6 research outputs found

    Proses Diseminasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Dan Sumberdaya Terpadu (PTT) Padi : Suatu Pembelajaran Dan Perspektif Ke Depan

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    Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan Badan Litbang Pertanian untuk mempercepat penyampaian hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengkajian kepada pengguna akhir di berbagai tingkatan. Keberadaan BPTP, pada galibnya dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu upaya memperpendek rantai penyampaian informasi inovasi pertanian pada para pengguna di daerah, dengan melakukan kajian-kajian spesifik lokasi terhadap berbagai inovasi pertanian termasuk PTT Padi. Namun harus diakui arus informasi tentang inovasi pertanian, apalagi umpan Balik dari pengguna akhir masih belum seperti yang diharapkan. Banyak hal yang menyebabkan masalah ini, dan itu terkait dengan persoalan kelembagaan, sistem insentif dan kesiapan SDM pada berbagai level. Makin besarnya tuntutan terhadap akuntabilitas lembaga penelitian dan pengkajian, pada sisi lain perkembangan media diseminasi juga demikian pesatnya mengharuskan dilakukannya beberapa Perubahan radikal dalam kelembagaan dan sistem insentif pada kegiatan diseminasi di berbagai level. Hal ini menuntut ketersedian SDM yang profesional dengan penjenjangan pelatihan yang terstruktur dengan baik

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Land Use Issues Related to the Use of Bioenergy in Indonesia

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    Biofuel use is intended to address the ever-increasing demand for and scarcer supply of fossil fuels. The recent Indonesia government policy of imposing 10% mixing of biodiesel into petroleum-based diesel affirms the more important biofuel role in the near future. Palm oil, methane from palm oil mill effluent (POME) and animal wastes are the most prospective agricultural-based biofuels. The production and use of palm oil is interlinked with land use and land use change (LULUC), while the use of methane from POME and animal wastes can contribute in reducing emissions. The current European Union (EU) and the potential United States (US) markets are imposing biodiesels' green house gas (GHG) emission reduction standards (ERS) of 35% and 20%, respectively relative to the emissions of petroleum-based diesel based on using the lifecycle analysis (LCA). EU market will increase the ERS to 50% starting1 January 2017, which make it more challenging to reach. Despite controversies in the methods and assumptions of GHG emission reduction assessment using LCA, the probability of passing ERS increases as the development of oil palm plantation avoid as much as possible the use of peatland and natural forests. At present, there is no national ERS for bioenergy, but Indonesia should be cautious with the rapid expansion of oil palm plantation on existing agricultural lands, as it threatens food security. Focusing more on increasing palm oil yield, reducing pressure on existing agricultural lands for oil palm expansion and prioritizing the development on low carbon stock lands such as grass- and shrublands on mineral soils will be the way forward in addressing land scarcity, food security, GHG emissions and other environmental problems. Other forms of bioenergy source, such as biochar, promise to a lesser extent GHGemission reduction, and its versatility also requires consideration of its use as a soil ameliorant

    Change Detection Of Cropping Pattern In Paddy Field Using Multi Spectral Satellite Data For Estimating Irrigation Water Needed

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    This paper investigates the use of multi spectral satellite data for cropping pattern monitoring in paddy field. The southern coastal of Citarum watershed, West Java Province was selected as study sites. The analysis used in this study is identifying crop pattern based on growth stages of wetland paddy and other crops by investigating the characteristic of Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) and Wetness of Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) derived from 14 scenes of Landsat TM date 1988 to 2001. In general, the phenological of growth stages of wetland paddy can be used to distinguish with other seasonal crops. The research results indicate that multi spectral satellite data has a great potential for identification and monitoring cropping pattern in paddy field. Specific character of NDVI and Wetness also can produce a map of cropping pattern in paddy field that is useful to monitor agricultural land condition. The cropping pattern can also be used to estimate irrigation water needed of paddy field in the area. Expected implication of the information obtained from this analysis is useful for guidance more appropriate planning and better management of agricultural

    Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Terpadu: Status Terkini Dan Tantangan Kedepan

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    . The accuracy in determining time of planting is one of determining factors in securing good harvest and increasing yield of food crop. Local wisdom and other conventional ways applied previously in determining cropping pattern are no longer appropriate because of shifting seasons. As a guideline for extension workers in determining cropping pattern and time of planting, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development has published information system of integrated cropping calendar to secure national rice production in coping with climate variability and climate change. This paper aims to describe the development of web-based Information System of Integrated Cropping Calendar at a sub-district level. The system is constructed by integrating three sub-systems, namely sub-system data, model and query and can be accessed through the website address at www.litbang.deptan.go.id. The main information that can be obtained from this system is initial estimate of paddy planting time for the upcoming planting season. In addition, the users can obtain information on disaster prone areas such as droughts, floods and pests attack. Other informations are recommended technology for varieties, seed requirement and fertilizers, that be prepared by users prior to growing season period. Therefore, this system needs to be improved for all sub-districts in Indonesia at least three times a year of the beginning of each growing season. The challenges of developing integrated cropping calendar system for the future are: (1) global warming increases unpredictable weather that impacts on the accuracy of planting time estimate, (2) decreases in productivity and yield production which would require an increasingly technological innovation informations, and (3)land conversion and fragmentation of agricultural land resulting in reduction of paddy field area. Maintenance and development of this system are still needed, to improve the quality of data and information in order to meet the user needs