12 research outputs found

    Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte

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    Die Wucht der derzeitigen Urbanisierungsdynamik und ihre Auswirkungen sind so groß, dass sich weltweit Städte, Stadtgesellschaften, Regierungen und Internationale Organisationen diesem Trend stellen müssen. Ein „Weiter so wie bisher“, würde ohne gestaltende Urbanisierungspolitik zu einer nicht-nachhaltigen Welt-Städte-Gesellschaft führen. Nur wenn Städte und Stadtgesellschaften ausreichend handlungsfähig werden, können sie ihre Kraft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung entfalten: In den Städten wird sich entscheiden, ob die Große Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit gelingt. In diesem Buch werden die Erfolgsbedingungen dafür diskutiert

    Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities

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    The momentum of urbanization and its impacts are so massive that we must face up to this trend. In view of the existing cognitive, technical, economic and institutional path dependencies, a policy of business as usual – i.e. an unstructured, quasi-automatic urbanization – would lead to a non-sustainable ‘world cities society’. Only if cities and urban societies are sufficiently empowered can they make use of the opportunities for sustainability and successfully follow the urban transformation pathways. The success or failure of the Great Transformation will be decided in the cities. The WBGU discusses the relevant conditions for the success of this transformation in this report

    Energiewende 2030: Europas Weg zur Klimaneutralität (2020)

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    Development and justice through transformation: The Four Big ‘I’s. Special Report

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    2015 saw a historic double success for sustainability and climate policy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement on climate ­protection establish a system of ambitious policy goals for the world. The group of twenty major ­industrialized and emerging economies (G20) now needs to resolutely advance implementation of both agreements, seizing the opportunity of this ‘Great Transformation’ to sustainability as a unique ­modernization project that could offer substantial economic development opportunities. Complete ­decarbonization of the world economy, which is necessary to avoid the gravest climate risks, can only be achieved by profoundly ­transforming energy systems and other high-emissions infrastructures. This transformation could inspire ­Innovation and channel Investment into sustainability and climate protection, and into the kinds of ­sustainable Infrastructures that need to be ­established and expanded. At the same time, the transformation could combat inequality and promote ­Inclusion within societies and globally, thus becoming an equity project

    Solving the Climate Dilemma: The Budget Approach (Special Report 2009)

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    At their meeting in the Italian city of L'Aquila in July 2009, the heads of state and government of the G8 countries and the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF), whose members include India, Brazil and China, acknowledged the importance that global warming must not exceed the 2 degrees Celsius guard rail if dangerous climate change is to be avoided. The German Advisory Council on Global Change views this as an extremely important step towards the adoption of a binding international agreement which establishes a well-founded target for global climate protection. The task now is to build on this consensus and reach agreement, at Copenhagen, on a follow-up treaty to the Kyoto Protocol, which is due to expire in 2012. This new international agreement should translate the relevant scientific knowledge into a fair and practicable global strategy to combat global warming. So far, however, the lack of unanimity between the countries involved in the negotiating process has meant that there is no clear leitmotif pointing the way towards such an agreement

    Energiewende 2030 : Europas Weg zur Klimaneutralität (2020)

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