8 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Interactions Are Key to CO n‑π* Shifts: An Experimental Proof

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    Carbonyl n-Ï€* transitions are known to undergo blue shift in polar and hydrogen-bonding solvents. Using semiempirical expressions, previous studies hypothesized several factors like change in dipole moment and hydrogen-bond strength upon excitation to cause the blue shift. Theoretically, ground-state electrostatics has been predicted to be the key to the observed shifts, however, an experimental proof has been lacking. Our experimental results demonstrate a consistent linear correlation between IR (ground-state phenomenon) and n-Ï€* frequency shifts (involves both ground and excited electronic-states) of carbonyls in hydrogen-bonded and non-hydrogen-bonded environments. The carbonyl hydrogen-bonding status is experimentally verified from deviation in n-Ï€*/fluorescence correlation. The IR/n-Ï€* correlation validates the key role of electrostatic stabilization of the ground state toward n-Ï€* shifts and demonstrates the electrostatic nature of carbonyl hydrogen bonds. n-Ï€* shifts show linear sensitivity to calculated electrostatic fields on carbonyls. Our results portray the potential for n-Ï€* absorption to estimate local polarity in biomolecules and to probe chemical reactions involving carbonyl activation/stabilization

    Experimental Determination of the Electrostatic Nature of Carbonyl Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions Using IR-NMR Correlations

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    Hydrogen-bonding plays a fundamental role in the structure, function, and dynamics of various chemical and biological systems. Understanding the physical nature of interactions and the role of electrostatics in hydrogen-bonding has been the focus of several theoretical and computational research. We present an experimental approach involving IR–<sup>13</sup>C NMR correlations to determine the electrostatic nature of carbonyl hydrogen-bonding interactions. This report provides a direct experimental evidence of the classical nature of hydrogen-bonding interaction in carbonyls, independent of any theoretical approximation. These results have important implications in chemistry and biology and can be applied to probe the reaction mechanisms involving carbonyl activation/stabilization by hydrogen bonds using spectroscopic techniques

    Does Viscosity Drive the Dynamics in an Alcohol-Based Deep Eutectic Solvent?

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    Deep eutectic solvents, consisting of heterogeneous nanodomains of hydrogen-bonded networks, have evolved into a range of viscous fluids that find applications in several fields. As viscosity is known to influence the dynamics of other neoteric solvents like ionic liquids, understanding the effect of viscosity on deep eutectic solvents is crucial to realize their full potential. Herein, we combine polarization-selective pump–probe spectroscopy, two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the impact of viscosity on the dynamics of an alcohol-based deep eutectic solvent, ethaline. We compare the solvent fluctuation and solute reorientation time scales in ethaline with those in ethylene glycol, an ethaline constituent. Interestingly, we find that the solute’s reorientation apparently scales the bulk viscosity of the solvent, but the same is not valid for the overall solvation dynamics. Using the variations in the estimated intercomponent hydrogen bond lifetimes, we show that a dissolved solute does not sense the bulk viscosity of the deep eutectic solvent; instead, it senses domain-specific local viscosity determined by the making and breaking of the hydrogen bond network. Our results indicate that understanding the domain-specific local environment experienced by the dissolved solute is of utmost importance in deep eutectic solvents

    A Solvatochromic Model Calibrates Nitriles’ Vibrational Frequencies to Electrostatic Fields

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    Electrostatic interactions provide a primary connection between a protein’s three-dimensional structure and its function. Infrared probes are useful because vibrational frequencies of certain chemical groups, such as nitriles, are linearly sensitive to local electrostatic field and can serve as a molecular electric field meter. IR spectroscopy has been used to study electrostatic changes or fluctuations in proteins, but measured peak frequencies have not been previously mapped to total electric fields, because of the absence of a field-frequency calibration and the complication of local chemical effects such as H-bonds. We report a solvatochromic model that provides a means to assess the H-bonding status of aromatic nitrile vibrational probes and calibrates their vibrational frequencies to electrostatic field. The analysis involves correlations between the nitrile’s IR frequency and its <sup>13</sup>C chemical shift, whose observation is facilitated by a robust method for introducing isotopes into aromatic nitriles. The method is tested on the model protein ribonuclease S (RNase S) containing a labeled p-CN-Phe near the active site. Comparison of the measurements in RNase S against solvatochromic data gives an estimate of the average total electrostatic field at this location. The value determined agrees quantitatively with molecular dynamics simulations, suggesting broader potential for the use of IR probes in the study of protein electrostatics

    Measuring Electrostatic Fields in Both Hydrogen-Bonding and Non-Hydrogen-Bonding Environments Using Carbonyl Vibrational Probes

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    Vibrational probes can provide a direct readout of the local electrostatic field in complex molecular environments, such as protein binding sites and enzyme active sites. This information provides an experimental method to explore the underlying physical causes of important biomolecular processes such as binding and catalysis. However, specific chemical interactions such as hydrogen bonds can have complicated effects on vibrational probes and confound simple electrostatic interpretations of their frequency shifts. We employ vibrational Stark spectroscopy along with infrared spectroscopy of carbonyl probes in different solvent environments and in ribonuclease S to understand the sensitivity of carbonyl frequencies to electrostatic fields, including those due to hydrogen bonds. Additionally, we carried out molecular dynamics simulations to calculate ensemble-averaged electric fields in solvents and in ribonuclease S and found excellent correlation between calculated fields and vibrational frequencies. These data enabled the construction of a robust field–frequency calibration curve for the CO vibration. The present results suggest that carbonyl probes are capable of quantitatively assessing the electrostatics of hydrogen bonding, making them promising for future study of protein function

    Pick and Choose the Spectroscopic Method to Calibrate the Local Electric Field inside Proteins

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    Electrostatic interactions in proteins play a crucial role in determining the structure–function relation in biomolecules. In recent years, fluorescent probes have been extensively employed to interrogate the polarity in biological cavities through dielectric constants or semiempirical polarity scales. A choice of multiple spectroscopic methods, not limited by fluorophores, along with a molecular level description of electrostatics involving solute–solvent interactions, would allow more flexibility to pick and choose the experimental technique to determine the local electrostatics within protein interiors. In this work we report that ultraviolet/visible-absorption, infrared-absorption, or <sup>13</sup>C NMR can be used to calibrate the local electric field in both hydrogen bonded and non-hydrogen bonded protein environments. The local electric field at the binding site of a serum protein has been determined using the absorption wavelength as well as the carbonyl stretching frequency of its natural steroid substrate, testosterone. Excellent agreement is observed in the results obtained from two independent spectroscopic techniques

    Correlating Nitrile IR Frequencies to Local Electrostatics Quantifies Noncovalent Interactions of Peptides and Proteins

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    Noncovalent interactions, in particular the hydrogen bonds and nonspecific long-range electrostatic interactions are fundamental to biomolecular functions. A molecular understanding of the local electrostatic environment, consistently for both specific (hydrogen-bonding) and nonspecific electrostatic (local polarity) interactions, is essential for a detailed understanding of these processes. Vibrational Stark Effect (VSE) has proven to be an extremely useful method to measure the local electric field using infrared spectroscopy of carbonyl and nitrile based probes. The nitrile chemical group would be an ideal choice because of its absorption in an infrared spectral window transparent to biomolecules, ease of site-specific incorporation into proteins, and common occurrence as a substituent in various drug molecules. However, the inability of VSE to describe the dependence of IR frequency on electric field for hydrogen-bonded nitriles to date has severely limited nitrile’s utility to probe the noncovalent interactions. In this work, using infrared spectroscopy and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we have reported for the first time a linear correlation between nitrile frequencies and electric fields in a wide range of hydrogen-bonding environments that may bridge the existing gap between VSE and H-bonding interactions. We have demonstrated the robustness of this field-frequency correlation for both aromatic nitriles and sulfur-based nitriles in a wide range of molecules of varying size and compactness, including small molecules in complex solvation environments, an amino acid, disordered peptides, and structured proteins. This correlation, when coupled to VSE, can be used to quantify noncovalent interactions, specific or nonspecific, in a consistent manner

    Perturbation of Fermi Resonance on Hydrogen-Bonded > CO: 2D IR Studies of Small Ester Probes

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    We utilized linear and 2D infrared spectroscopy to analyze the carbonyl stretching modes of small esters in different solvents. Particularly noteworthy were the distinct carbonyl spectral line shapes in aqueous solutions, prompting our investigation of the underlying factors responsible for these differences. Through our experimental and theoretical calculations, we identified the presence of the hydrogen-bond-induced Fermi resonance as the primary contributor to the varied line shapes of small esters in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, our findings revealed that the skeletal deformation mode plays a crucial role in the Fermi resonance for all small esters. Specifically, the first overtone band of the skeletal deformation mode intensifies when hydrogen bonds form with the carbonyl group of esters, whereas such coupling is rare in aprotic organic solvents. These spectral insights carry significant implications for the utilization of esters as infrared probes in both biological and chemical systems