77 research outputs found

    Climate for culture : book of maps

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    This book contains maps related with the Climate for Culture project. It has two parts: (I) A scientific paper explaining the methodology of producing the mapping and (II) the maps

    International Licentiate Opponent Vahid nik

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    Multi (building)physics modeling

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    Scientific Committee member of the Nordic Symposium on Building Physics

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    COMSOL : le analisi multifische aiutano:a proteggere il nostro passato

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    C’è sempre un margine di miglioramento per le cose create da noi esseri umani, e non vi è nulla di più vero se pensiamo al cosiddetto “ambiente costruito”, termine usato per indicare lo spazio fisico edificato dall’uomo, in cui viviamo, lavoriamo e trascorriamo il nostro tempo libero.\u3cbr/\u3e L’ambiente costruito include qualsiasi cosa, dalle grandi aree metropolitane fino agli edifici privati, i parchi, le strade e tutte le infrastrutture con cui abbiamo a che fare nel corso della nostra vita

    Combining three main modeling methodologies for heat, air, moisture and pollution modeling

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    \u3cp\u3eIn the paper we consider three types of numerical simulation tools: Finite Element Method (FEM), Building Energy Simulation (BES) and State-Space (SS) together for Heat, Air, Moisture and Pollution (HAMP) modeling. We developed a simplified reference model regarding a residential building zone, for benchmarking the three mentioned modeling methodologies, i.e. BES, FEM, SS, including, Heat, Air, Moisture and Pollution (HAMP) physics. BES is based on lumped parameter modeling. By using FEM, the BES results can be extended to 3D high resolution images. Furthermore, by using SS, the computing time can be drastically reduced in order to make optimization of operation strategies possible. It is concluded that the main benefits of FEM-SS-BES modeling exchange is the possibility to simulate building energy performances with high spatial resolution and low computational duration times.\u3c/p\u3

    Advanced HVAC modeling with FemLab/SimuLink/MatLab

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    The combined MatLab toolboxes FemLab and Simulink are evaluated as solvers for HVAC problems based on partial differential equations (PDEs). The FemLab software is designed to simulate systems of coupled PDEs, 1D, 2D or 3D, non-linear and time dependent. In order to show how the program works, a complete code for solving a 2D steady state heat transfer problem and the results are given. A validation study of a 2D dynamic airflow problem, modeled using Navier Stokes and buoyancy is shown. All results show a good agreement with measurements. The use of Simulink is shortly discussed. Further advanced models include: a convective airflow around a convector, a thermal bridge model in FemLab connected to a room model and PI controller in Simulink and an indoor airflow model in FemLab connected to an on/off controller in Simulink. At the conclusion the applications and the possible benefits for scientists, engineers and designers are discussed

    Keynote Speaker

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