46 research outputs found

    Past climate and continentality inferred from ice wedges at Batagay megaslump in the Northern Hemisphere’s most continental region, Yana Highlands, interior Yakutia

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    Ice wedges in the Yana Highlands of interior Yakutia – the most continental region of the Northern Hemisphere –were investigated to elucidate changes in winter climate and continentality that have taken place since the Middle Pleistocene. The Batagay megaslump exposes ice wedges and composite wedges that were sampled from three cryostratigraphic units: the lower ice complex of likely pre-Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 age, the upper ice complex (Yedoma) and the upper sand unit (both MIS 3 to 2). A terrace of the nearby Adycha River provides a Late Holocene (MIS 1) ice wedge that serves as a modern reference for interpretation. The stable-isotope composition of ice wedges in the MIS 3 upper ice complex at Batagay is more depleted (mean δ18O about−35‰) than those from 17otherice-wedge study sites across coastal and central Yakutia. This observation points to lower winter temperatures and therefore higher continentality in the Yana Highlands during MIS 3. Likewise, more depleted isotope values are found in Holocene wedge ice (mean δ18O about−29‰) compared to other sites in Yakutia. Ice-wedge isotopic signatures of the lower ice complex (mean δ18O about −33‰) and of the MIS 3–2 upper sand unit (mean δ18O from about−33‰ to−30‰) are less distinctive regionally. The latter unit preserves traces of fast formation in rapidly accumulating sand sheets and of postdepositional isotopic fractionation

    Ancient permafrost of the Batagay megaslump (East Siberia) – first insights into chronostratigraphy

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    Age information from ancient permafrost is key for understanding permafrost formation, stability and decay, and allows for interpreting past climate and environmental conditions over Pleistocene timescales. However, reliable permafrost geochronology is challenging, especially for deposits beyond the radiocarbon dating limit at about 50,000 years before present. The headwall of the world’s largest retrogressive thaw slump at Batagay in the Yana Upland, East Siberia (67.58 °N, 134.77 °E), exposes four generations of ice and sand–ice (composite) wedges that formed synchronously with permafrost aggradation (Opel et al., 2019). The exposed Batagay stratigraphy separates into a lower ice complex that is covered by a lower sand unit, an upper ice complex and an upper sand unit. Two woody beds below and above the lower sand are remarkable (Murton et al., 2017). We apply four dating methods to disentangle the chronology of the Batagay permafrost archive: opticallystimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz and post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL) dating of K-feldspar as well as accelerator mass spectrometry-based Cl-36/Cl dating of wedge ice and radiocarbon dating of organic material (Murton et al., under review). All four chronometers produce stratigraphically consistent and comparable ages. However, OSL appears to date Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 to MIS 2 deposits more reliably than pIR-IRSL, whereas the latter is more consistent with Cl-36/Cl ages for older deposits. The age information obtained so far indicates that the Batagay permafrost sequence is discontinuous. The lower ice complex developed at least 650,000 years ago, potentially during MIS 16 and represents the oldest dated permafrost in western Beringia and the second oldest known ice in the Northern Hemisphere. The age of the overlying lower sand is poorly constrained, indicating formation some time during MIS 16–4. The upper ice complex formed during MIS 4–2 and the upper sand during MIS 3–2, respectively. Thus, the ancient permafrost at Batagay potentially provides one of the longest terrestrial records of Pleistocene environments in western Beringia. Additional sampling for all dating approaches presented here took place in spring 2019, and is part of ongoing research to enhance the geochronology of the exceptional palaeoenvironmental archive of the Batagay megaslump

    A multimethod dating study of ancient permafrost, Batagay megaslump, east Siberia

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    Dating of ancient permafrost is essential for understanding long-term permafrost stability and interpreting palaeoenvironmental conditions but presents substantial challenges to geochronology. Here, we apply four methods to permafrost from the megaslump at Batagay, east Siberia: (1) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, (2) post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating of K-feldspar, (3) radiocarbon dating of organic material, and (4) 36Cl/Cl dating of ice wedges. All four chronometers produce stratigraphically consistent and comparable ages. However, OSL appears to date Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 to MIS 2 deposits more reliably than pIRIR, whereas the latter is more consistent with 36Cl/Cl ages for older deposits. The lower ice complex developed at least 650 ka, potentially during MIS 16, and represents the oldest dated permafrost in western Beringia and the second-oldest known ice in the Northern Hemisphere. It has survived multiple interglaciations, including the super-interglaciation MIS 11c, though a thaw unconformity and erosional surface indicate at least one episode of permafrost thaw and erosion occurred sometime between MIS 16 and 6. The upper ice complex formed from at least 60 to 30 ka during late MIS 4 to 3. The sand unit above the upper ice complex is dated to MIS 3–2, whereas the sand unit below formed at some time between MIS 4 and 16

    Изменение климата западного Крыма зимой и летом с 1915 по 2013 гг.

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    <p>Рассмотрены тенденции перемен характеристик климата Западного Крыма в зимний и летний сезон, а также климатических норм аномалий поверхностных температур Северо-Западной части Черного моря в период 1915-2013 гг. Установлено, что роль взаимодействия приходящих в Западный Крым воздушных масс как в зимний, так и в летний период состоит в основном в увеличении их влагосодержания.</p