this regard, atopy has rarely been considered in the clinical assessment of the geriatric respiratory patient. This article is a review of the available literature assessing the impact of age on atopy. In the majority of papers, we found a lower prevalence of atopy in the most advanced ages, both in healthy subjects and in individuals affected by allergic respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, no large, longitudinal studies performed in the general population have been conducted to further explore this observation. Although available data seem to favor the decline of allergen sensitization with age, the prevalence of allergic sensitizations in the elderly population with respiratory symptoms is substantial enough to warrant evaluation of the atopic condition. From a clinical perspective, allergic reactions in older adults can have the same or even worse manifestations compared to young people. For this reasons, the evaluation of the atopic condition also in the geriatric patient is recommended. Thus, the role of atopy as it pertains to the diagnosis, therapy (adoption of preventive measure such as removal of environmental allergen or immunotherapy), and prognosis (influence on morbidity and mortality) of chronic respiratory illnesses in the elderly is addressed