21 research outputs found

    Preclinical Safety and Efficacy of in Situ REIC/Dkk-3 Gene Therapy for Prostate Cancer

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    The preclinical safety and therapeutic efficacy of adenoviral vectors that express the REIC/Dkk-3 tumor suppressor gene (Ad-REIC) was examined for use in prostate cancer gene therapy. The Ad-human (h) and mouse (m) REIC were previously demonstrated to induce strong anti-cancer effects in vitro and in vivo, and we herein report the results of two in vivo studies. First, intra-tumor Ad-hREIC administration was examined for toxicity and therapeutic effects in a subcutaneous tumor model using the PC3 prostate cancer cell line. Second, intra-prostatic Ad-mREIC administration was tested for toxicity in normal mice. The whole-body and spleen weights, hematological and serum chemistry parameters, and histological evaluation of tissues from throughout the body were analyzed. Both experiments indicated that there was no significant difference in the examined parameters between the Ad-REIC-treated group and the control (PBS- or Ad-LacZ-treated) group. In the in vitro analysis using PC3 cells, a significant apoptotic effect was observed after Ad-hREIC treatment. Confirming this observation, the robust anti-tumor efficacy of Ad-hREIC was demonstrated in the in vivo subcutaneous prostate cancer model. Based on the results of these preclinical experiments, we consider the adenovirus-mediated REIC/Dkk-3 in situ gene therapy to be safe and useful for the clinical treatment of prostate cancer

    Measurement of the Aerodynamic Forces Acting on a Non-Spinning Javelin Using an MSBS

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    Using the world’s largest magnetic suspension and balance system (MSBS) and a low-turbulence wind tunnel, we successfully measured the aerodynamic forces acting on a non-spinning women’s javelin. It was found that the drag and the lift increased as the angle of attack was increased up to 18°. The pitching moment increased for angles of attack up to about 9°, and then decreased, becoming negative above 12°, indicating nose-down rotation. We used a pseudo supporting rod to simulate a javelin attached to a support, as used in a conventional setup, and confirmed that this interferes with the javelin by creating differences between the aerodynamics forces acting on the javelin with and without the pseudo supporting rod

    The Effect of Cholesterol Content on the Adjuvant Activity of Nucleic-Acid-Free Lipid Nanoparticles

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    RNA vaccines are applicable to the treatment of various infectious diseases via the inducement of robust immune responses against target antigens by expressing antigen proteins in the human body. The delivery of messenger RNA by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) has become a versatile drug delivery system used in the administration of RNA vaccines. LNPs are widely considered to possess adjuvant activity that induces a strong immune response. However, the properties of LNPs that contribute to their adjuvant activity continue to require clarification. To characterize the relationships between the lipid composition, particle morphology, and adjuvant activity of LNPs, the nanostructures of LNPs and their antibody production were evaluated. To simply compare the adjuvant activity of LNPs, empty LNPs were subcutaneously injected with recombinant proteins. Consistent with previous research, the presence of ionizable lipids was one of the determinant factors. Adjuvant activity was induced when a tiny cholesterol assembly (cholesterol-induced phase, ChiP) was formed according to the amount of cholesterol present. Moreover, adjuvant activity was diminished when the content of cholesterol was excessive. Thus, it is plausible that an intermediate structure of cholesterol (not in a crystalline-like state) in an intra-particle space could be closely related to the immunogenicity of LNPs

    DataSheet_1_FcRY is a key molecule controlling maternal blood IgY transfer to yolks during egg development in avian species.docx

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    Maternal immunoglobulin transfer plays a key role in conferring passive immunity to neonates. Maternal blood immunoglobulin Y (IgY) in avian species is transported to newly-hatched chicks in two steps: 1) IgY is transported from the maternal circulation to the yolk of maturing oocytes, 2) the IgY deposited in yolk is transported to the circulation of the embryo via the yolk sac membrane. An IgY-Fc receptor, FcRY, is involved in the second step, but the mechanism of the first step is still unclear. We determined whether FcRY was also the basis for maternal blood IgY transfer to the yolk in the first step during egg development. Immunohistochemistry revealed that FcRY was expressed in the capillary endothelial cells in the internal theca layer of the ovarian follicle. Substitution of the amino acid residue in Fc region of IgY substantially changed the transport efficiency of IgY into egg yolks when intravenously-injected into laying quail; the G365A mutant had a high transport efficiency, but the Y363A mutant lacked transport ability. Binding analyses of IgY mutants to FcRY indicated that the mutant with a high transport efficiency (G365A) had a strong binding activity to FcRY; the mutants with a low transport efficiency (G365D, N408A) had a weak binding activity to FcRY. One exception, the Y363A mutant had a remarkably strong binding affinity to FcRY, with a small dissociation rate. The injection of neutralizing FcRY antibodies in laying quail markedly reduced IgY uptake into egg yolks. The neutralization also showed that FcRY was engaged in prolongation of half-life of IgY in the blood; FcRY is therefore a multifunctional receptor that controls avian immunity. The pattern of the transport of the IgY mutants from the maternal blood to the egg yolk was found to be identical to that from the fertilized egg yolk to the newly-hatched chick blood circulation, via the yolk sac membrane. FcRY is therefore a critical IgY receptor that regulates the IgY uptake from the maternal blood circulation into the yolk of avian species, further indicating that the two steps of maternal–newly-hatched IgY transfer are controlled by a single receptor.</p