23 research outputs found

    Interrlations between some psycho -physiological profile indexes in UMSA Iranian students

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    Taking these data into account, the work aim was to assess interrelations between some psycho-1; physiological profile indexes in Iranian students and its tasks were assessing the interrelations between' psycho-physiological profile indexes (dominant extremity, constitution type, temperament type, locus-control, defense and coping as respond styles in difficult life situations, cognitive simplicity and complied ty, reflexivity and impressiveness, analytism and synthetism. The work object was 63 students of. UMDA, men and women, 19-27 years old. We used questionnaire of Eysenck, tests for individual interhemispherical asymmetry profile determining (dominant extremity, finger, leg, eye, Napoleon's probe, probe with applauding) as well as survey. Some results received demonstrated that there was not... any connection between handedness and constitution type. Dexters used analytism more, sinisters-synthetism. Sinisters had external locus-control, dexters - internal one. Cognitive simplicity was in real sinisters more, complicity — in hidden (forced) sinisters, real dexters and ambidexters. Sinisters were impulsive more, dexters - reflexive in bigger extent. Sinisters preferred coping while dexters - defense in hard life situations. Conclusions. The work performed can help in human individualization study. Differential psychology and psychophysiology places important pozition among Sciences about Human Being nowadays in part in Pedagogics, Logopedy, Pediatry, Biology and Chronobiology, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Psychology, Chronomedicine, Pharmacology

    То the question on asymmetry and gender study actuality in dentistry

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    Asymmetry decrease or abundancy defines dysadaptation and pathology, it has gender peculiarities being less in females. Left-handedness represents asymmetry population-species level. Asymmetry is a feature of maxillary facial area as a whole and oral cavity particularly. Parotid saliva from right gland had more expressed procoagulant features in children and adolescents but in elder ages it was so from left gland. There is a relationship between handedness and asymmetry of the occlusal morphology of fust permanent molars. Tooth decay injures mainly left canines in left-handers, right canines in right-handers. There is a tendency of left handers and ambidexters increase in the world while reaching 15-20% in some countries, 95-98% in the USA and Japan though the left-handers amount is 5% in Arabic countries because it is forbidden to eat with the left hand. There is a big problem for left-handers to work with the devices for right-handers. It is known about creating and introducing in practice the dental devices and tools for left-handed dentists in Turkey, Belgorod (Russia)

    Actual problems dealing with typological aspects assessment in dentistr

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    Dental problems are rather distributed and studied by scientists in different countries in children thus describing ethno-age typological aspects in dentistry. Dental traumas are in the dentists attention focus in Iran, Brazil Iranian women exhibit more dental anxiety and fear comparatively to men and this work can be ethno-gender typological aspect reflection. Separately ethno-gender age is paid attention: dentists established dental higher distribution in Iranian boy

    Individual minute duration determining in UMSA students from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Iran

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    Individual minute (IM) duration represents the criteria of biological rhythms endogenous organization as well as the organism functional state. This index is a rather stable index in healthy people..IM characterizes time endogenous organization as well as | the organism adaptation abilities. People with high abilities to adaptation have IM more than the minute of physical time and equal to 62,9-69,7 sec, while it is less than 1 min and equals to 47,0-46,2 sec in the people with low abilities to adaptation. IM possesses cyrcaseptal rhythm - its value is maximal on Tuesday and Wednesday and is minimal on Friday and Satur-|day. IM value helps also in testifying to the development of fatigue, dyschronosis, psycho-emotional ten-sion. Taking into account IM value can be determined at the beginning and the end of the class, during the day, week, month, year

    To the question on coping study importance

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    The review article deals to the question of coping behavioral strategies study importance in Psychology, Pedagogy, Medicine different branches while emphasizing the fact that coping behavioral strategy has positive effect on human upbringing, health, treatment, study while avoiding – the negative one

    To the question about foreign students’ social adaptation in relation to human typological aspects

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    The article touches the questions on UMSA foreign students various adaptation to study and influencing factors: managing the foreign languages, education type (remote and nonremote), human individual peculiarities (dependently on belonging to typologies in part country, gender, interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, temperament type), psychological atmosphere in the academic group, health condition. The authors emphasize the necessity tocreate optimal conditions for educating maximal individualization that is impossible without typological aspects taking into account. There are some recommendations on such an education individualization creating on the base of own experience in the article

    Epidemiology, Sociodemographic Factors and Comorbidity for Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, and Rhinosinusitis Among 15 to 65-year-Old Iranian Patients

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    Background: It is well established that upper and lower airways are often clumped together when diagnosing and treating a disease. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of upper and lower airway diseases and to assess the effect of sociodemographic factors on the prevalence and the comorbidity of these disorders. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study included patients with ages ranging between 15 to 65 years, who were referred to allergy outpatient clinics in various provinces of Iran from April to September 2020. A modified global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) screening questionnaire was filled out by local allergists of the 12 selected provinces in Iran. Information about the patients and sociodemographic factors was also recorded. Statistical analysis was done by univariate statistical analyses and multiple logistic regressions in SPSS software Version 26. Results: Out of 4988 recruited patients, 1078 (21.6) had the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (AR) and 285 (5.7) met the criteria of asthma. The prevalence of acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) was 21.6 and 22, respectively. The highest prevalence of AR and ARS was in Tehran with the arateof of 33.9 each. Asthma was more prevalent in Khuzestan (14.2) and CRS in Baluchestan (57.5). Our analysis showed that the patients with asthma were most likely to have other allergic diseases as well— CRS (OR = 4.8; 95 CI, 2.02-5.82), AR (OR= 2.5, 95 CI, 2.10-3), ARS (OR = 1.8; 95 CI, 2.10-3), followed by eczema (OR = 1.4; 95 CI, 1.13-1.67).We found that those individuals with CRS were most likely to have painkiller hypersensitivity (OR= 2.1; 95 CI, 1.21-3.83). Furthermore, smoking has been found more than 1.5 folds in patients with ARS. After adjusting variables, there was no correlation between education, occupation, and ethnicity with the studied diseases. Conclusion: Rhinosinusitis is a common condition among Iranian patients. This study confirmed that inflammation of the upper and lower airways can occur simultaneously. Gender, education, occupation, and ethnicity were found to be irrelevant in the development © Iran University of Medical Science