512 research outputs found

    Realization of Universal Optimal Quantum Machines by Projective Operators and Stochastic Maps

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    Optimal quantum machines can be implemented by linear projective operations. In the present work a general qubit symmetrization theory is presented by investigating the close links to the qubit purification process and to the programmable teleportation of any generic optimal anti-unitary map. In addition, the contextual realization of the N ->M cloning map and of the teleportation of the N->(M-N) universal NOT gate is analyzed by a novel and very general angular momentum theory. An extended set of experimental realizations by state symmetrization linear optical procedures is reported. These include the 1->2 cloning process, the UNOT gate and the quantum tomographic characterization of the optimal partial transpose map of polarization encoded qubits.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Contextual Realization of the Universal Quantum Cloning Machine and of the Universal-NOT gate by Quantum Injected Optical Parametric Amplification

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    A simultaneous, contextual experimental demonstration of the two processes of cloning an input qubit and of flipping it into the orthogonal qubit is reported. The adopted experimental apparatus, a Quantum-Injected Optical Parametric Amplifier (QIOPA) is transformed simultaneously into a Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine (UOQCM) and into a Universal NOT quantum-information gate. The two processes, indeed forbidden in their exact form for fundamental quantum limitations, will be found to be universal and optimal, i.e. the measured fidelity of both processes F<1 will be found close to the limit values evaluated by quantum theory. A contextual theoretical and experimental investigation of these processes, which may represent the basic difference between the classical and the quantum worlds, can reveal in a unifying manner the detailed structure of quantum information. It may also enlighten the yet little explored interconnections of fundamental axiomatic properties within the deep structure of quantum mechanics. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ta, 03.65.UdComment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Enhanced Resolution of Lossy Interferometry by Coherent Amplification of Single Photons

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    In the quantum sensing context most of the efforts to design novel quantum techniques of sensing have been constrained to idealized, noise-free scenarios, in which effects of environmental disturbances could be neglected. In this work, we propose to exploit optical parametric amplification to boost interferometry sensitivity in the presence of losses in a minimally invasive scenario. By performing the amplification process on the microscopic probe after the interaction with the sample, we can beat the losses detrimental effect on the phase measurement which affects the single-photon state after its interaction with the sample, and thus improve the achievable sensitivity.Comment: 4 + 3 pages, 3 + 5 figure

    Entanglement, EPR correlations and mesoscopic quantum superposition by the high-gain quantum injected parametric amplification

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    We investigate the multiparticle quantum superposition and the persistence of multipartite entanglement of the quantum superposition generated by the quantum injected high-gain optical parametric amplification of a single photon. The physical configuration based on the optimal universal quantum cloning has been adopted to investigate how the entanglement and the quantum coherence of the system persists for large values of the nonlinear parametric gain g.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum to classical transition via fuzzy measurements on high gain spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We consider the high gain spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a non collinear geometry as a paradigmatic scenario to investigate the quantum-to-classical transition by increasing the pump power, that is, the average number of generated photons. The possibility of observing quantum correlations in such macroscopic quantum system through dichotomic measurement will be analyzed by addressing two different measurement schemes, based on different dichotomization processes. More specifically, we will investigate the persistence of non-locality in an increasing size n/2-spin singlet state by studying the change in the correlations form as nn increases, both in the ideal case and in presence of losses. We observe a fast decrease in the amount of Bell's inequality violation for increasing system size. This theoretical analysis is supported by the experimental observation of macro-macro correlations with an average number of photons of about 10^3. Our results enlighten the practical extreme difficulty of observing non-locality by performing such a dichotomic fuzzy measurement.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Teleportation scheme implementing contextually the Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine and the Universal Not Gate. Complete experimental realization

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    By a significant modification of the standard protocol of quantum state Teleportation two processes ''forbidden'' by quantum mechanics in their exact form, the Universal NOT gate and the Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine, have been implemented contextually and optimally by a fully linear method. In particular, the first experimental demonstration of the Tele-UNOT Gate, a novel quantum information protocol has been reported (cfr. quant-ph/0304070). A complete experimental realization of the protocol is presented here.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Separating the classical and quantum information via quantum cloning

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    An application of quantum cloning to optimally interface a quantum system with a classical observer is presented, in particular we describe a procedure to perform a minimal disturbance measurement on a single qubit by adopting a 1->2 cloning machine followed by a generalized measurement on a single clone and the anti-clone or on the two clones. Such scheme has been applied to enhance the transmission fidelity over a lossy quantum channel.Comment: 4 pages, 2figure
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