502 research outputs found

    Evolution of a double-front Rayleigh-Taylor system using a GPU-based high resolution thermal Lattice-Boltzmann model

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    We study the turbulent evolution originated from a system subjected to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability with a double density at high resolution in a 2 dimensional geometry using a highly optimized thermal Lattice Boltzmann code for GPUs. The novelty of our investigation stems from the initial condition, given by the superposition of three layers with three different densities, leading to the development of two Rayleigh-Taylor fronts that expand upward and downward and collide in the middle of the cell. By using high resolution numerical data we highlight the effects induced by the collision of the two turbulent fronts in the long time asymptotic regime. We also provide details on the optimized Lattice-Boltzmann code that we have run on a cluster of GPU

    In vitro and in vivo selection of potentially probiotic lactobacilli from Nocellara del Belice table olives

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    Table olives are increasingly recognized as a vehicle as well as a source of probiotic bacteria, especially those fermented with traditional procedures based on the activity of indigenous microbial consortia, originating from local environments. In the present study, we report characterization at the species level of 49 Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains deriving from Nocellara del Belice table olives fermented with the Spanish or Castelvetrano methods, recently isolated in our previous work. Ribosomal 16S DNA analysis allowed identification of 4 Enterococcus gallinarum, 3 E. casseliflavus, 14 Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 19 Lactobacillus pentosus, 7 L. coryniformis, and 2 L. oligofermentans. The L. pentosus and L. coryniformis strains were subjected to further screening to evaluate their probiotic potential, using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches. The majority of them showed high survival rates under in vitro simulated gastro-intestinal conditions, and positive antimicrobial activity against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) pathogens. Evaluation of antibiotic resistance to ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, or erythromycin was also performed for all selected strains. Three L. coryniformis strains were selected as very good performers in the initial in vitro testing screens, they were antibiotic susceptible, as well as capable of inhibiting pathogen growth in vitro. Parallel screening employing the simplified model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, fed the Lactobacillus strains as a food source, revealed that one L. pentosus and one L. coryniformis strains significantly induced prolongevity effects and protection from pathogen-mediated infection. Moreover, both strains displayed adhesion to human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells and were able to outcompete foodborne pathogens for cell adhesion. Overall, these results are suggestive of beneficial features for novel LAB strains, which renders them promising candidates as starters for the manufacturing of fermented table olives with probiotic added value

    The Possible Role of Prescribing Medications, Including Central Nervous System Drugs, in Contributing to Male-Factor Infertility (MFI): Assessment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Pharmacovigilance Database

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    Background: A wide range of medications may have a possible role in the development of male-factor infertility (MFI), including various antineoplastic agents, testosterone/anabolic steroids, immunosuppressive drugs/immunomodulators, glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opiates, antiandrogenic drugs/5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, various antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptic agents and others. We aimed at investigating this issue from a pharmacovigilance-based perspective. Methods: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database was queried to identify the drugs associated the most with MFI individual reports. Only those drugs being associated with more than 10 MFI reports were considered for the disproportionality analysis. Proportional Reporting Ratios (PRRs) and their confidence intervals were computed for all the drugs identified in this way in January 2023. Secondary, ‘unmasking’, dataset analyses were carried out as well. Results: Out of the whole database, 955 MFI reports were identified, 408 (42.7%) of which were associated with 20 medications, which had more than 10 reports each. Within this group, finasteride, testosterone, valproate, diethylstilbestrol, mechloretamine, verapamil, lovastatin and nifedipine showed significant levels of actual disproportionate reporting. Out of these, and before unmasking, the highest PRR values were identified for finasteride, diethylstilbestrol and mechloretamine, respectively, with values of 16.0 (12.7–20.3), 14.3 (9.1–22.4) and 58.7 (36.3–95.9). Conclusions: A variety of several medications, a number of which were already supposed to be potentially linked with MFI based on the existing evidence, were associated with significant PRR levels for MFI in this analysis. A number of agents which were previously hypothesized to be associated with MFI were not represented in this analysis, suggesting that drug-induced MFI is likely under-reported to regulatory agencies. Reproductive medicine specialists should put more effort into the detection and reporting of these adverse drug reactions

    Expression of the Antisense-to-Latency Transcript Long Noncoding RNA in Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus

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    ABSTRACT The regulation of latency is central to herpesvirus biology. Recent transcriptome-wide surveys have uncovered evidence for promiscuous transcription across the entirety of the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) genome and postulated the existence of multiple viral long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Next-generation sequencing studies are highly dependent on the specific experimental approach and particular algorithms of analysis and therefore benefit from independent confirmation of the results. The antisense-to-latency transcript (ALT) lncRNA was discovered by genome-tiling microarray (Chandriani et al., J Virol 86:7934–7942, 2010, https://doi.org/10.1128/JVI.00645-10 ). To characterize ALT in detail, we physically isolated this lncRNA by a strand-specific hybrid capture assay and then employed transcriptome sequencing and novel reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assays to distinguish all RNA species in the KSHV latency region. These methods confirm that ALT initiates at positions 120739/121012 and encodes a single splice site, which is shared with the 3′-coterminal K14-vGPCR/ORF74 mRNA, terminating at 130873 (GenBank accession number GQ994935 ), resulting in an ∼10,000-nucleotide transcript. No shorter ALT isoforms were identified. This study also identified a novel intron within the LANA 5′ untranslated region using a splice acceptor at 127888. In summary, ALT joins PAN/nut1/T1.1 as a bona fide lncRNA of KSHV with potentially important roles in viral gene regulation and pathogenesis. IMPORTANCE Increasing data support the importance of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), including microRNAs (miRNAs) and lncRNAs, which have been shown to exert critical regulatory functions without coding for recognizable proteins. Defining the sequences of these ncRNAs is essential for future studies aiming to functionally characterize a specific ncRNA. Most lncRNA studies are highly dependent on high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatic analyses, few studies follow up on the initial predictions, and analyses are at times discordant. The manuscript characterizes one key viral lncRNA, ALT, by physically isolating ALT and by a sequencing-independent assay. It provides for a simple assay to monitor lncRNA expression in experimental and clinical samples. ALT is expressed antisense to the major viral latency transcripts encoding LANA as well as the viral miRNAs and thus has the potential to regulate this key part of the viral life cycle

    Recreational Drug Misuse and Its Potential Contribution to Male Fertility Levels’ Decline: A Narrative Review

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    Recreational drug intake may be associated with a range of medical untoward consequences, including male infertility. However, as the related evidence is still limited, the main outcome of this review is to provide a better understanding of the existence of any association between recreational drug misuse and male fertility levels’ decline. Whilst searching the MEDLINE/PubMed, a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding male infertility and substances of abuse (e.g., phytocannabinoids, opiates/opioids, stimulants, ‘herbal highs’, psychedelics, and ‘novel psychoactive substances) was here undertaken. Due to the paucity of robust, high-quality, empirical, human studies, a narrative strategy was here preferred over a systematic approach. Relevant data are qualitatively analyzed and presented in a table. Although most available evidence is in support of a detrimental role of cannabis on human spermatogenesis, a few remaining studies failed to document any effect of this drug on seminal quality, and it is not clear to which extent this drug impacts fertility rates/time to pregnancy. The current understanding of the impact of opiate-, cocaine- and amphetamine/stimulant-misuse on human reproduction is widely unknown, and most studies dealing with this matter represent only an extrapolation of data derived from specific clinical circumstances. Although the message of ‘no smoking, no alcohol and no street drugs’ should always be offered as good health advice to all patients seeking medical help for fertility issues, robust scientific clinical evidence in support of a direct detrimental impact of recreational drugs on spermatogenesis is scant to date

    Il Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza sul Lavoro (SGSL) sul modello UNI-INAIL ed il Safety Management System (SMS) in ambito aeroportuale a confronto.

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    In seguito all’emanazione del Decreto Legislativo n. 81 del 9 aprile 2008, l’adozione di un ’SGSL rappresenta una notevole opportunità per le aziende in termini di gestione e contenimento dei rischi aziendali Il presente lavoro analizza e mette a confronto due sistemi di gestione, il Safety Management System, che risponde ad una norma cogente imposta dall’Enac per le società di gestione aeroportuali, ed il Sistema di Gestione della salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro sul modello delle linee guida UNI-INAIL, mettendo in risalto i diversi punti in comune e i margini di miglioramento di entrambi. Le differenze principali tra i due sistemi risiedono nell’obiettivo che si prefiggono di raggiungere, nell’approccio alla definizione della politica e degli obiettivi. L’obiettivo che l’SMS si prefigge è analizzare e modificare le attività lavorative al fine di assicurare principalmente l’incolumità degli utenti coinvolti nelle operazioni aeroportuali, mentre il SGSL mira a definire un sistema di gestione orientato alla sicurezza sul lavoro. Nel presente studio si giunge alla conclusione che i due sistemi potrebbero essere integrati all’interno di realtà aziendali quali società di gestione aeroportuali, compagnie aeree o aziende a rischio di incidente rilevante. Dal confronto visto emerge una proposta: nella prospettiva di emettere una norma certificabile da parte di un ente accreditato, perché non integrare le due linee guida anche alla luce delle esperienze positive acquisita in questi anni di sperimentazione

    The Application of Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Functional and Aesthetic Andrology: A Narrative Review

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan widely utilised in different fields of medicine. We aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific evidence on the use of HA in andrology. A review of the literature to identify pertinent studies concerning the use of HA in andrology was carried out on the Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane databases, with no time restriction up to December 2022. Penile girth enlargement (PGE) using HA proved to be safe and effective in enhancing the diameter of the penis, with durable and satisfactory outcomes in long-term follow-up. Injection of HA in the glans seems to represent an alternative treatment option for those patients with premature ejaculation (PE) who fail to respond to conventional medications. HA intra-plaque injections represent a valid option which may contribute to restore sexual activity in patients with Peyronie's disease (PD). The adoption of HA filler injections should always be tailored to the patient's peculiar anatomy and underlying condition. More robust evidence is required to achieve a uniformed consensus regarding the use of HA in andrology, and further efforts should continue to improve the current injection techniques and HA products

    Ianus: an Adpative FPGA Computer

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    Dedicated machines designed for specific computational algorithms can outperform conventional computers by several orders of magnitude. In this note we describe {\it Ianus}, a new generation FPGA based machine and its basic features: hardware integration and wide reprogrammability. Our goal is to build a machine that can fully exploit the performance potential of new generation FPGA devices. We also plan a software platform which simplifies its programming, in order to extend its intended range of application to a wide class of interesting and computationally demanding problems. The decision to develop a dedicated processor is a complex one, involving careful assessment of its performance lead, during its expected lifetime, over traditional computers, taking into account their performance increase, as predicted by Moore's law. We discuss this point in detail
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