5 research outputs found

    Land, assets, and livelihoods: Gendered analysis of evidence from Odisha State in India

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    Using data collected from the evaluation of two government land titling interventions in the Indian state of Odisha, this paper examines key relationships linking land and livelihood strategies. The investigation is one of the first to explicitly use the Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project framework to gain additional insights on how gender–asset dynamics relate to household livelihood strategies.Non-PRIFPRI1; Theme 7; Subtheme 7.3; GRP42; CRP2PHND; PIMCGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM

    Gendered analysis of evidence from Odisha State in India

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    Non-PRIFPRI5; CRP2PHND; PIMCGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM

    Led by IFPRI Gender, Agriculture, and Assets: Learning from Eight Agricultural Development Interventions

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    that strives to reduce poverty through improved homestead development in the state of West Bengal, India. The program works through the state government and local communities to purchase and allocate small plots of land; this includes the granting of land titles, with an emphasis on joint titling in households with married couples. The program also provides assistance with housing and basic inputs and capacity building in homestead food production and promotes local development through investment in infrastructure. Despite India’s rapid economic gains over the last two decades, as much as one third of its population lives on less than $1.25 a day (purchasing power parity) (World Bank 2010). Moreover, a large part of its population continues to suffer from hunger and malnutrition despite the unprecedented availability of high-quality food products. In 2013, India was estimated to have the largest number of malnourished children in the world (India, Planning Commission 2013). For many households, having secure access to a small plot of land on which to live, grow a vegetable garden, plant trees