567 research outputs found

    A solvable model of Vlasov-kinetic plasma turbulence in Fourier-Hermite phase space

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    A class of simple kinetic systems is considered, described by the 1D Vlasov-Landau equation with Poisson or Boltzmann electrostatic response and an energy source. Assuming a stochastic electric field, a solvable model is constructed for the phase-space turbulence of the particle distribution. The model is a kinetic analog of the Kraichnan-Batchelor model of chaotic advection. The solution of the model is found in Fourier-Hermite space and shows that the free-energy flux from low to high Hermite moments is suppressed, with phase mixing cancelled on average by anti-phase-mixing (stochastic plasma echo). This implies that Landau damping is an ineffective route to dissipation (i.e., to thermalisation of electric energy via velocity space). The full Fourier-Hermite spectrum is derived. Its asymptotics are m−3/2m^{-3/2} at low wave numbers and high Hermite moments (mm) and m−1/2k−2m^{-1/2}k^{-2} at low Hermite moments and high wave numbers (kk). These conclusions hold at wave numbers below a certain cut off (analog of Kolmogorov scale), which increases with the amplitude of the stochastic electric field and scales as inverse square of the collision rate. The energy distribution and flows in phase space are a simple and, therefore, useful example of competition between phase mixing and nonlinear dynamics in kinetic turbulence, reminiscent of more realistic but more complicated multi-dimensional systems that have not so far been amenable to complete analytical solution.Comment: 35 pages, minor edits, final version accepted by JP

    On geometric properties of passive random advection

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    We study geometric properties of a random Gaussian short-time correlated velocity field by considering statistics of a passively advected metric tensor. That describes universal properties of fluctuations of tensor objects frozen into the fluid and passively advected by it. The problem of one-point statistics of co- and contravariant tensors is solved exactly, provided the advected fields do not reach dissipative scales, which would break the symmetry of the problem. Asymptotic in time duality of the problem is established, which in the three-dimensional case relates the probabilities of the volume deformations into "tubes" and into "sheets".Comment: latex, 8 page

    Constraints on dynamo action in plasmas

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    Upper bounds are derived on the amount of magnetic energy that can be generated by dynamo action in collisional and collisionless plasmas with and without external forcing. A hierarchy of mathematical descriptions is considered for the plasma dynamics: ideal MHD, visco-resistive MHD, the double-adiabatic theory of Chew, Goldberger and Low (CGL), kinetic MHD, and other kinetic models. It is found that dynamo action is greatly constrained in models where the magnetic moment of any particle species is conserved. In the absence of external forcing, the magnetic energy then remains small at all times if it is small in the initial state. In other words, a small "seed" magnetic field cannot be amplified significantly, regardless of the nature of flow, as long as the collision frequency and gyroradius are small enough to be negligible. A similar conclusion also holds if the system is subject to external forcing as long as this forcing conserves the magnetic moment of at least one plasma species and does not greatly increase the total energy of the plasma (i.e., in practice, is subsonic). Dynamo action therefore always requires collisions or some small-scale kinetic mechanism for breaking the adiabatic invariance of the magnetic moment

    Self-inhibiting thermal conduction in high-beta, whistler-unstable plasma

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    A heat flux in a high-β\beta plasma with low collisionality triggers the whistler instability. Quasilinear theory predicts saturation of the instability in a marginal state characterized by a heat flux that is fully controlled by electron scattering off magnetic perturbations. This marginal heat flux does not depend on the temperature gradient and scales as 1/β1/\beta. We confirm this theoretical prediction by performing numerical particle-in-cell simulations of the instability. We further calculate the saturation level of magnetic perturbations and the electron scattering rate as functions of β\beta and the temperature gradient to identify the saturation mechanism as quasilinear. Suppression of the heat flux is caused by oblique whistlers with magnetic-energy density distributed over a wide range of propagation angles. This result can be applied to high-β\beta astrophysical plasmas, such as the intracluster medium, where thermal conduction at sharp temperature gradients along magnetic-field lines can be significantly suppressed. We provide a convenient expression for the amount of suppression of the heat flux relative to the classical Spitzer value as a function of the temperature gradient and β\beta. For a turbulent plasma, the additional independent suppression by the mirror instability is capable of producing large total suppression factors (several tens in galaxy clusters) in regions with strong temperature gradients.Comment: accepted to JP

    Plasmoid and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in Sweet-Parker current sheets

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    A 2D linear theory of the instability of Sweet-Parker (SP) current sheets is developed in the framework of Reduced MHD. A local analysis is performed taking into account the dependence of a generic equilibrium profile on the outflow coordinate. The plasmoid instability [Loureiro et al, Phys. Plasmas {\bf 14}, 100703 (2007)] is recovered, i.e., current sheets are unstable to the formation of a large-wave-number chain of plasmoids (k_{\rm max}\Lsheet \sim S^{3/8}, where kmaxk_{\rm max} is the wave-number of fastest growing mode, S=\Lsheet V_A/\eta is the Lundquist number, \Lsheet is the length of the sheet, VAV_A is the Alfv\'en speed and η\eta is the plasma resistivity), which grows super-Alfv\'enically fast (\gmax\tau_A\sim S^{1/4}, where \gmax is the maximum growth rate, and \tau_A=\Lsheet/V_A). For typical background profiles, the growth rate and the wave-number are found to {\it increase} in the outflow direction. This is due to the presence of another mode, the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability, which is triggered at the periphery of the layer, where the outflow velocity exceeds the Alfv\'en speed associated with the upstream magnetic field. The KH instability grows even faster than the plasmoid instability, \gmax \tau_A \sim k_{\rm max} \Lsheet\sim S^{1/2}. The effect of viscosity (ν\nu) on the plasmoid instability is also addressed. In the limit of large magnetic Prandtl numbers, Pm=ν/ηPm=\nu/\eta, it is found that \gmax\sim S^{1/4}Pm^{-5/8} and k_{\rm max} \Lsheet\sim S^{3/8}Pm^{-3/16}, leading to the prediction that the critical Lundquist number for plasmoid instability in the Pm≫1Pm\gg1 regime is \Scrit\sim 10^4Pm^{1/2}. These results are verified via direct numerical simulation of the linearized equations, using a new, analytical 2D SP equilibrium solution.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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