6 research outputs found

    Rancangan Alat Pengangkut Sampah Tenaga Angin (PESTA) Sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Sampah Perairan

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    Sampah perairan di Indonesia merupakan permasalahan yang belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Sementara itu, dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk maka akan semakin bertambah volume timbunan sampah yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas manusia. Tak hanya permasalahan sampah, krisis energi tak terbarukan pun menjadi salah satu permasalahan di Indonesia, dimana terbatasnya ketersediaan energi tak terbarukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi manusia. Energi tak terbarukan juga dapat menyebabkan polusi yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini berupaya merancang alat PESTA (Pengangkut Sampah Tenaga Angin) sebagai alternatif solusi dalam membantu mengurangi jumlah timbunan sampah perairan dengan memanfaatkan potensi energi terbarukan berupa tenaga angin. Dalam mendesain rancangan alat peneliti menggunakan software Sketchup 2015. Rancangan alat dibuat dengan berdasarkan hasil studi literatur berupa rancangan-rancangan atau inovasi alat yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian merupakan rancangan prototipe alat PESTA yang dibuat dengan ukuran tinggi 2 m, dan panjang serta lebar dengan ukuran 1.5 m.Sampah perairan di Indonesia merupakan permasalahan yang belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Sementara itu, dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk maka akan semakin bertambah volume timbunan sampah yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas manusia. Tak hanya permasalahan sampah, krisis energi tak terbarukan pun menjadi salah satu permasalahan di Indonesia, dimana terbatasnya ketersediaan energi tak terbarukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi manusia. Energi tak terbarukan juga dapat menyebabkan polusi yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini berupaya merancang alat PESTA (Pengangkut Sampah Tenaga Angin) sebagai alternatif solusi dalam membantu mengurangi jumlah timbunan sampah perairan dengan memanfaatkan potensi energi terbarukan berupa tenaga angin. Dalam mendesain rancangan alat peneliti menggunakan software Sketchup 2015. Rancangan alat dibuat dengan berdasarkan hasil studi literatur berupa rancangan-rancangan atau inovasi alat yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian merupakan rancangan prototipe alat PESTA yang dibuat dengan ukuran tinggi 2 m, dan panjang serta lebar dengan ukuran 1.5 m

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Peta Kelurahan Se-Kecamatan Galang Kota Batam

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    Galang, with Sembulang as its capital city, is located in Batam, Riau Islands. Based on the results of the field survey on August 21st-23rd 2018 conducted in the Galang Administration Office and the Sembulang Administration Office, it was found that there was no subdistrict and village map which is up to the cartographic rules, which could pose a problem. In fact, there were no villages in Galang, other than Sembulang, which possessed a village map. The awareness from the community regarding the importance of charting a village map was still relatively low, resulting in many errors regarding cartometric boundaries. In addition, the community and the village officials’ understanding regarding the use of a map as a basis to manage space in developing the region was still also inadequate. To overcome this problem and fulfill the need of the people, the Galang Subdistrict Head approved this community service activity. The program aims to deliver a training on charting maps of villages in Sembulang, Batam, which consists of three main activities: instruction on the use of handheld GPS, delineation of Google Earth imagery, and documentation of geospatial information. The training (in the form of Bimtek) was carried out on Tuesday, August 6th, 2019, attended by 39 participants, comprising the Galang sub-district officials as well as the head, secretary, and officials of each village. The activities started from the delivery of topics regarding the scope of geospatial information and the use of map, followed by training in the use of handheld GPS to record spatial data such as public facilities and tourist attractions, and concluded by training in plotting village maps using the Argish software.Kecamatan Galang, dengan Sembulang sebagai ibu Kota Kecamatan merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Berdasarkan hasil survei lapangan yang dilaksanakan pada 21-23 Agustus 2018 di Kantor Kecamatan Galang dan Kantor Kelurahan Sembulang ditemukan beberapa masalah yaitu belum tersedianya peta kecamatan dan keluruhan atau desa yang sesuai dengan kaidah kartografis, bahkan hanya Desa Sembulang dari seluruh desa yang ada di Kecamatan Galang yang memiliki peta desa, desa yang lain belum punya. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pemetaan desa juga sangat kurang sehingga banyak terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam penentuan batas kartometrik. Selain itu, kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dan perangkat desa tentang penggunaan peta sebagai dasar pengelolaan ruang untuk mengembangkan potensi wilayah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut akan dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat (hasil diskusi dengan Camat Galang) yaitu pelatihan pembuatan peta desa dan kelurahan Se-Kecamatan Sembulang Kota Batam dengan 3 kegiatan utama yaitu, pertama pelatihan penggunaan GPS hanheld, deliniasi citra google earth, dan perekaman informasi geospasial. Kegiatan Pelatihan (Bimtek) Pembuatan Peta Desa dan Kelurahan Se-Kecamatan Galang, Kota Batam telah dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 6 Agustus 2019 dengan diikuti oleh 39 peserta. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah perangkat Kecamatan Galang, Para Lurah, Sekretaris Lurah, dan perangkat kelurahan yang ada di Kecamatan Galang. Kegiatan pelatihan dimulai dengan penyampaian materi ruang lingkup informasi geospasial dan sosialisasi penggunaan peta, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan penggunaan GPS Handheld untuk merekam data spasial seperti fasilitas umum dan lokasi wisata, dan pelatihan pembuatan peta desa dengan menggunakan software Argish

    Penentuan Arah Kiblat Secara Partisipatif di Kampung Pasir Panjang

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    Qibla is the center of direction for Muslims in performing prayer services. In equatorial regions such as Indonesia, an error in determining the Qibla direction of just 1o can make the direction deviate as far as 111 km from the Kaaba. This community service activity aims to socialize the method of determining the direction of Qibla with mapping survey technology, namely Total Station, as well as together with the local community to carry out measurement activities in the field. Community service activities have been carried out in two stages, namely preparation and implementation in the field. Pre-implementation activities include site surveys and preparation of equipment to be used in the field. By using the principle of calculating the spherical triangle in Geodesy Mathematics and utilizing the development of accurate positioning technology, the Total Station and compass are used to measure the Qibla direction after previously correcting the true north with the help of celestial bodies such as the sun. Thus, the measurement results obtained will have good accuracy. From the measurement of the Qibla direction that has been done at the Nurus Sabil mosque, the angle of Qibla direction from north to west is obtained by 66o 50' 59.83" or compass azimuth of 293o 9' 0.17 ". Based on the results of these calculations there are differences in the azimuth of 12° from the azimuth / direction of the mosque's initial Qibla there. This happens because indeed the mosque from its inception has never been carried out the determination and confirmation of the direction of Qibla carefully and officially.Kiblat merupakan pusat arah bagi Umat Muslim dalam mengerjakan ibadah sholat. Di daerah khatulistiwa seperti Indonesia, kesalahan penentuan arah kiblat sebesar 1o saja dapat menjadikan arahnya menyimpang sejauh 111 km dari Ka’bah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan metode penentuan arah kiblat dengan teknologi survei pemetaan, yaitu Total Station, sekaligus bersama-sama dengan masyarakat setempat melakukan kegiatan pengukuran di lapangan. Kegiatan pengabdian akan terlaksana dalam dua tahap yaitu persiapan (pra pelaksanaan) dan pelaksanaan di lapangan. Kegiatan pra pelaksanaan meliputi survei lokasi dan persiapan peralatan yang akan digunakan di lapangan. Dengan menggunakan prinsip perhitungan segitiga bola dalam ilmu Matematika Geodesi dan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi penentuan posisi secara akurat, Total Station dan kompas digunakan untuk mengukur arah kiblat setelah sebelumnya dilakukan koreksi arah utara sejati dengan bantuan benda langit seperti matahari. Dengan demikiran, hasil pengukuran yang didapatkan akan memiliki akurasi yang baik. Dari pengukuran arah kiblat yang telah dilakukan di masjid Nurus Sabil, diperoleh sudut arah kiblat dari utara ke barat sebesar 66o 50’ 59.83” atau azimuth kompas sebesar 293o 9’ 0.17”. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut terdapat perbedaan azimuth sebesar 12° dari azimuth/ arah kiblat awal masjid disana. Hal ini terjadi karena memang masjid tersebut dari awal berdirinya belum pernah dilakukan penetapan dan penegasan arah kiblat secara teliti dan resmi

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Tangkap Ikan melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Rempang Cate

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    The number of tourists and the fame of a long sand beach is still lacking, therefore it is necessary to introduce to the public about the beauty and marine products that are owned on Pasir Panjang beaches. This service community was carried out to socialize the benefits of marine products through training in making Pempek in the Pasir Panjang Coastal Village. We have carried out this service with the Partner of RW 03 Pasir Panjang, Pasir Panjang Village, Rempang Cate District on Friday, July 27, 2018. The questionnaire results of Speaker questionnaire with a Likert Scale, equipment and Room were found that the interpretation score from all observation was all worth 100% and include in the interval category very well, which meant that it was rated very well by 18 respondents. While for the consumption questionnaire the interpretation of the score of the observations is worth 95.556% and is included in the interval category Very Well which means it is rated very well by 18 Respondents. The results of monitoring on October 22, 2018 were obtained information that there were residents who had made Pempek and sold in Pasir Panjang environments, while production and sales had stopped due to constraints Limited fishing results. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training to hold Crafts, other input so that the training activities continued. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training is handicraft, other input so that the training activities continued.Jumlah wisatawan dan kemahsyuran pantai pasir panjang hingga saat ini masih dirasa kurang, oleh karena itu perlu di kenalkan ke masyarakat luas tentang keindahan dan hasil laut yang dimiliki di pantai pasir panjang. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi manfaat hasil laut melalui Pelatihan pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Pesisir Pasir Panjang. Pengabdian ini telah kami laksanakan dengan Mitra RW 03 Pasir Panjang Kelurahan Pasir Panjang Kecamatan Rempang Cate pada Hari Jumat tanggal 27 Juli 2018. Hasil Kuesioner Pemateri dengan pengukuran Skala Likert, Peralatan dan Ruangan didapatkan bahwa interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan semuanya bernilai 100% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Sedangkan untuk kuesioner konsumsi interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan bernilai 95,556% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Hasil monitoring pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2018 didapatkan informasi bahwa terdapat warga yang telah membuat pempek dan berjualan di lingkungan pasir panjang, sedangkan produksi dan penjualan sempat berhenti karena terkendala Hasil tangkap ikan yang terbatas. Hasil kuesioner didapatkan saran terbanyak untuk selanjutnya agar diadakan pelatihan adalah Kerajinan tangan, masukan lainnya agar kegiatan pelatihan berlanjut

    Analysis on the change of runoff curve number influence to surface flow debit using ALOS AVNIR-2 data imagery

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    One part of the hydrologic cycle which has a major influence in increasing the amount of river flow discharge is surface runoff. The higher surface runoff discharge, causing the possibility of surface flooding, therefore required an empirical model that can calculate the amount of surface runoff so as to produce updated data and quickly change according to their needs. One of the empirical methods that can be used to calculate the amount of surface runoff is by using the curve number method. This research is done by utilizing remote sensing image, that is, ALOS AVNIR-2. Data extraction from ALOS imagery includes land cover information using multispectral classification analysis, slope inclination information through visual interpretation, and land use interpretation. The runoff that occurred in Banjarnegara Regency tends to be high, that is, 61.24 percent of the total area of the research area. Large runoff with very high/extreme class spread on the form of hilly land to the old volcano complex at the study site. The runoff in the medium to low class only covers 3.56 percent of the total area and is distributed on the fluvial form with the flat-to-flat slopes. The result of analysis of runoff data is obtained from slope analysis and type of land use in the research location. Increasingly steep slope with little vegetation-land use, then the greater the runoff that occurs. Finally, the research result could be implemented into higher student class activity, especially in remote sensing classes, GIS, cloud computing, and big data analysis. By this process, the students will be improved their skills in analyzing imagery data as well as create new information derived from the remote sensing data

    Pembuatan Peta Foto Udara Menggunakan Drone DJI Phantom 4 RTK dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di Tanjung Riau, Kota Batam

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    The rapid development of large-scale infrastructure in Indonesia indicates the need for solutions for fast crack applications with accurate results using methods that are efficient in terms of time and data generated. One example of the development of mapping technology in this modern era is aerial photography not only using manned aircraft, but you can also use an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). This unmanned aircraft is better known as a drone, which is currently at an affordable price, easy to get and has the ability to shoot like a manned aircraft. Measurements were made using photogrammetric techniques from aerial photographs produced by drones. With results that have high accuracy, and can be done in the shortest possible time, then the use of drones in making topographic maps will be more widely used in the future. In our study and research survey that we conducted in the form of PBL (Project Based Learning) Politeknik Negeri Batam students in community service in the soaking village, Tanjung Riau, Batam Island, namely for making aerial photo maps using the DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone which we carried out in the village soak.The rapid development of large-scale infrastructure in Indonesia indicates the need for solutions for fast crack applications with accurate results using methods that are efficient in terms of time and data generated. One example of the development of mapping technology in this modern era is aerial photography not only using manned aircraft, but you can also use an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). This unmanned aircraft is better known as a drone, which is currently at an affordable price, easy to get and has the ability to shoot like a manned aircraft. Measurements were made using photogrammetric techniques from aerial photographs produced by drones. With results that have high accuracy, and can be done in the shortest possible time, then the use of drones in making topographic maps will be more widely used in the future. In our study and research survey that we conducted in the form of PBL (Project Based Learning) Politeknik Negeri Batam students in community service in the soaking village, Tanjung Riau, Batam Island, namely for making aerial photo maps using the DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone which we carried out in the village soak