773 research outputs found

    Electron Coherence in Mesoscopic Kondo Wires

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    We present measurements of the magnetoresistance of long and narrow quasi one-dimensional gold wires containing magnetic iron impurities. The electron phase coherence time extracted from the weak antilocalisation shows a pronounced plateau in a temperature region of 300 mK - 800 mK, associated with the phase breaking due to the Kondo effect. Below the Kondo temperature, the phase coherence time increases, as expected in the framework of Kondo physics. At much lower temperatures, the phase coherence time saturates again, in contradiction with standard Fermi liquid theory. In the same temperature regime, the resistivity curve displays a characteristic maximum at zero magnetic field, associated with the formation of a spin glass state. We argue that the interactions between the magnetic moments are responsible for the low temperature saturation of the phase coherence time.Comment: To appear in Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol 43, edited by B. Kramer (Springer Verlag, Berlin 2003

    Disposition of14C-labelled endotelon in humans

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    Summary: In order to study the disposition of ENDOTELON in humans, this compound was labelled withl4C by photosynthesis. ENDOTELON consists of a complex of procyanidolic oligomers extracted from the seeds of a variety of vine cultivated in the Bordeaux wine-growing region, and is prescribed for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and retinal lesions. Considering the difficulty in labelling the various constituents of the product, the labelling procedure was based on providing radioactive C02 to the plant. After isolation and purification, 150 mg of active material (50 ÎŒCf) was administered orally to six healthy volunteers. Radioactivity was measured in the blood over time until 72 and 120 hours in the same subjects after drug administration. Urinary and faecal elimination was measured for a period of 167 hours. Urinary elimination of the radioactive compounds represented 12 to 27% of the administered dose and faecal elimination represented 47 to 75% depending on the subject. The radioactivity of thel4C02 eliminated in the breath was also measured, and represented around 8% of the total radioactivity for the 72-hour period after administration. Although the disposition of ENDOTELON is based on the total radioactivity measured over time, this technique allows the evaluation of the elimination rate of the product and its metabolites from the human bod

    Experimental Test of the Numerical Renormalization Group Theory for Inelastic Scattering from Magnetic Impurities

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    We present measurements of the phase coherence time \tauphi in quasi one-dimensional Au/Fe Kondo wires and compare the temperature dependence of \tauphi with a recent theory of inelastic scattering from magnetic impurities (Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 107204 (2004)). A very good agreement is obtained for temperatures down to 0.2 TKT_K. Below the Kondo temperature TKT_K, the inverse of the phase coherence time varies linearly with temperature over almost one decade in temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Hall effect in exfoliated graphene affected by charged impurities: metrological measurements

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    Metrological investigations of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) completed by transport measurements at low magnetic field are carried out in a-few-ÎŒm\mu\mathrm{m}-wide Hall bars made of monolayer (ML) or bilayer (BL) exfoliated graphene transferred on Si/SiO2\textrm{Si/SiO}_{2} substrate. From the charge carrier density dependence of the conductivity and from the measurement of the quantum corrections at low magnetic field, we deduce that transport properties in these devices are mainly governed by the Coulomb interaction of carriers with a large concentration of charged impurities. In the QHE regime, at high magnetic field and low temperature (T<1.3KT<1.3 \textrm{K}), the Hall resistance is measured by comparison with a GaAs based quantum resistance standard using a cryogenic current comparator. In the low dissipation limit, it is found quantized within 5 parts in 10710^{7} (one standard deviation, 1σ1 \sigma) at the expected rational fractions of the von Klitzing constant, respectively RK/2R_{\mathrm{K}}/2 and RK/4R_{\mathrm{K}}/4 in the ML and BL devices. These results constitute the most accurate QHE quantization tests to date in monolayer and bilayer exfoliated graphene. It turns out that a main limitation to the quantization accuracy, which is found well above the 10−910^{-9} accuracy usually achieved in GaAs, is the low value of the QHE breakdown current being no more than 1ÎŒA1 \mu\mathrm{A}. The current dependence of the longitudinal conductivity investigated in the BL Hall bar shows that dissipation occurs through quasi-elastic inter-Landau level scattering, assisted by large local electric fields. We propose that charged impurities are responsible for an enhancement of such inter-Landau level transition rate and cause small breakdown currents.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum Hall resistance standards from graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on silicon carbide

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    Replacing GaAs by graphene to realize more practical quantum Hall resistance standards (QHRS), accurate to within 10−910^{-9} in relative value, but operating at lower magnetic fields than 10 T, is an ongoing goal in metrology. To date, the required accuracy has been reported, only few times, in graphene grown on SiC by sublimation of Si, under higher magnetic fields. Here, we report on a device made of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition on SiC which demonstrates such accuracies of the Hall resistance from 10 T up to 19 T at 1.4 K. This is explained by a quantum Hall effect with low dissipation, resulting from strongly localized bulk states at the magnetic length scale, over a wide magnetic field range. Our results show that graphene-based QHRS can replace their GaAs counterparts by operating in as-convenient cryomagnetic conditions, but over an extended magnetic field range. They rely on a promising hybrid and scalable growth method and a fabrication process achieving low-electron density devices.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure


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    We have studied five pigs undergoing bilateral clamping of the renal pedicles, seven pigs undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation and three control animals without surgery in order to examine the roles of the kidney and liver in the plasma clearance of pipecuronium. An i.v. infusion of pipecuronium was controlled to maintain a constant 90-95 % twitch depression throughout the investigation. The right sciatic nerve was stimulated continuously with supra-maximal stimuli at 0.1 Hz and the force of the corresponding evoked isometric muscle contraction was recorded continuously. Control pigs needed an infusion rate of pipecuronium 8-10.7 ÎŒg kg−1 min−1. In the renal group, it was necessary to reduce the infusion rate of pipecuronium by about 25% after clamping both renal vascular pedicles (P < 0.05 compared with controls); in pigs undergoing liver transplantation, it was necessary to reduce the rate by approximately 80% after clamping hepatic vessels (P < 0.05 compared with controls and from the period after clamping of renal vessels). After hepatic recirculation, the infusion rate of pipecuronium was increased progressively to a rate which corresponded to 50% of baseline values (P < 0.05 compared with the anhepatic phase and from controls). Plasma concentrations of pipecuronium were comparable in the three animal groups and did not change significantly during the study. These data suggest that the liver plays a more important role than the kidney in the plasma clearance of pipecuronium in pig

    Genome Sequences of Rare Human Enterovirus Genotypes Recovered from Clinical Respiratory Samples in Bern, Switzerland.

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    We report on genomic sequences of human enteroviruses (EVs) that were identified in respiratory samples in Bern, Switzerland, in 2018 and 2019. Besides providing sequences for coxsackievirus A2, echovirus 11, and echovirus 30, we determined the sequences of rare EV-D68 and EV-C105 genotypes circulating in Switzerland

    Saturation of dephasing time in mesoscopic devices produced by a ferromagnetic state

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    We consider an exchange model of itinerant electrons in a Heisenberg ferromagnet and we assume that the ferromagnet is in a fully polarized state. Using the Holstein-Primakoff transformation we are able to obtain a boson-fermion Hamiltonian that is well-known in the interaction between light and matter. This model describes the spontaneous emission in two-level atoms that is the proper decoherence mechanism when the number of modes of the radiation field is taken increasingly large, the vacuum acting as a reservoir. In the same way one can see that the interaction between the bosonic modes of spin waves and an itinerant electron produces decoherence by spin flipping with a rate proportional to the size of the system. In this way we are able to show that the experiments on quantum dots, described in D. K. Ferry et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 4687 (1999)], and nanowires, described in D. Natelson et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 1821 (2001)], can be understood as the interaction of itinerant electrons and an electron gas in a fully polarized state.Comment: 10 pages, no figure. Changed title. Revised version accepted for publication in Physical Review
