97 research outputs found

    Sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic fluorescence assay for the quantitation of topotecan (SKF 104864-A) and its lactone ring-opened product (hydroxy acid) in human plasma and urine

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    A sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic fluorescence method is described for the simultaneous determination of topotecan (I) and the hydrolysed lactone ring-opened product hydroxy acid (II) in plasma and for the determination of I in urine. To 250 μl of plasma, a 750-μl volume of cold methanol was added to stabilize the pH-dependent conversion of I into II. In plasma, the lower limit of quantitation (LLQ) for both compounds was 0.10 ng/ml. The between-day variation for I at the LLQ was 7.1% and for II was 5.5%. Prior to injection, urine samples were acidified with orthophosphoric acid and diluted with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). In urine, the calibration curve for I was linear in the range of 10 to 250 ng/ml and the LLQ was 10 ng/ml. The assay was developed to enable pharmacological analysis of I, in on-going phase I and II studies, in patients with solid tumors

    Румунський етнографічний aтлас

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    In Romania, the crisis of the popular culture and the necessity to preserve its characteristic elements by publishing a Romanian Ethnographic Atlas was realized later. The Romanian ethnographers had the possibility to make major methodological innovation for this type of works, such as the replacement of the explicative texts of the maps with the integral publishing of the ethnographic documents, exactly as they were recorded on the field. These two works – thesaurus which shelter the registered for the XX century ethnographic data will have, when finished, 30 toms: 25 with document of oral history and five with maps and images regarding their territorial distribution.În România criza culturii populare şi necesitatea de a păstra elementele ei caracteristice prin publicarea Atlasului Etnografic Român s-a constatat mai târziu. Etnografii români au avut mai apoi posibilitatea de a folosi inovaţii metodologice majore pentru asemenea gen de lucrări, cum ar fi înlocuirea textelor explicative ale hărţilor cu publicarea integrală a documentelor etnografice în felul în care au fost înregistrare pe teren. Aceste două tipuri de lucrări cu caracter de tezaur care acoperă toate datele etnografice înregistrate în secolul al XX-lea vor avea, cînd se vor încheia, 30 de volume: 25 cu documente de istorie orală şi cinci cu hărţi şi imagini referitoare la distribuţia lor teritorială

    Determination of the lactone and lactone plus carboxylate forms of 9-aminocamptothecin in human plasma by sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection

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    Two sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic fluorescence methods, with simple sample handling at the site of the patient, are described for the determination of the lactone and lactone plus carboxylate forms of g-aminocamptothecin (9AC). For 9AC lactone, the sample preparation was a liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile-n-butyl chloride (1:4, v/v), whereas the sample preparation for 9AC total (lactone plus carboxylate) was a simple deproteinization with 5% perchloric acid-methanol (1:1, v/v), which results in the conversion of the carboxylate into the lactone form. The lower limits of quantitation were 50 pg/ml and 100 pg/ml for 9AC lactone and 9AC total, respectively. The within-run precisions at four tested concentrations were ≤6.3% for 9AC lactone and ≤5.3% for 9AC total. The between-run precisions were ≤8.9% and ≤5.6%, respectively. The assays were developed to enable pharmacological analysis of 9AC in a bioavailability and oral phase I study in patients with solid tumors

    The impact of structural uncertainty on cost-effectiveness models for adjuvant endocrine breast cancer treatments: The need for disease-specific model standardization and improved guidance

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    __Abstract__ Introduction: Structural uncertainty relates to differences in model structure and parameterization. For many published health economic analyses in oncology, substantial differences in model structure exist, leading to differences in analysis outcomes and potentially impacting decision-making processes. The objectives of this analysis were (1) to identify differences in model structure and parameterization for cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) comparing tamoxifen and anastrazole for adjuvant breast cancer (ABC) treatment; and (2) to quantify the impact of these differences on analysis outcome metrics. Methods: The analysis consisted of four steps: (1) review of the literature for identification of eligible CEAs; (2) definition and implementation of a base model structure, which included the core structural components for all identified CEAs; (3) definition and implementation of changes or additions in the base model structure or parameterization; and (4) quantification of the impact of changes in model structure or parameterizations on the analysis outcome metrics life-years gained (LYG), incremental costs (IC) and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Results: Eleven CEA analyses comparing anastrazole and tamoxifen as ABC treatment were identified. The base model consisted of the following health states: (1) on treatment; (2) off treatment; (3) local recurrence; (4) metastatic disease; (5) death due to breast cancer; and (6) death due to other causes. The base model estimates of anastrazole versus tamoxifen for the LYG, IC and ICER were 0.263 years, €3,647 and €13,868/LYG, respectively. In the published models that were evaluated, differences in model structure included the addition of different recurrence health states, and associated transition rates were identified. Differences in parameterization were related to the incidences of recurrence, local recurrence to metastatic disease, and metastatic disease to death. The separate impact of these model components on the LYG ranged from 0.207 to 0.356 years, while incremental costs ranged from €3,490 to €3,714 and ICERs ranged from €9,804/LYG to €17,966/LYG. When we re-analyzed the published CEAs in our framework by including their respective model properties, the LYG ranged from 0.207 to 0.383 years, IC ranged from €3,556 to €3,731 and ICERs ranged from €9,683/LYG to €17,570/LYG. Conclusion:

    Pharmacokinetics of the multidrug-resistance-converting drug dexniguldipine and its pyridine metabolite M-1 in the plasma, tumor, and renal tissue of tumor-bearing Wag/Rij rats

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    The pharmacokinetics of oral dexniguldipine, a new multidrug-resistance- modifying agent under clinical evaluation, and its pyridine metabolite M-1 were determined in plasma, tumor, and renal tissue in Wag/Rij rats bearing a multidrug-resistant CC531 colon adenocarcinoma tumor under the renal capsule. The pharmacokinetics were studied in four experiments. After a single administration of dexniguldipine (30 mg/kg), tumors and kidneys were collected after 5 (experiment 1), 24 (experiment 2), and 48 h (experiment 3). In the fourth experiment, dexniguldipine was given once daily for 3 consecutive days at a dose of 30 mg/kg. In all experiments, plasma samples were collected at regular intervals. The concentrations of dexniguldipine and M-1 could be determined in plasma in most of the rats at up to 32 h after drug administration. The area under the curve (AUC) of dexniguldipine and M- 1 varied by a factor of 2-6 in the four experiments. High tumor-tissue concentrations of dexniguldipine were observed. The concentrations were highest in the multiple-dose experiment (2014 ± 1005 ng/g tissue). High degrees of correlation (>08) were established between the concentrations of dexniguldipine measured in plasma and tumor as well as renal tissue. Overall, tumor-tissue concentrations of M-1 comprised one-third of the dexniguldipine concentrations measured

    Modulation of multidrug resistance with dexniguldipine hydrochloride (B8509-035) in the CC531 rot colon carcinoma model

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    The chemosensitizing potency of dexniguldipine hydrochloride (B8509-035) on epidoxorubicin was assessed in a multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumour model, the intrinsic MDR rat colon carcinoma CC531. In vitro in the sulphorhodamine B cell-viability assay the cytotoxicity of epidoxorubicin was increased approximately 15-fold by co-incubation with 50 ng/ml dexniguldipine. In vivo concentrations of dexniguldipine 5 h after a single oral dose of 30 mg/kg were 72 (± 19 SD) ng/ml in plasma and 925 (± 495 SD) ng/g in tumour tissue. Levels of the metabolite of dexniguldipine, M-1, which has the same chemosensitizing potential, were 26 (± 6 SD) ng/ml and 289 (± 127 SD) ng/g respectively. The efficacy of treatment with 6 mg/kg epidoxorubicin applied intravenously combined with 30 mg kg-1 day-1 dexniguldipine administered orally for 3 days prior to epidoxorubicin injection was evaluated on tumours grown under the renal capsule. Dexniguldipine alone did not show antitumour effects in vivo. Dexniguldipine modestly, but consistently, potentiated the tumour-growth-inhibiting effect of epidoxorubicin, reaching statistical significance in two out of four experiments. In conclusion, these experiments show that dexniguldipine has potency as an MDR reverter in vitro and in vivo in this solid MDR tumour model

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of topotecan administered daily for 5 days every 3 weeks

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    Topotecan is a novel semisynthetic derivative of the anticancer agent camptothecin and inhibits the intranuclear enzyme topoisomerase I. The lactone structure of topotecan, which is in equilibrium with the inactive ringopened hydroxy acid, is essential for this activity. The open form predominates at physiological pH. We performed a pharmacokinetic, study as part of a phase I study in patients with various types of soli

    Phase II study of a short course of weekly high-dose cisplatin combined with long-term oral etoposide in metastatic malignant melanoma

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    The results of cytostatic therapy in metastatic melanoma are very disappointing. In phase II studies with high-dose cisplatin regimens, a remarkably high response rate was observed. In a phase I study with a short course of weekly cisplatin, combined with oral etoposide, we were able to reach, in most patients, a cisplatin dose intensity of 60 mg/m2/week. We performed a phase II study with this schedule in metastatic malignant melanoma. 15 consecutive patients were entered in the study. Treatment consisted of cisplatin 70 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, 15 and days 29, 36, 43 combined with oral etoposide 50 mg daily, days 1-15 and days 29-43. Patients with a response or stable disease continued treatment with oral etoposide 50 mg/m2 daily, days 1-21 every 4 weeks. All patients were evaluable for response and toxicity. The majority of the patients received six cycles of cisplatin with the planned cisplatin dose intensity of 60 mg/m2/week. A partial response was observed in 2 patients (13%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2-44%) of, respectively, 22 and 12 weeks; stable disease was observed in 6 patients. Toxicity consisted mainly of alopecia and bone marrow suppression. 4 patients had tinnitus, one patient had neurotoxicity grade 1. The regimen studied has only limited activity in metastatic melanoma in spite of the high-dose intensity of cisplatin reached with this schedule