334 research outputs found

    Challenging the Need for Transparency, Controllability, and Consistency in Usable Adaptation Design

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    Adaptive applications constitute the basis for many ubiquitous computing scenarios as they can dynamically adapt to changing contexts. The usability design principles transparency, controllability, and consistency have been recommended for the design of adaptive interfaces. However, designing self-adaptive applications that may act completely autonomous is still a challenging task because there is no set of usability design guidelines. Applying the three principles in the design of the five different adaptations of the mobile adaptive application Meet-U revealed as difficult. Based on an analysis of the design problem space, we elaborate an approach for the design of usable adaptations. Our approach is based on a notification design concept which calculates the attention costs and utility benefits of notified adaptations by varying the design aspects transparency and controllability. We present several designs for the adaptations of Meet‑U. The results of a user study shows that the notification design approach is beneficial for the design of adaptations. Varying transparency and controllability is necessary to adjust an adaptation’s design to the particular context of use. This leads to a partially inconsistent design for adaptations within an application

    Mehr Verantwortung für den Konsumenten

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    Die Rolle des Konsumenten bei der Mitgestaltung einer nachhaltigen Marktwirtschaft wird noch immer unterschätzt. Der Beitrag erläutert die besondere Verantwortung der Konsumenten für die Folgen ihrer Kauf- und Nutzenentscheidungen und zeigt, welchen aktiven Einfluss sie auf marktwirtschaftliche Prozesse nehmen können

    Психолого-педагогические аспекты преподавания дисциплины "общая биология" иностранным учащимся подготовительного факультета

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    В статье обосновывается необходимость использования психолого-педагогических подходов в процессе преподавания общей биологии иностранным учащимся на довузовском этапе обучения. Предлагаются специальные методические приемы овладения учащимися языком дисциплины терминологической лексики, обеспечивающие активную языковую компетенцию по предмету. Подчеркивается необходимость для совершенствования учебного процесса и реализации личностно ориентированного подхода предварительно оценить психофизиологический статус иностранных учащихся, что включает в себя исследование аналитико-синтетической деятельности, развитие различных видов запоминания, интенсивности и темпов умственной деятельности, личностных особенностей учащихся. Наиболее важные инструменты психолого-педагогической адаптации: оценка уровня восприятия учебного материала при различных формах его презентации (классическая лекция, микролекция, практические занятия)

    Ground Beetle Diversity (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Winter Oilseed Rape and Winter Wheat Fields in North-Western Croatia

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    During a two-year period of research on the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in winter oilseed rape and winter wheat agroecosystems in North-Western Croatia, 14072 carabid specimens were collected. A total of 72 species from 31 genera and 6 subfaimilies were identified. The high epigeic activity was recorded for B. crepitans, B. explodens, A. similata and H. distinguendes. Th e endogeic activity was recorded for the species A. meridianus and A. interstitialis also for Brachinus species, A. familiaris, A. similata, A. aenea and H. distinguendus. One species was recorded for the first time in Croatia: Harpalus akinini Tschitscherine 1895

    Symmetry-based computational search for novel binary and ternary 2D materials

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    We present a symmetry-based exhaustive approach to explore the structural and compositional richness of two-dimensional materials. We use a ``combinatorial engine'' that constructs potential compounds by occupying all possible Wyckoff positions for a certain space group with combinations of chemical elements. These combinations are restricted by imposing charge neutrality and the Pauling test for electronegativities. The structures are then pre-optimized with a specially crafted universal neural-network force-field, before a final step of geometry optimization using density-functional theory is performed. In this way we unveil an unprecedented variety of two-dimensional materials, covering the whole periodic table in more than 30 different stoichiometries of form An_nBm_m or An_nBm_mCk_k. Among the found structures we find examples that can be built by decorating nearly all Platonic and Archimedean tesselations as well as their dual Laves or Catalan tilings. We also obtain a rich, and unexpected, polymorphism for some specific compounds. We further accelerate the exploration of the chemical space of two-dimensional materials by employing machine-learning-accelerated prototype search, based on the structural types discovered in the exhaustive search. In total, we obtain around 6500 compounds, not present in previous available databases of 2D materials, with an energy of less than 250~meV/atom above the convex hull of thermodynamic stability

    Vertrauensvolle E-Mail-Kommunikation

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    Wittmaack L, Esslinger B, Schmidt L, Strenge B, Wacker A. Vertrauensvolle E-Mail-Kommunikation. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD. 2016;40(5):S. 271-- S. 277.Der „elektronische Brief`` bzw. die elektronische Mail (E-Mail) ist seit {\"u}ber 30 Jahren im privaten wie beruflichen Umfeld im Einsatz. Beh{\"o}rden, Steuerb{\"u}ros, Krankenh{\"a}user, Finanzinstitute und viele weitere Gruppen versenden und empfangen E-Mails, um Informationen auszutauschen. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit findet eine E-Mail ihren Weg vom Sender in Deutschland zum Empf{\"a}nger in beispielsweise den USA. Wie funktioniert das? Und was hat es mit E-Mail-Verschl{\"u}sselung auf sich? Dieser Artikel betrachtet die grundlegende technische Funktionsweise der E-Mail sowie Hintergr{\"u}nde und Funktionsweise der Verschl{\"u}sselung mit S/MIME und PGP

    Геохимическая специфика озерных вод кулундинской степи Алтайского края

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    Изучена геохимическая специфика озерных вод территории Кулундинской степи Алтайского края. Результаты исследования показали, что на территории развиты в основном хлоридные и реже содовые озера с натриевым составом. Представлено, что на накопление элементов в растворе наибольшее влияние оказывают испарение, вторичное минералообразование и различные биологические процессы. The geochemical specifics of lake water in Kulunda steppe area (Altai Krai, Russia) is described. The results showed mainly chloride and less soda lakes with a sodium compound are located there. It presented that the accumulation of elements in saline solution have the greatest impact of secondary minerals' formation and various biological processes

    Symmetry-based computational search for novel binary and ternary 2D materials

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    We present a symmetry-based systematic approach to explore the structural and compositional richness of two-dimensional materials. We use a 'combinatorial engine' that constructs candidate compounds by occupying all possible Wyckoff positions for a certain space group with combinations of chemical elements. These combinations are restricted by imposing charge neutrality and the Pauling test for electronegativities. The structures are then pre-optimized with a specially crafted universal neural-network force-field, before a final step of geometry optimization using density-functional theory is performed. In this way we unveil an unprecedented variety of two-dimensional materials, covering the whole periodic table in more than 30 different stoichiometries of form A_nB_m or A_nB_mC_k. Among the discovered structures, we find examples that can be built by decorating nearly all Platonic and Archimedean tessellations as well as their dual Laves or Catalan tilings. We also obtain a rich, and unexpected, polymorphism for some specific compounds. We further accelerate the exploration of the chemical space of two-dimensional materials by employing machine-learning-accelerated prototype search, based on the structural types discovered in the systematic search. In total, we obtain around 6500 compounds, not present in previous available databases of 2D materials, with a distance to the convex hull of thermodynamic stability smaller than 250 meV/atom