5 research outputs found

    Microphysical Retrievals from Simultaneous Measurements by Airborne and Ground Radars during OLYMPEX

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    The OLYMPEX field campaign took place over the Olympic Peninsula of Washington during winter 2015-2016. During the intensive observing period, several aircraft flights obtained multi-frequency airborne radar measurements at X-, Ku-, Ka, and W-band from radars aboard the ER-2 and DC-8 aircraft. In addition, ground radars at S- and X-band performed RHI scans under the aircraft ground tracks. These coincident datasets provide a wealth of complementary information about the hydrometeor particle sizes, shapes, and orientations.In order to synthesize these measurements and test the robustness of scattering models, an optimal estimation retrieval based upon a Hitschfeld-Bordan profiling algorithm has been developed. This algorithm retrieves profiles of the particle size distribution parameters Nw and Dm, and, in the ice phase, relative proportions of aggregate, pristine, and rimed particles, using scattering models with different size-density and size-aspect ratio relationships. Under this formulation, only the pristine particles are horizontally aligned and capable of producing non-zero ZDR and KDP.From the nadir-looking airborne multifrequency radars, we find that aggregates may be readily distinguished from rimed and pristine particles owing to their uniqueness in triple-frequency space. However, rimed and pristine particles occupy a similar region in this space and thus polarimetric measurements greatly enhance their identification in our retrieval framework. With these capabilities we will present analyses of three-dimensional hydrometeor mapping obtained during various OLYMPEX cases. Some features retrieved in these cases include a layer of enhanced aggregation about 2km above the melting layer, hypothesized to be maintained by orographic uplift. This layer is often situated above a layer of denser, aligned particles. Regions of riming and supercooled liquid water beneath generating cells are also identified by our retrieval algorithm. Comparisons to in-situ observations and evaluation of scattering models will be presented

    Quantifying the Relative Impact of Model Microphysics Parameterizations and Scattering Models in Simulating Synthetic Radar and Microwave Radiometer Observations

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    Output from numerical weather models is often used to simulate observations from remote sensing instruments, for purposes ranging from data assimilation, synthetic retrievals of geophysical quantities, and optimization of observing systems. However, when hydrometeors are present, the level of detail provided by the weather model is generally insufficient to fully constrain the input to the radiative transfer model (RTM), and further assumptions must be made by the RTM user in order to produce synthetic observations. Using a hierarchy of models including cloud-resolving, double-moment, bin microphysical, and ice-habit predicting models, along with scattering properties from the OpenSSP, Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS) databases, as well as relatively simple geometries (e.g., cylindrical plates and columns), we demonstrate the spread in synthetic observation output and the extent to which it is reduced when microphysics is more strongly constrained by the model. As an intermediate step, an error budget for the RTM simulations was derived and from that we developed and will describe best practices for observation simulation (e.g., optimal number of hydrometeor size bins, truncation of the particle size distribution, angular resolution of scattering phase function). Some statistical comparisons with observations will also be presented

    The OpenSSP Snow Particle and Scattering Property Database: Current Status and Future Plans

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    Understanding the connection between microphysical properties of falling snow and remote sensing observations requires detailed models of snow particles and the related electromagnetic scattering properties. To this end, we have created a database of synthetically-grown snow particles along with electromagnetic scattering properties calculated using advanced computational methods. We showcase the breadth of the catalog, current work, applications of the catalog, and future plans