21 research outputs found

    Farm-Level Impact Analysis of the Adoption of the Package of Technologies Introduced Under the Soybean Yield Gap Analysis Project (SYGAP)

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    IndonesianStudi ini menganalisis dampak adopsi teknologi SYGAP di tingkat petani di Karawang dan Jombang. Umumnya hasil kedelai potensial tidak tercapai oleh petani peserta SYGAP di Karawang dan Jombang. Di Karawang, hasil rata-rata yang dicapai petani peserta SYGAP tidak berbeda nyata dengan bukan peserta SYGAP. Hal ini disebabkan oleh serangan hama ulat pada lahan petani. Sedangkan petani kooperator di Jombang memperoleh hasil lebih tinggi daripada petani non-kooperator. Usaha tani kedelai masih menguntungkan kedua kelompok petani tersebut. Walaupun demikian secara umum peserta SYGAP tidak memperoleh keuntungan lebih tinggi daripada bukan peserta. Adopsi teknologi SYGAP sangat riskan karena variabilitas pendapatan yang relatif tinggi. Disarankan untuk mengembangkan varietas kedelai yang tahan serangan hama dan kekeringan sebelum mempromosikan teknologi SYGAP di daerah yang lingkungannya kurang sesua

    Market Structure of the Corn Seed Industry in East Java

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    IndonesianMakalah ini menelaah tentang struktur pasar industri benih jagung di Jawa Timur. Struktur pasar di tingkat produsen sangat oligopolistik yang mana volume penjualan didominasi oleh produk beberapa Perusahaan multinasional berupa benih jagung hibrida. Pengemasan dan jenis varietas merupakan indikator utama diferensiasi produk. Semua produsen memperoleh informasi pasar secara memadai. Investasi yang cukup tinggi merupakan penghalang utama untuk masuk dan pangsa pasar yang sudah mapan merupakan faktor utama untuk meninggalkan industri ini. CR4 di tingkat pedagang menunjukkan bahwa pedagang besar-pengecer bersifat oligopolistik, tetapi pengecer relatif bersaing. Mendorong investor baru untuk masuk ke dalam industri benih merupakan pilihan kebijakan pemerintah yang bisa mengurangi konsentrasi produsen yang relatif tinggi dalam industri ini.EnglishThis study attempted to describe market structure of the corn seed industry in East Java. Market structure of the industry at the producer level was highly oligopolistic characterized by dominant volume of sales of few multinationals through their hybrid corn seed products. Packaging and types of varieties were the main indicators of product differentiation. All producers were well informed about the market. High capital investment was the main barrier to entry and established market share was the most important barrier to exit. CR4 at the traders' level showed that the wholesaler-retailers were oligopolistic, but the retailers were relatively competitive. Encouraging new investors to entry into the corn seed industry is the policy the government can take to reduce high concentration in this industry

    Prospek Konsumsi Cengkeh di Indonesia

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    IndonesianProspek cengkeh agaknya semakin tidak menentu sebagai akibat menurunnya harga cengkeh yang berkepanjangan serta tata niaga yang kurang sehat dalam mempertahankan harga dasar. Untuk memacu produktivitas cengkeh, salahsatu kebijakan yang cukup penting adalah masalah harga saprodi maupun harga cengkeh. Hal ini dapat ditempuh dengan menaikkan dana penyangga pemerintah dari Rp 62 milyar menjadi Rp 614 milyar serta menyempurnakan Keppres 8/80 tentang tataniaga cengkeh. Besarnya dana penyangga ini didasarkan pada hasil produksi serta harga per kg yang layak diterima petani. Untuk mengimbangi konsumen yang semakin monopsoni sebaiknya petani membentuk asosiasi agar posisi penawarannya menjadi lebih kuat atau membentuk badan penyangga cengkeh

    Ragam Sumber Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah Di Kalimantan Tengah: Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Dan Kabupaten Kapuas

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    Rice farmers in districts of Kotawaringin Timur and Kapuas (Central Kalimantan Province) earn their main income from agricultural sector, each of 87 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Income distribution of farmers in both districts is well circulated relatively. Income proportions achieved by 40 percent of lowest income group in the districts of Kotawaringin Timur and Kapuas are 14 percent and 17 percent, and their Gini coefficients are 0.4144 and 0.4052, respectively. Unbalanced income distribution in Kotawaringin is affected more by agricultural earnings than that of non agricultural sector. Reducing the unbalanced distribution of farmers income is possible done by increasing income sources generated from upland farming and non agricultural sectors

    Stabilisasi Harga Pangan Nonberas Di Malaysia

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    Malaysian Government applies policy on non-rice price stabilization through farmers' product purchase, incentives for farmers, and retail price control. This paper aims (i) to review Malaysia's policy on food production; (ii) to assess price control and farmers' protection policy; and (iii) to learn a lesson from Malaysia's success in stabilizing strategic goods prices. Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) controls strategic goods price established by Malaysian Government. Federal Agricultural Marketing Agency (FAMA) controls domestic supply of agricultural products such that the prices are feasible to farmers but affordable to consumers. Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia could learn from success of this neighboring country in protecting farmers for producing agricultural products in order to maintain domestic supply and to stabilize food price

    The Features of Vegetables in Indonesia and the Current Policy in the Framework of Agricultural Development

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    Vegetables are grown throughoutIndonesia, especially on high altitude areas. Indonesians traditionally consume vegetables for their daily food. The objectives of this paper are (1) to describe status and characteristics of agriculture and vegetables inIndonesiaand (2) to illustrate current policy in the framework of agricultural development. The results showed that during the period of 1998 – 2005 the trend of vegetable tended to decline in harvested area and stagnant in production. On the other hand, vegetable consumption inIndonesiais very small. Budget allocation for vegetable increased from 8.96 percent of total food expenditure in 1996 to 9.91 percent in 2002. During the same period, vegetable import value fluctuated. However, the share of vegetable export value showed a constant performance, especially during 1999 – 2003 period, namely 0.09 – 0.11 percent. Entering global market, increasing strategies currently implemented in developing horticulture products are aimed at increasing production, yields, and improving quality through efficient farm management to produce competitive products