31 research outputs found

    Low Speed Take-Off Aerodynamic Analysis

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    In the frame of the EU funded H2020 project AGILE (Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts) detailed CFD simulations were made to analyze the high lift system of an optimized regional aircraft. The paper presents shortly how the different components of the aircraft were obtained. CFD calculations were carried out, and the results are discussed

    Gold nanostars as a photoagent under the antimicrobial action of infrared (808 nm) laser radiation

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    Gold nanostars with an average core diameter of 122,2 nm and a spike length of 114,6 nm were synthesized and characterized at a concentration of 5,36×1010 pcs/ml with an absorption maximum of 840 nm. Gold nanostars were coated with thiolated polyethylene glycol, its amount was about 8×104 molecules per 1 particle and about 4,4×1015 molecules/ml in the colloid. The zeta potential of gold nanostars coated with PEG-SH was −2.3 mV. The combined eff ect of gold nanostars and low-intensity infrared (808 nm) laser radiation on the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 209 P and Escherichia coli 113-13 has been studied. Incubation of suspensions of microorganisms in the presence of nanoparticles without access to light did not lead to a signifi cant reduction in the number of bacteria. Irradiation for 30 min of bacterial suspensions containing nanoparticles caused the death of 39% of the S. aureus population and 80% of the E. coli population. During the thermometry of the studied suspensions, it was found that the temperature increase is dose-dependent. The increase in temperature of the control samples that did not contain photothermal agents did not exceed 1 °C in both cases throughout the entire time of the experiment. For suspensions of bacteria (equally S. aureus and E. coli) incubated with gold nanostars during irradiation, an increase in temperature indicators, on average, by 4 °C was revealed. The more pronounced antibacterial activity of the combination of gold nanostars and infrared (808 nm) laser radiation against E. coli can also be explained by the greater sensitivity of gram-negative microorganisms to photothermal exposure

    Assessment of the sustainability of economic development under the governments of Russia

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    The article examines the features of the economic development of Russia since 1887 by growth and risk parameters. The development risk was measured using the standard deviation of the annual growth rates of real GDP. Progressive, regressive, conservative, and aggressive development is proposed to determine according to the changes in growth and risk. The authors have analyzed the process of development under individual governments, as well as in general for the imperial, socialist, and post-Soviet periods, with the emphasis in the last two Stalinist and post-Stalinist, liberal and patriotic periods, respectively. Progressive changes in economic development are revealed: Stolypin reforms, industrialization and the “vertical of power”; regressive: civil war, Khrushchev reforms, perestroika, liberalization, and modernization; conservative: Kosygin reforms and “nationalization of the elite”. Except for opportunistic growth and risk surges 1911-1913 and 1998-2000, no aggressive developmental periods with identifiable institutional causes were found. The repetitive development cycle of the socialist and post-Soviet periods is shown. The conclusion is made about the greater authenticity of the Russian culture of the socialist development model and the least of the liberal ones, as well as the need to develop post-industrial development institutions that are authentic to the Russian culture for their application after the predicted institutional crisis

    Damage Function and Its Application

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    The types of damage functions for objects in the event of various emergency situations - fires, accidents, emergencies, etc. - are considered. The methods of constructing damage functions using expert methods and taking into account the actions of emergency services to eliminate emergency situations and their consequences are presented. The possibility of comparing the effectiveness of various methods of emergency response using the damage function is shown. An example of assessing damage reduction while increasing the efficiency of fire extinguishing by automatic installations is provided

    Macroeconomic signs of an innovative economy by the case of Great Britain

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    By the case of the economic development of Great Britain, the hypothesis was verified that innovations at the macroeconomic level should accelerate economic growth and at the same time reduce development risks, stabilizing this growth, reducing its fluctuations under the influence of market factors. The economic development of Great Britain is investigated in 25 economic cycles for the period from 1830-2020. Economic development was investigated according to the parameters of economic growth and development risk in each of the considered cycles. Four types of economic development policy are theoretically described in terms of the dynamics of changes in growth and risk between the previous and subsequent cycles including progressive, regressive, aggressive and conservative. In relation to the identified periods of progressive development policy in Great Britain, the institutional innovations that led to this type of development were investigated. Among them was the great economic reform of the early Victorian era, the course of social or new liberalism and the popular budget before the First World War, the activities of the first Labor government immediately after this war, economic recovery after World War II in combination with the Marshall plan and nationalization, the era of the Conservatives and the politics of New Labor at the end of the 20th century. The study showed that the implementation of authentic national culture and institutions complementary to the existing authentic culture institutions of institutional innovations leads to a simultaneous decrease in the risk of development and acceleration of economic growth, which can be considered the most favorable policy of macroeconomic management of entrepreneurial activity in order to accelerate the application of technical and commercial innovations

    Management-developing of an algorithm for the design decisions in the innovative activity of an organization

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    This article proposes a new algorithm for developing conceptual project decisions in terms of an organization or innovator’s response to changing consumer demands through the development and investment in innovations. The theoretical basis for choosing the type of an algorithm was elaborated by studying the available referencies relevant to present issues of the applicability of types of algorithms for developing management decisions. A multistage multicriteria algorithm (hereinafter referred to as MMA) was developed on the basis of studied algorithms. On developing the stages of the MMA, a set of thinking methods (analysis – synthesis, deduction – induction), a decomposition method, and logical methods were used. MMA is considered as a set of step-by-step sequential descriptions of local processes, formulations and solutions of management tasks, used decision methods and decision-making criteria. The SMART(ER) method was used for managerial tasks at each stage to be set. When solving a management problem, a set of methods was used including an expert method, a factor analysis, brainstorm and methods for calculating economic efficiency. For choosing solutions at each stage to be made, a set of criteria was used. They are the weight of the negative impact on the result of the activity, the yes/no method, the maximum effect, costs minimizing, risks. The schematic design was defined for MMA to be developed. The schematic design was considered as a method of modeling and a method of graphical-analytical displaying of the stages of the process

    Diversity of economic development in Portuguese-speaking countries

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    The rates of growth and stability of economic development of the countries of the Portuguese world in the years 1870-2018 are investigated. The comparison has been carried out for 15 economic cycles, which are grouped into following historical periods: monarchical, dictatorial and democratic. The developed method for researching economic development policies makes it possible to quantitatively assess the historical fate of territories in terms of growth and risk. The indicators of the standard deviation of the growth rates of real gross domestic product were used as an indicator of sustainability. The features of progressive, regressive, conservative and aggressive policies of economic development are described. It is shown that during the entire studied period, only Spain which is beyond the Portuguese-speaking word demonstrated similarity in development with Portugal. Brazil's development trend deviated from the metropolis after 130 years of independence and 60 years of obvious institutional differences. African colonies in their turn immediately began to demonstrate a drastically different development policy. This proves that culture has a more significant and long-term impact on economic development than state and social institutions. The results obtained show that the Portuguese world has not formed a separate civilization with special and peculiar traits to be united with the common historical fate

    Peculiarities of the transition to the methodological type of university education in different cultures

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    It was pointed out that there is a need to move from expert to methodological culture in higher professional education. The essence of this way of education is not knowledge about entities, but patterns and tools for knowledge management. The importance of the development of a methodological culture for creating growth areas inside and outside the existing education system and for a fundamental change in the management system of universities is emphasized. The basic models of universities are investigated by the structural method based on the matrix of values of the key cultures of the world. The search for mechanisms of transition to higher methodological education in Russian culture has been carried out. One of the mechanisms of such transformations is the transition to the authentic Russian culture when students select professors and inversed process when professors select students and universities’ leadership by the locals

    Assessment of the Competitiveness and economic development policies of the countries of the Former French Empire

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    A methodology for assessing the competitiveness and policy of economic development of the countries has been developed. As an indicator of competitiveness, the advanced development index is proposed, defined as the ratio of the growth rate of a country's real GDP to the global indicator. To assess the policy of economic development, it is proposed to use an assessment of changes in the advanced development index and the standard deviation of the annual growth rates of real GDP, evaluated for the periods of economic cycles from the beginning of the recovery to the end of the recession, in comparison with the previous period. The second indicator is proposed to be used as an indicator of the sustainability of economic growth and development risk. Such an assessment tool allows four types of economic development policies to be defined including conservative, aggressive, progressive, and regressive ones, when, in comparison with the previous period, the advanced development index and the growth sustainability indicator, respectively, fall or grow in the next period. On the basis of these indicators, an evaluation of the index of the proximity of historical fate is proposed. The developed methodology is applied to the assessment of the economic development of the countries of the former French Empire since 1952. The analysis of the indicators made it possible to reveal that the similarity of the economic development of countries that were previously part of the same empire, the higher, the closer the cultures of these countries, and the further away, the further away from their cultures. At the same time, only those countries achieved advanced development that, after gaining independence, which were able to form their own institutional system, significantly different from the colonial institutions of the metropolis. No signs of the emergence of French civilization, united by a common historical destiny, have been found on the territory of the former French Empire. The obtained scientific result is proof of the need to develop a model of a multipolar world, in which it is necessary to include a provision on the need to form institutions of economic development that are authentic to each culture

    The “second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic: regional and temporal dynamics

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    This article focuses on the “second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic and examines spatiotemporal patterns between July 2020 and January 2021. We analyse available COVID-19 data at the regional (subnational) level to elucidate patterns and typology of Arctic regions with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article builds upon our previous research that examined the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic between February and July 2020. The pandemic’s “second wave” observed in the Arctic between September 2020 and January 2021 was severe in terms of COVID-19 infections and fatalities, having particularly strong impacts in Alaska, Northern Russia and Northern Sweden. Based on the spatiotemporal patterns of the “second wave” dynamics, we identified 5 types of the pandemic across regions: Shockwaves (Iceland, Faroe Islands, Northern Norway, and Northern Finland), Protracted Waves (Northern Sweden), Tidal Waves (Northern Russia), Tsunami Waves (Alaska), and Isolated Splashes (Northern Canada and Greenland). Although data limitations and gaps persist, monitoring of COVID-19 is critical for developing a proper understanding of the pandemic in order to develop informed and effective responses to the current crisis and possible future pandemics in the Arctic. Data used in this paper are available at https://arctic.uni.edu/arctic-covid-19