26 research outputs found

    Development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Method for Heat Pumps and Chillers

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    The work presents the development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop test method which enables the solving of integrated energy design problems at a system and concept level for the heat and cold supply of NZEBs based on electrically and thermally driven heat pumps and chillers. The main result is the realization of a test rig consisting of hardware (e.g. thermally driven chiller, or heat pump etc.), of software (e.g. LabView, TRNSYS) and the interface for the interaction of hardware and software

    Химические элементы в воде объектов водопользования бывшего Семипалатинского испытательного полигона как фактор экологического воздействия

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    Изучен элементный состав вод объектов водопользования расположенных на территории бывшего Семипалатинского испытательного полигона. Содержание U, Mo и Sr в изученных водах имеют превышения над средним составом подземных вод зон гипергенеза и континентального засоления. Выделены химические показатели и элементы превышающие ПДК это минерализация, общая жесткость, сульфаты, натрий и уран.The elemental composition of the water of odjects of water use in the territory of the former Semey test site was studied. The content of U, Mo and Sr in the studied waters has an excess over the average composition of groundwater in the areas of hypergenesis and continental salinization. Chemical indices and elements above MPC are identified as mineralization, total hardness, sulfates, sodium and uranium

    Communication Analysis of Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Method for Heat Pumps and Chillers

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    12th Envibuild – Buildings and Environment – From Research to ApplicationForschung BurgenlandEnergie-Umweltmanagemen

    Indoor environment challenges in a new type office building – case study

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    Science.Research.Pannonia. 12Energie-UmweltmanagementForschung Burgenlan

    Überblick des aktuellen Forschungsstandes von alternativen Wärmepumpentechnologien

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    Science.Research.Pannonia. 17Forschung BurgenlandEnergie-Umweltmanagemen

    Development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Method for Heat Pumps and Chillers

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    The work presents the development of a Hardware- in-the-Loop test method which enables the solving of integrated energy design problems at a system and concept level for the heat and cold supply of NZEBs based on electrically and thermally driven heat pumps and chillers. The main result is the realization of a test rig consisting of hardware (e.g. thermally driven chiller, or heat pump etc.), of software (e.g. LabView, TRNSYS) and the interface for the interaction of hardware and software

    Simulation of a Magnetocaloric Heat Pump in Building Technology

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    Science.Research.Pannonia. 16Increased quality of building envelopes in the last decades leads to decreased heating demands of new buildings and therefore heating devices with lower heating powers are needed. !ere is a lack of suitable solutions in the heating market in the small power range, which can cover small heating loads decentral without distribution losses. In the presented study, the potential of magnetocaloric heating is investigated. Apart from the advantage that no climate-relevant gases are used compared to commonly used compression heat pumps, this technology is suitable for covering low heating requirements. A cornerstone of the investigation is the development of a programme for simulating the behaviour of a building-integrated magnetocaloric heat pump. Target is to determine the effect of the change in basic properties such as the nature of the magnetocaloric material, the magnetic flux density, the working frequency, etc., but also to determine the influence of building parameters on the overall efficiency of the heating system.Forschung Burgenlan

    Indoor environmental quality evaluation in NZEB

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    The European Commission in 2010 accepted Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) are the main energy conservation legislative instruments for to reduce the energy consumption of new built and renovated buildings in Europe. The national regulation based on EPBD states that after the year 2016 only so called ultra-low energy buildings can be built. The next tightening in energy saving will come after 2021 (for commercial buildings after 2019), when only nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB) would be allowed to build. It means that these buildings must fulfil A0 category requirements by energy labelling. But what about the indoor environmental quality in objects like this? This article shows results of indoor environmental quality measurement in NZEB building. Indoor air temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide concentration and air exchange rate had been measured. Except these parameters energy consumption from the grid and from the photovoltaic panel had been evaluated