24 research outputs found
Kajian Lebar Retak Balok Beton Akibat Penggunaan Tulangan Aluminium Paduan
The use of concrete structures in a corrosive environment requires a minimum concrete cover thickness of 50 mm.Tthick concrete cover is certainly very risky occurrence of spalling which result in reduced capacity of the cross section of the structure. For this study utilizes the aluminum alloy material as additional reinforcement bars that fill a third of thick concrete cover, where the aluminum has properties that are resistant to corrosion. The purpose of this study to obtain the contribution of aluminum alloy in the capacity of the concrete beam section and a wide crack that occurs without using reinforcement rebars. This study uses five pieces of beam specimen dimensions of 300 mm x 150 mm and a span length of 1600 mm. The beam using materials mortar, concrete and 13 mm diameters of aluminum alloy that were tested for bending strength. As for each of the aluminum ratio of 0% (B0); 0.34% (B1); 0.68% (B2); 1.02% (B3) and 1.36% (B4). Testing method requiring a single point of loading. The results showed that the load capacity of the test specimen when the first crack in the beam but not significantly increased with increasing amount of aluminum, which is equal to 1 times, 1,002 times, 1.01 times, 1.03 times and 1.07 times the beam ratio aluminum 0%. The maximum load capacity has increased along with increasing the number of aluminum, which is equal to 1 times, 1.64 times, 2.95 times, 4.00 times and 5.17 times its maximum capacity aluminum beam ratio of 0%. Rated maximum bending stress concrete (FCR) are eligible crack width 0.4 mm when conditions permit loading is an aluminum beam with a ratio of 0.68%; 1.02%; 1.36% 3.81 MPa; 3.89 MPa; 4.02 MPa
Kuat Geser dan Daktilitas pada Balok Castellated Modifikasi Komposit Mortar Akibat Beban Siklik
Struktur baja castellated merupakan struktur yang terbuat dari balok IWF yang memiliki bukaan lubang berupa heksagonal, lingkaran, maupun persegi. Dengan adanya bukaan lubang maka akan menambah ketnggian penampang yang mampu meningkatkan momen inersia yang terjadi pada balok, sehingga beban maksimum yang dapat dipikul balok juga akan meningkat, namun balok tersebut juga memiliki kelemahan yaitu terjadinya mekanime vierendeel. Oleh karena itu, Pada penelitian ini dikaji perilaku balok castellated komposit mortar akibat beban siklik yang memodelkan beban gempa di lapangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kekuatan ultimte, daktilitas, dan pola keruntuhan pada balok castellated komposit mortar. Benda uji terbuat dari profil 2L.30.3.3, tulangan ø 13 mm, dan mortar yang memiliki nilai fas 0,4 dengan perbandingan1:1,5. Beban siklik yang diaplikasikan mengacu pada ACI T1.1-01. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai kapasitas beban ultimate pada balok sebesar 203,5 kN untuk siklus positif dan 201,5 untuk siklus negatif. Lendutan yang terjadi sebesar 3,46 mm untuk siklus positif dan 3,36 untuk siklus negatif. Nilai daktilitas rata-rata yang didapat sebesar 3,45. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diklasifikasikan bahwa struktur memiliki tingkat daktilitas sedang
Batako Sekam Padi Komposit Mortar Semen
Several previous construction material researches on exploiting rice husk as wall panel (concrete block), showed that rice husk mixed with construction material gave lighter weight but lower strength. This research attempted to improve the strength of the concrete block composite by giving cement mortar mixture as the outer layer. The specimen of concrete block composite was made under the concrete principal method. The first step was to put the concrete block composite and rice husk into a mold in various thickness of required outer layer. Then cement mortar mixture was poured around it as the outer layer. The results showed that the compressive strength of concrete block for various outer layer thickness without cord net ranging from 5 mm, 10 mm, and 15 mm were reached at 1,68 MPa, 5,16 MPa and 6,51 MPa, respectively and per m² wall weight of 102,44 kgs, 122,46 kgs, and 139,10 kgs, respectively. The compressive strength of concrete block with cord net for the same outer layer thickness variation were reached at 1,97 MPa, 5,72 MPa and 6,70 MPa, respectively and per m² wall weight of 120,40 kgs, 135,98 kgs, and 152,23 kgs. Water absorption of outer layer achieved were 2,01% and 7,06% after 10 minutes and 24 hours soaking, respectively. The optimum outer layer thickness without cord net of concrete block composite with rice husk was 10 mm, which met the requirements of minimum compressive strength, light weighted and economic cost aspects
Analisis Daya Dukung Beban Balok Beton Bertulang Tampang T Dengan Perkuatan Wire Rope Pada Daerah Momen Negatif Menggunakan Program Response-2000 Dan Metode Pias
Response-2000 adalah suatu program yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis elemen beton bertulang akibat beban aksial, momen, geser, maupun kombinasi ketiganya sehingga respon beban-lendutan dapat diprediksi dan kekuatannya dapat diketahui. Makalah ini membahas perbandingan kapasitas daya dukung beban hasil pengujian balok bertulang tampang T yang diperkuat wire rope pada daerah momen negatif dengan analisis menggunakan Response-2000 dan metode pias. Metode pias dilakukan dengan cara membagi penampang menjadi sejumlah pias dengan ketebalan tertentu, kemudian menganalisis gaya-gaya yang bekerja sampai tercapai keseimbangan sehingga dapat ditentukan kapasitasnya. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 3 model balok tampang T, masing-masing 1 balok tanpa perkuatan, 1 balok diperkuat dengan 2 wire rope, dan 1 balok dipekuat dengan 4 wire rope. Jenis wire rope yang digunakan adalah Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) dengan diameter 10 mm. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kurva hubungan beban-lendutan untuk semua balok berdasarkan analisis Response-2000 memiliki pola yang mendekati kurva hubungan beban-lendutan hasil pengujian. Namun demikian terdapat perbedaan pada kemiringan kurva di mana hal tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh adanya anggapan lekatan sempurna (perfect bond) pada program Response-2000. Hal yang sama juga berlaku pada analisis metode pias. Daya dukung beban hasil Response-2000 menunjukkan rasio sebesar 1,05; 0,95; dan 0,89 terhadap hasil pengujian, masing-masing untuk balok tanpa perkuatan, balok diperkuat dengan 2 wire rope, dan balok dipekuat dengan 4 wire rope. Sedangkan kapasitas daya dukung beban hasil analisis metode pias menunjukkan rasio sebesar 1,05; 0,85; dan 0,76 terhadap hasil pengujian
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jembatan Berbasis Web dengan Metode Bridge Condition Rating (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Jembatan di Kabupaten Garut)
A state progression level can be identified from the infrastructure demand. However, infrastructure projects requires high investment cost, therefore it is recessary to optimally maintain the existing infrastructure facility. Bridge management is required to maintain the bridge function and role, as well as to keep the bridge service period in line with the service period plan by using various efforts to maintain the safety, comfort, and economy in serving the traffic. The bridge management needs a lot of recent information of the bridge inventory and condition. It is required to build accurate and up-to-date information for bridge management completed with DSS (Decision Support System) to make the inventorying result to be easily understood and to determine bridge management priority. Research area in producing this system was located at Garut Regency, West Java by taking 7 bridges as samples, under Bina Marga Public Work management. WEB-based Bridge Management Information System (SIMJWEB) was software built with PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL Database Management System. The bridge condition is visually assessed using the Bridge Condition Rating method of NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportations). Bridge component is assessed based on Component Rating of 7 as good and 1 as worst. The total Component Rating is multiplied with Weight Factor from each component, and then divided by total Weight Factor resulting from Bridge Condition Rating that reflects the bridge condition. Treatment priority determination is based on Bridge Condition Rating Value. Information on treatment time delay is obtained from estimated bridge service period using IBMS (Interurban Bridge Management System) assumption. SIMJWEB is able to provide prompt information on the inventory, condition, proposal and management priority data, as well as the estimation of bridge service period. Such information helps the bridge manager in making decision. Through internet media, bridge user can actively participate to bridge management in a region by giving idea or following public hearing made by bridge manager. This research results show that Cipancar 1 Bridge has the highest treatment priority at condition rating of 4.874 and requires rehabilitation as the proposed treatment. The lowest priority is Cimanuk Andir bridge at condition rating of 6.587 and requires regular and periodic maintenance as the proposed treatment. By estimating that Cipancar 1 bridge plan period is 50, the Equivalent period is 28.3 years and in 22 years later, the bridge function would not be functioned anymore
Pemanfaatan Kulit Ale-ale sebagai Agregat Kasar dalam Pembuatan Beton
At present cockle shells of ale-ale are used only as materials of heaping up muddy yards or roads in Ketapang City. Therefore, it is a challange to conduct study to utilize cockle shells of aleale as aggregate for concrete. It is expected that the result of this study can not only give additional economicall value for cockle shells of ale-ale, but also reduce impacts on environment. In the present research, intact and broken cockle shells were used as concrete aggregate mixed with white sand, and white Portland cement. The amount of cement used is 300 kg/m3. The composition of both intact and broken cockle shells of applied in the research was 100%, 75%, 25%, and 0%. The specimen of intact cockle shells ale – ale was made in various shape and size namely sylinder-shaped models of ∅150 x 300 mm and ∅80 x 160 mm and a ‘concrete brick\u27-shaped model, while specimen broken cockle shells of ale-ale were sylinder-shaped models of ∅150 x 300 mm and ∅80 x 160 mm, a cube-shaped model of 70 x 70 x 70 mm and a ‘paving block\u27- shaped model. The research aims at finding the compressive strength of 28 days old, abration of concrete, and impact resistance of concrete. From the result of the research, it can be identified that the specific gravity of concrete with intact and broken cockle shells of ale-ale with the variation of 50% corresponds to a ‘normal concrete\u27 category. While specific gravity the intact cockle shells with variation of 50% is 2367.82, the broken cockle shells with the variation of 50% is 2302,66. Based on the result, it can also seen that with the variation of 50%, the highest compressive strength of concrete in the mixture of intact cockle shells of ale-ale is 24.98 MPa, and for broken cockle shells of ale-ale is 27.53 MPa
Beton Non Pasir dengan Agregat dari Batu Alam (Batu Ape) Sungai Lua Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Sulawesi Utara
Timber supply is diminishing in addition to the trend to lower quality but higher cost of wood production manufacturing. However, because the demand of this material continues, an alternative or substitution on the use of timber, such as bamboo laminated, is desirable. Having susceptible character to powder by beetles attack, bamboo must be passed through preservation process before it is applied as laminating materials, but chemical preservative materials used in industrial process ring negative impacts to the environment. One of human and environmental friendly preservatives is the tobacco extract. Nevertheless, the most effective concentration of tobacco extract and its influence to the adhesive materials have not been well recognized. This research objective was to investigate the influence of tobacco extract to the natural and mechanic behaviour of laminated bamboo. Dried tobacco flake was mixed with water in variable concentration of 100, 125, 150 and 175 gram/liter. Bamboo split were given treatment in boiling water with tobacco extract solutions. As benchmarking, bamboo split also preserved with boiling water (without preservatives materials) and 5% concentration of borax. Non preservative bamboo was used as the control. The result of experiment showed that 150 gram/liter tobacco extract concentration of caused 61,33% insect mortality and 1,87% decreased weigh, which is effective to be used as preservative in compare to other three concentrations. Water content and density observation showed that preservation using 150 gram/liter extract tobacco comparing to non preservative boiling preservation, produced smaller value of water content and larger value of density than borax preservative. Preservation using 150 gram/liter tobacco extract produced highest value of compression parallel to grain and modulus of the bamboo elasticity Petung mechanic properties were 277,95 MPa and 170,34 MPa, respectively. Mechanical properties of laminated bamboo that were significantly influenced by preservative variation showed that highest values for compression parallel to grain and modulus of elasticity were 66,09 MPa and 127,12 MPa, respectively and reached by preservation using 100 gram/liter of tobacco extract