192 research outputs found

    On the reach of perturbative methods for dark matter density fields

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    We study the mapping from Lagrangian to Eulerian space in the context of the Effective Field Theory (EFT) of Large Scale Structure. We compute Lagrangian displacements with Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) and perform the full non-perturbative transformation from displacement to density. When expanded up to a given order, this transformation reproduces the standard Eulerian Perturbation Theory (SPT) at the same order. However, the full transformation from displacement to density also includes higher order terms. These terms explicitly resum long wavelength motions, thus making the resulting density field better correlated with the true non-linear density field. As a result, the regime of validity of this approach is expected to extend that of the Eulerian EFT, and match that of the IR-resummed Eulerian EFT. This approach thus effectively enables a test of the IR-resummed EFT at the field level. We estimate the size of stochastic, non-perturbative contributions to the matter density power spectrum. We find that in our highest order calculation, at redshift z=0 the power spectrum of the density field is reproduced with an accuracy of 1 % (10 %) up to k=0.25 h/Mpc (k=0.46 h/Mpc). We believe that the dominant source of the remaining error is the stochastic contribution. Unfortunately, on these scales the stochastic term does not yet scale as k4k^4 as it does in the very low-k regime. Thus, modeling this contribution might be challenging.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    On the reach of perturbative descriptions for dark matter displacement fields

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    We study Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) and its regularization in the Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach. We evaluate the LPT displacement with the same phases as a corresponding NN-body simulation, which allows us to compare perturbation theory to the non-linear simulation with significantly reduced cosmic variance, and provides a more stringent test than simply comparing power spectra. We reliably detect a non-vanishing leading order EFT coefficient and a stochastic displacement term, uncorrelated with the LPT terms. This stochastic term is expected in the EFT framework, and, to the best of our understanding, is not an artifact of numerical errors or transients in our simulations. This term constitutes a limit to the accuracy of perturbative descriptions of the displacement field and its phases, corresponding to a 1%1\% error on the non-linear power spectrum at k=0.2hk=0.2 h/Mpc at z=0z=0. Predicting the displacement power spectrum to higher accuracy or larger wavenumbers thus requires a model for the stochastic displacement.Comment: 48 pages, 29 figures, comments welcom

    Weak Lensing of Intensity Mapping: the Cosmic Infrared Background

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    Gravitational lensing deflects the paths of cosmic infrared background (CIB) photons, leaving a measurable imprint on CIB maps. The resulting statistical anisotropy can be used to reconstruct the matter distribution out to the redshifts of CIB sources. To this end, we generalize the CMB lensing quadratic estimator to any weakly non-Gaussian source field, by deriving the optimal lensing weights. We point out the additional noise and bias caused by the non-Gaussianity and the `self-lensing' of the source field. We propose methods to reduce, subtract or model these non-Gaussianities. We show that CIB lensing should be detectable with Planck data, and detectable at high significance for future CMB experiments like CCAT-Prime. The CIB thus constitutes a new source image for lensing studies, providing constraints on the amplitude of structure at intermediate redshifts between galaxies and the CMB. CIB lensing measurements will also give valuable information on the star formation history in the universe, constraining CIB halo models beyond the CIB power spectrum. By laying out a detailed treatment of lens reconstruction from a weakly non-Gaussian source field, this work constitutes a stepping stone towards lens reconstruction from continuum or line intensity mapping data, such as the Lyman-alpha emission, absorption, and the 21cm radiation.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Future constraints on halo thermodynamics from combined Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements

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    The improving sensitivity of measurements of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect opens a new window into the thermodynamic properties of the baryons in halos. We propose a methodology to constrain these thermodynamic properties by combining the kinetic SZ, which is an unbiased probe of the free electron density, and the thermal SZ, which probes their thermal pressure. We forecast that our method constrains the average thermodynamic processes that govern the energetics of galaxy evolution like energetic feedback across all redshift ranges where viable halos sample are available. Current Stage-3 cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments like AdvACT and SPT-3G can measure the kSZ and tSZ to greater than 100σ\sigma if combined with a DESI-like spectroscopic survey. Such measurements translate into percent-level constraints on the baryonic density and pressure profiles and on the feedback and non-thermal pressure support parameters for a given ICM model. This in turn will provide critical thermodynamic tests for sub-grid models of feedback in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. The high fidelity measurements promised by the next generation CMB experiment, CMB-S4, allow one to further sub-divide these constraints beyond redshift into other classifications, like stellar mass or galaxy type.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Accepted to JCA

    Multi-tracer intensity mapping: Cross-correlations, Line noise & Decorrelation

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    Line intensity mapping (LIM) is a rapidly emerging technique for constraining cosmology and galaxy formation using multi-frequency, low angular resolution maps. Many LIM applications crucially rely on cross-correlations of two line intensity maps, or of intensity maps with galaxy surveys or galaxy/CMB lensing. We present a consistent halo model to predict all these cross-correlations and enable joint analyses, in 3D redshift-space and for 2D projected maps. We extend the conditional luminosity function formalism to the multi-line case, to consistently account for correlated scatter between multiple galaxy line luminosities. This allows us to model the scale-dependent decorrelation between two line intensity maps, a key input for foreground rejection and for approaches that estimate auto-spectra from cross-spectra. This also enables LIM cross-correlations to reveal astrophysical properties of the interstellar medium inacessible with LIM auto-spectra. We expose the different sources of luminosity scatter or "line noise" in LIM, and clarify their effects on the 1-halo and galaxy shot noise terms. In particular, we show that the effective number density of halos can in some cases exceed that of galaxies, counterintuitively. Using observational and simulation input, we implement this halo model for the Hα\alpha, [Oiii], Lyman-α\alpha, CO and [Cii] lines. We encourage observers and simulators to measure galaxy luminosity correlation coefficients for pairs of lines whenever possible. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/HaloGen/tree/LIM . In a companion paper, we use this halo model formalism and code to highlight the degeneracies between cosmology and astrophysics in LIM, and to compare the LIM observables to galaxy detection for a number of surveys.Comment: Accepted in JCAP on 05/03/2021. Code publicly available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/HaloGen/tree/LI

    Foreground-immune CMB lensing with shear-only reconstruction

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    CMB lensing from current and upcoming wide-field CMB experiments such as AdvACT, SPT-3G and Simons Observatory relies heavily on temperature (vs. polarization). In this regime, foreground contamination to the temperature map produces significant lensing biases, which cannot be fully controlled by multi-frequency component separation, masking or bias hardening. In this letter, we split the standard CMB lensing quadratic estimator into a new set of optimal "multipole" estimators. On large scales, these multipole estimators reduce to the known magnification and shear estimators, and a new shear B-mode estimator. We leverage the different symmetries of the lensed CMB and extragalactic foregrounds to argue that the shear-only estimator should be approximately immune to extragalactic foregrounds. We build a new method to compute separately and without noise the primary, secondary and trispectrum biases to CMB lensing from foreground simulations. Using this method, we demonstrate that the shear estimator is indeed insensitive to extragalactic foregrounds, even when applied to a single-frequency temperature map contaminated with CIB, tSZ, kSZ and radio point sources. This dramatic reduction in foreground biases allows us to include higher temperature multipoles than with the standard quadratic estimator, thus increasing the total lensing signal-to-noise beyond the quadratic estimator. In addition, magnification-only and shear B-mode estimators provide useful diagnostics for potential residuals. Our Python code LensQuEst to forecast the signal-to-noise of the various estimators, generate mock maps, lense them, and apply the various lensing estimators to them is publicly available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/LensQuEst .Comment: New "multipole" estimators, code available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/LensQuEs

    Photo-z outlier self-calibration in weak lensing surveys

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    Calibrating photometric redshift errors in weak lensing surveys with external data is extremely challenging. We show that both Gaussian and outlier photo-z parameters can be self-calibrated from the data alone. This comes at no cost for the neutrino masses, curvature and dark energy equation of state w0w_0, but with a 65% degradation when both w0w_0 and waw_a are varied. We perform a realistic forecast for the Vera Rubin Observatory (VRO) Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) 3x2 analysis, combining cosmic shear, projected galaxy clustering and galaxy - galaxy lensing. We confirm the importance of marginalizing over photo-z outliers. We examine a subset of internal cross-correlations, dubbed "null correlations", which are usually ignored in 3x2 analyses. Despite contributing only ∼\sim 10% of the total signal-to-noise, these null correlations improve the constraints on photo-z parameters by up to an order of magnitude. Using the same galaxy sample as sources and lenses dramatically improves the photo-z uncertainties too. Together, these methods add robustness to any claim of detected new Physics, and reduce the statistical errors on cosmology by 15% and 10% respectively. Finally, including CMB lensing from an experiment like Simons Observatory or CMB-S4 improves the cosmological and photo-z posterior constraints by about 10%, and further improves the robustness to systematics. To give intuition on the Fisher forecasts, we examine in detail several toy models that explain the origin of the photo-z self-calibration. Our Fisher code LaSSI (Large-Scale Structure Information), which includes the effect of Gaussian and outlier photo-z, shear multiplicative bias, linear galaxy bias, and extensions to Λ\LambdaCDM, is publicly available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/LaSSI .Comment: Accepted in JCAP on 10/08/2020. Code publicly available at https://github.com/EmmanuelSchaan/LaSS
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