18 research outputs found
'Omdat wij van de geesteswetenschappen zijn': rondetafel Digital Humanities
Interview with Trudi Noordermeer, Demmy Verbeke, Sally Chambers and Saskia Scheltjens about digital humanities and academic libraries in Flanders, Belgiu
De kunstbibliotheek: begrip, typologie en samenwerking
In Flanders there are only a few publications on art libraries and their problems. A major reason for this lack of reflection may lie in the absence of organised collaboration between art libraries in Flanders. In countries where associations of art libraries do exist, there is a platform for reflection on art librarianship. This paper is an attempt to initiate such a platform in Flanders. first discusses the origin of the notion 'art library' and further elaborates on the characteristics of art libraries. Next, an overview is provided of associations of art libraries internationally and their activities. The paper concludes with the possibilities for collaboration between art libraries in Flanders. compares the situation here with that in the Netherlands
Faculteitsbibliotheek Letteren en Wijsbegeerte Universiteit Gent
Dit is de eerste wetenschappelijke bibliotheek die zich voorstelt in ‘Etalage’ [van META]. En het is dan nog een team in wording. De Faculteitsbibliotheek Letteren en Wijsbegeerte van de Universiteit Gent bestaat voorlopig alleen nog maar achter de schermen. Daar wordt druk gewerkt aan de omvorming van 48 verschillende vakgroepbibliotheken naar één centrale faculteitsbibliotheek