12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Methanol Terhadap Torsi, Daya Epektif Dan Komsumsi Bahan Bakar Spesifik Epektif Pada Mesin Daihatsu Ferosa 1994

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    The research of the effect of methanol to the Torque, power effective and specific fuel consumptioneffective at Daihatsu Ferosa machine 1994 had been done. The research had done in mechanical engineering laboratory, engineering faculty mataram University. The percentage of methanol and premium was varied each 0%, 5%, 10%,15%and 20% methanol.Each fuel was tested at wide open throttle (WOT) at fourth transmission 1600rpm, 2100 rpm, 2600 rpm and 3600 rpm. The data that got in the experiment was analysis and calculated to find torque, effective power and specific fuel consumption effective. The result shown that at the higher percentage of methanol torque and power effective decrease gradually. Therefore the specific fuel consumption effective increase at the higher percentage of methanol

    Pemerataan Energi Gelombang Laut Dengan Sistem Berpiston Aksi Ganda

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    Semakin menipisnya cadangan minyak dunia menyebabkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terus melambung. Kondisi ini menyebabkan masalah yang serius yang perlu diatasi. Potensi energi yang diperbaharui seperti : energi angin, matahari dan gelombang laut  perlu segera dilirik walaupun mungkin sudah terlambat. energi potensial dan kinetik yang terkandung pada gelombang laut dapat  dikonversikan untuk pemanfaatan tenaga listrik maupun pompa air bersih dan irigasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memanfaatkan potensi energi gelombang untuk dikonversi menjadi tenaga listrik.  Adapun manfaat penelitian ini adalah akan diperoleh metode dan sumber energi alternative yang ramah lingkungan serta tidak membutuhkan bahan bakar minyak. Energi alternatif ini ditunggu pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat.            Kegiatan penelitian diawali dengan studi literatur untuk mengkaji penelitian yang terdahulu, mencari Perumusan dengan teori yang ada. Hasil studi literatur dilanjutkan membuat disain atau rancangan alat dengan perhitungan–perhitungan. Perhitungan mengacu pada prinsip pemanfaatan energi gelombang laut semaksimal mungkin. Dari perhitungan tersebut sangat menentukan langkah selanjutnya seperti pembuatan bentuk, pemilihan bahan, menentukan alat ukur dan model pengukuran.             Konversi energi dari gelombang ke piston yang paling efektif terjadi pada saat pelampung (piston) diberikan beban W setengah dari Fa Total (W=Fa/2 total) dibandingkan pada saat tak berbobot (W=0) maupun pada saat piston diisi penuh (W=Fa total).             Dari hasil pengujian ternyata prototype pemerataan gelombang laut dengan sistem aksi ganda mampu menghasilkan energi listrik. Pada saat gelombang naik, energi gelombang menekan tuas melalui pelampung yang selanjutnya memutar roda gigi yang telah terhubung dengan generator listrik. Sedangkan pada saat gelombang turun roda gigi juga berputar akibat berat pelampung yang telah diiisi pemberat air

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Sambungan Belokan Terhadap Head Losses Aliran Pipa

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    On the water distribution, the connection of pipe bends is typically obtained either in industry or in housing. On the water distribution, it is often gained the lost of energy or head losses. The amount of head losses occurring in the connection of branch pipe is influenced by several factors, such as: diameter, flow, viscosity, and the angle at the bend pipe connections. This study aimed to determine the effect of variation of the connection point of the bend pipe to the head losses and pressure drop. To do it, the researcher uses an experimental method as a tool by varying the bend angle is 30o, 45o, 60o, and 90o.  The result shows that head losses and the small pressure drop occur in the bend angle 30o is 73, 23 mm and 907.606 N/m2. While the head losses and pressure drop is the greatest at an angle of 90o, is 74, 80 mm and 1278,899 N/m

    Pengaruh Debit Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Alat Penukar Kalor Dan Penurunan Suhu Ruangan

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    Due to population growth, industry advance and rapid development, fresh and comfortable air may be difficult to get. Conditioning the air to get comfort environment may be a basic demand for people, but the prices of the device and its operation for this purpose are expensive. This research tries to solve this problem but it is just only to know the capability of the heat exchanger  to transfer/ absorb heat and is not to cool the room to be below the ambient temperature. The working fluid used was clean water and the heat exchangers employed were parallel and serpentine which were made of copper pipes with a diameter of 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch (for the header). The volumetric flow rates used were 300 ml/minutes, 400 ml/minutes and 500 ml/minutes. While the heat that should be absorbed by the water from the room is 50 W, 100 W and 150 W. The results show that the effect of volumetric flow rate on heat exchanger performance and room temperature is insignificant. From the pressure drop results, the parallel pipe heat exchanger has lower pressure drops while the serpentine has higher pressure drops

    Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Blade Terhadap Aerodinamik Performan Pada Rancangan Kincir Angin 300 Watt

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    In some areas in Indonesia, such as: the southern part of Sumatra until Nusa Tenggara, wind velocity is large enough to be used as a wind power plant with a range of 5-15 knots of wind speed equivalent 2.5-7.5 m / s. However, wind energy has not yet been developed, there are only a wind power plant with a total capacity of 1.4 GW in Indonesia.  Mostly, instruments wind power is basically intended for European plains wind speed range of 10-30 knots. So that the necessary adjustments for the Indonesian state that smaller wind speed in order to optimize the system work. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the number of blades and wind speed on electric power generated by a horizontal axis wind turbine. The type of blade used is arched plate and fitted with a pitch angle of 30o. Key issues to be examined in this study is how the influence of the number of blades (3, 4, and 5 blade) and wind speed (3m / s, 4m / s and 5 m / s) to the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines. These results indicate that the number of blade 5 gives rpm, torque, power and highest Cp compared to the number of blade 3 and 4. Similarly, the wind speed of 5m / s provide better performance on any number of blade. The highest power obtained on the number of blades 5 and wind speed of 5 m / s with an average of 23.775 Watt. The highest Cp values obtained on the number of blades 5 and wind speed of 5 m / s which is an average of 0.4

    Studi Kelayakan Proses Pembubutan Penekan Kopling Sepeda Motor Dengan Mesin Boxford Cnc Menggunakan Pendekatan Statistical Process Control

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    Now days, a companies has been experiencing and facing a tight competitive siege. To be surviving within this competition, the companies must be creative in developing new and robust ideas to improve their business competitiveness which differentiate them from the others. The product quality was the main issues among others. The quality of a product that offered to the consumers must be cheap and have met with consumer satisfaction. Exploring this ides, current research has conducted with the main goal was investigating the quality of product produced on CNC Turning. The quality was calculated with a Statistical Process Control (SPC) analysis. Meanwhile, ductile iron workpieces size of 130 mm in length and 19 mm in diameter were manufactured for the samples. The data gathered including diameter, length, and thickness of the samples measured with Digital Vernier Caliper and Micrometer. Based on data observed, the result of experiment shows that the quality of sample products produced in single run (12 products) has met with basic standard requirement with which all samples dimension was lay inside the control limit (Upper and Lower Control Limit (UCL and LCL). It can be concluded that each variable still in process control and was ready for the automation

    Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Kulit Jagung terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Penyerapan Air Komposit Polyurethane

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    -- Some researchers have observed the mechanical characteristics of composite with strengthening by corn skin fibre reinforcement. However the combination of strength stress and water absorption of composite with corn skin fibres needs more exploration due to wide of its application particularly in the wet environment. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of fraction of the composite fibre to the tensile strength and moisture absorption. The main materials of this research are polyurethane as matrix and corn skin fibre as reinforcement. The research was done by mixing matrix and fibre at the certain volume fraction to produce the composite specimens. Specimens were tested by tensile test with ASTM D 3039 and water absorption test. The results shown that the higher fraction of the fibre, the increase the tensile strength. While for the water absorption, the absorption behaviour is affected by the expansion of polyurethane during producing the specimens

    Pemberdayaan Industri Kreatif Kerajinan Perak melalui Peningkatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Mesin Giling Perak

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    Desa Ungga, Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya, Lombok Tengah, merupakan sentra kerajinan perak. Produk yang dihasilkan   adalah bros, cincin, giwang, tusuk konde, suweng, liontin dan gelang. Bahan utama produk perhiasan ini yaitu  perak yang dicetak,digiling, diukir kemudian di kombinasi dengan kulit kerang, mutiara dan batu permata. Salah satu UKM yang menjadi mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah “JEN's “ Creative Silver. Permasalahan mitra yaitu masih menggunakan mesin giling  manual yang diputar dengan tangan sehingga karyawan cepat lelah. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu menyediakan mesin penggiling perak dengan penggerak motor listrik yang nyaman dilengkapi dengan gearbox. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu mendesain, merancang dan merakit, melatih karyawan, menyediakan panduan perawatan mesin.  Hasil kegiatan yaitu 1 unit mesin penggiling perak dengan penggerak motor Listrik 1 HP putaran 1450 rpm, terhubung gearbox 1:20 sehingga putaran rol penggiling sekitar 100 rpm. Mesin ini bisa membentuk kawat dengan diamater bervariasi mulai 2 mm hingga paling kecil sekitar 0,05 mm. Mesin ini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan yaitu,, putaran stabil, hasil giling bisa seragam dan karyawan tidak cepat lelah. Motor listrik yang di gunakan dilengkapi dengan switch otomatis yang akan memutus aliran listrik ketika terjadi konslet. Pengujian kinerja mesin, saat masih menggunakan mesin manual  memerlukan  waktu  sekitar  10  sampai  15  menit  untuk  menggiling perak satu on (100 gr) sekarang menggunakan motor listrik, maka waktu bisa lebih cepat rata-rata > 50% bisa sampai 5 – 7 menit untuk 1 on (100 gr). Peningkatan omzet sejak diterapkan mesin giling perak saat ini masih kecil,sekitar 3%  akibat sepinya permintaan di tengah-tengah wabah pandemic covid-19

    Unjuk Kerja Distiller Tenaga Surya Sistem Kontinue dengan Berbagai Jumlah Kaca Penutup

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    Penelitian tentang distiller tenaga surya sistem kontinue untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja distiler tersebut telah dilakukan. Tiga buah distiller yaitu distiller dengan kaca penutup tunggal, ganda dan rangkap tiga telah dirancang dan diuji.Material yang diuji adalah air laut berasal dari pantai Tanjungkarang, Mataram, NTB yang diubah menjadi air tawar melalui proses distilasi.Ukuran distiller yang diuji adalah 1136 mm x 936 mm x 574 mm (bagian luar), sedangkan ukuran plat penyerap panasnya adalah 0,8 m x 1 m. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2019 dari jam 09.00 WITA hingga jam 16.00 WITA. Hasil menunjukan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah kaca penutup semakin sedikit air tawar yang diproduksi. Distiller dengan kaca penutup rangkap tiga lebih panas sehingga uap air tidak dapat mengembun. Oleh sebab itu, distiller dengan kaca penutup tunggalah yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan