10 research outputs found

    Uji Toksisitas Akut Dan Sub Kronis Ramuan Jamu Untuk Fibro Adenoma Mammae (Fam)

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    Mammary fibroadenomas (FAM) is the mammary gland benign tumor and has a high incidence rate in women aged 20-30 years. The purposes of this study are to assess the acute and subchronic toxicity of the herbs for FAM. The herb for FAM is a mixture of several simplisia (Curcuma zedoaria Rosch. rhizome; Loranthus parasiticus; Curcuma mangga Val. rhizome and Mammeria mimosa tuber) with a (10 g: 10 g: 5 g: 8 g: 7 g) ratio. Acute toxicity assay performed on the male and female Spraque-Dawley (SD) rats (aged 2-3 months with 200-250 g body weight). Forty-eight rats divided into four treatment groups (control group and three treatment groups of herbs for FAM). A decoction of herbs for FAM treated once a day orally. Toxicity clinical symptoms and lethal doses (LD50) observed for 7-14 days. Subchronic toxicity assay was also conducted in the male and female SD rats (aged 1.5-2 months with 150-200 g body weight). The three-dose series of herbs for FAM treated to the rats orally once daily for 90 days. The results of acute and subchronic toxicity assays found the quasi LD50 value of herbs for FAM is 5.000 mg/kg BW. This herb is safe for use in the medium term as an herbal medicine for FAM

    Peningkatan Motivasi dan Keterampilan Membaca Aksara Jawa melalui Kocil Aja (Komik Cilik Aksara Jawa) pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This aim\u27s research is to increase motivation and Java\u27s reading skill at fifthgrade student in Suryowijayan Government Elementary School, Yogyakarta.The research method is class action research. Its subject is all students atfifth grade in Suryowijayan Government Elementary School, Yogyakarta. They are22 students. This research activities are planning, doing, observing, evaluating,reflecting, and conclution decision.From pretest and preobservation, students motivation is low. The readingskill in Java\u27s font rate value is only 30. In fact, minimum standard value is 55.This research is held by 2 cycles. Reflection of cycle 1 result by media Kocil Aja“Aku Telat” is increasing of motivation and reading skill in Java\u27s font. Thisincreasing is showed at 68% students who have high attention and spirit to study.Rate value of reading skill is 54. Cycle 2 is held by media Kocil Aja “Ardhi lanDhanar”. The result is increasing of motivation and reading skill in Java\u27s font.There is 91% students who have high motivation and spirit to study. The ratevalue is also increase, it became 55. This value is passed the standard. Based onthis result, media Kocil Aja can increase the motivation and reading skill in Java\u27sfont at fifth grade students in Suryowijayan Government Elementary School,Yogyakarta

    Uji Aktivitas Hipoglikemik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Teh (Camellia Sinensis L.) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang uji aktivitas ektrak etanol 70% daun teh (Camellia sinensis L.) terhadap penurun kadar glukosa darah pada tikus jantan galur Wistar yang diinduksi dengan aloksan dengan dosis 100mg/kg BB dan disuntikkan secara intraperitonial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun the terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih dibandingkan kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre test and post test with control design. Sebagai hewan coba digunakan tikus putih jantan galur Wistar usia 2-3 bulan dengan berat 160-190 g per ekor, dikelompokkan menjadi 7 kelompok masing-masing 5 ekor (yaitu kelompok normal dan kelompok perlakuan). Sebagai kelompok perlakuan adalah pemberian ekstrak etanol daun teh (yang diekstraksi secara Soxhletasi), dosis 72mg/200g BB, 144mg/200g BB, 288mg/200g BB, 576mg/200g BB, kontrol positif dan kontrol negatif. Pemberian secara peroral setiap hari selama 9 hari setelah disuntik dengan aloksan. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0 (sebelum perlakukan), hari ke-3, ke-6 dan hari ke-9 setelah perlakuan. Sebagai kontrol positif digunakan glibenklamid dosis 0,09 mg/200g BB. Analisis data menggunakan An0va satu jalan dilanjutkan uji t dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil perhitungan Anava diperoleh F hitung 127,02 sedangkan F table 2,77. Sehingga F hit > F tab menunjukkan bahwa paling tidak terdapat dua kelompok data yang mempunyai perbedaan bermakna. Dari hasil uji t diketahui bahwa t-hitung terbesar pada dosis 576 mg/200g BB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian ekstrak etanol daun teh dosis 72; 144; 288 dan 576 mg/200g BB dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih berbeda secara bermakna dibandingkan control negative dan sebanding dengan control positif

    Uji Klinik Fase II Ramuan Jamu Sebagai Pelindung Fungsi Hati

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    The human liver is susceptible to interference due to its complex function. The development ofhepatoprotective from jamu formula is still needed as to produce more effective, cheaper andsafer hepatoprotective. The result of previous study showed that the hepatoprotective from jamuformula was safe and efficacious. This phase 2 trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy andsafety of hepatoprotective from jamu formula which consists of Curcuma longa rhizomes, Curcumaxanthorrhiza rhizomes, and Taraxacum officinale leaves. The design was open label randomizedclinical trial with silimarin as a comparison for 42 days intervention. Two hundreds of humansubjects participated in this study. The trial held in 2015 and involved 50 physician members ofSaintifikasi Jamu Network at several regencies in Indonesia. The parameters for assessing efficacywere SGPT, SGOT and as for safety were routine blood, urea, and creatinine. Clinical symptoms andpossible side effects were also observed. The results showed that the jamu formula can reduce theaverage value of SGPT and SGOT equal to silimarin. Jamu formula can relieve clinical symptomsarising from liver function disruption, and it is safe, it does not alter kidney function, hemoglobin,leukocyte count and platelet count in its use for 42 days

    Comparative Analysis of Xml and Json Using Php Application Platform with Representational State Transfer ( Rest ) Architectural

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    Data communication in the internet today is so complex as an example of the speed factor becomes very important in communicating, everyone wants fast data communication services provided in order to maximum. In relation to the application as a communication liaison with client server applications, web service using a data serialization format to transmit the data. Before the data is sent, either fromthe client to the server or vice versa, should be modified in a specific data format beforehand according to the web service is used. Types of data serialization format used in the web service such as XML and JSON. The method used for testing include data serialization method, data measurement method and data parsing method. Data serialization method is used to calculate the time serialization of data from the database to the form of XML and JSON in applications with PHP platform. Data measurement method used to measure the size of the XML and JSON data which based on many fields of data serialization process. Data parsing method is used to calculate the processing time and JSON parsing XML data. Results o f comparative analysis o f XML and JSON in PHP applications using thearchitecture Rest can be concluded that the test result o f the difference in time and time serialization and JSON parsing XML data is influenced by the number o f records, if the number of records the greater the difference in eating time data serialization and parsing the data the greater the time also itcan be concluded that the faster the process JSON serialization and parsing XML data is compared. Testing results o f the JSON data size is smaller than the size of XML. Data exchange using XML format has a size limit of up to 31456.31 KB while JSON XML exceeds the size limit. Testing results on the Internet when the number o f records up to 50,000 data when the data serialization and parsing time data can not be detected in the database

    Karakter Musik Etnik dan Representasi Identitas Musik Etnik

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    Representasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan tanda untuk menggambarkan sesuatu, yakni karakter musik yang memiliki elemen, di antaranya teknik permainan dan garapan/pengolahan. Sedangkan tanda adalah segala sesuatu yang merepresentasikan sesuatu, yakni penampilan tanda-tanda seperti cengkok, imbal. Cengkok, imbal diperlakukan sebagai identitas yang merepresentasikan identitas musik etnik Jawa, begitu pula penampilan tanda-tanda yakni ugal, cecandetan, kotekan diperlakukan sebagai identitas yang merepresentasikan identitas musik etnik Bali

    Pola Peresepan Tanaman Obat Antidiabetes Di Rumah Riset Jamu “Hortus Medicus” Tawangmangu Periode Januari-maret 2016

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    Diabetes merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia yang angkanya cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Pola hidup masyarakat yang telah banyak berubah merupakan faktor resiko terjadinya DM. Penyakit ini selain dapat diatasi dengan obat-obatan modern juga dapat diatasi dengan pengobatan alami dengan memanfaatkan tanaman obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemilihan jenis simplisia untuk pasien DM yang diresepkan pada RRJ Hortus Medicus pada periode Januari-Maret 2016. Desain penelitian potong lintang deskriptif retrospektif dengan sampel 242 resep pasien yang berobat di Rumah Riset Jamu ”Hortus Medicus” Tawangmangu pada bulan Januari tahun 2016 dengan pasien yang terdiagnosis oleh dokter menderita DM, dan mendapatkan jamu dalam bentuk simplisia. Tanaman obat yang yang paling banyak diresepkan pada pasien DM adalah salam (Eugenia polyantha) 239 resep (98,72%) dan brotowali (Tinospora crispa) 236 (97,44%), sedangkan yang terkadang digunakan adalah pegagan (Centela asiatica) 146 resep (60,26%), alang (Imperata cylindrica) 133 resep (55,13%) dan pulosari (Alexia reindwartii) 133 resep (55,13%). Pola peresepan antidiabetes yang paling banyak digunakan adalah kombinasi brotowali, salam, dan pegagan sebanyak 113 resep (46,69%) dan kombinasi brotowali dan salam sebanyak 99 resep (40,91%). Diabetes is a degenerative disease characterized by hyperglycemia condition. The change of lifestyle is the main risk factor of DM. In addition to the conventional treatment using modern drug, medicinal plants can be used as complementary therapy. The aim of this study was to identify the prescribing profiles of medicinal plants used to treat patients with DM during January-March 2016. Retrospective descriptive cross sectional study design was used in this study with 242 diabetic related prescriptions from January to March were evaluated. Medicinal plant that prescribed most for DM were bay leaf 239 prescriptions (98,72%), Tinospora crispa 236 prescriptions (97,44%), while gotu kola 146 prescriptions (60,26%), cogone grass 133 prescriptions (55,13%) and alexia 133 prescriptions (55,13%) were prescribed often. Prescribing profile that widely used were a combination of Tinospora crispa, bay leaf and gotu kola as many as 113 prescriptions (46.69%) and combination of Tinospora crispa and bay leaf as many as 99 prescriptions (40.91%)