600 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of optical amplifier using nonlinear stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fiber

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    We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident light and the acoustic vibration fiber. The design criteria and the amplification characteristic of the Brillouin amplifier is demonstrated and discussed for fiber Brillouin amplifier using different pump power with different fiber length. The results show, high Brillouin gain can be achieved with high pump power and long effective fiber length.and the acoustic vibration fiber. The design criteria and the amplification characteristic of the Brillouin amplifier is demonstrated and discussed for fiber Brillouin amplifier using different pump power with different fiber length. The results show, high Brillouin gain can be achieved with high pump power and long effective fiber length

    Distribution and abundance of phytoplankton in Hormuzgan province, Hormuz Strait and the Persian Gulf waters

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    Distribution and density of different phytoplankton groups in Hormuzgan province along the Persian Gulf, from Sirik Harbor to Nayband Bay were studied during winter 2004. Sampling was carried out on board of Ferdous-1 research vessel in seven transects (21 stations) in three lines including surface layer (0-20m), middle and bottom layers (20-50m and more than 50m, respectively). We found 46 genera of diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), 19 genera of dinoflagellates, 6 genera of blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae), 1 genus of Euglenophyceae and 1 genus of Chrysophyceae. We recorded maximum and minimum phytoplankton density in different transects at 37665583 and 2433208 cells/m3 respectively. The maximum density was 62762083 cells/m3 for Bacillariophyceae group that was sampled in surface layer (0-20m) of the station 9. Also, we found that average total number of phytoplankton in three lines of seven transects was 11728973 cells/m3. One way ANOVA showed a significant difference for average number of phytoplankton for each transect (P0.05)

    Identification and density of ichthyoplankton in Laft Creeks (Hormuzgan province)

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    During a series of Ichthyoplankton survey from May 1998 to April 1999 Ichthyoplankton samples were collected at 12 stations in Laft creeks by 500 micron bongonet with oblique towing from bottom to water surface. Twenty-two families Ichthyoplanktons were identified (and two unidentified) during 12 months. Clupeiidae (31, 32%), gobiidae (26, 71%), scianidae (16, 55%), leiognathidae (11, 9%) were common and dominant families in all sampling stations. The creeks was divided in two branches: In east branch gobiidae (44.75%), clupeiidae (17.42%), scianida (13.5%) were more abundant than other families and in west branch clupeiidae (34.22%), gobiidae (23.77%), scianidae (16.34%) showed leiognathidae (13.26%) more abundance than other families, too. Some families e.g hemiramphidae, engrauilidae, blenidae, bothidae only occur in west branch, pleuronectidae family only occur in west branch. The highest density was found in winter season

    Phytoplankton Community And Water Quality During Pre And Post Monsoon In The Oman Sea (Part Of Iranian Waters)

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    This study was carried out along the Iranian coastal waters of the Oman Sea in 2008 and 2010 during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Samples were collected at 10 transects from coastal to offshore zones and from surface to deep layers. The aims of this study were to determine the spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton community and water quality. Kajian ini dijalankan di sepanjang perairan pesisir pantai Iran di Laut Oman, dalam tahun 2008 dan 2010, semasa pra- dan pasca musim monsun. Sampel dikutip di 10 transek dari zon pesisir pantai hingga lepas pantai dan dari permukaan hingga lapisan yang lebih dalam. Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan variasi ruang dan masa komuniti fitoplankton dan kualiti air

    Density and diversity of plankton population in eastern, central & western parts of Bandar Abbas

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    Forty three genera of phytoplankton and 22 population of zooplankton were distinguished in eastern, central and western coastal area of Bandar Abbas during one year study from June 1993 to July 1994. From the mentioned groups of planktons 35, 40 and 43 genera of phytoplankton and 18, 20 and 19 population 0f zooplankton were identified in eastern, central and western areas respectively. Western area had the most diversity and the highest density. Chrysophycea diatoms, had highest contribution in all areas. Western part showed highest diversity in winter with H = 3.98. Phylum Pyrophyta, Cyanophycea and Chlorophycea have had lowest contribution respectively. Cyanophycea were observed during warm months of July-August, while other phytoplanktons had (heir highest density during cold months. Zooplanktons were mainly Copepoda, Nauplius, Lamellibranchia, Prosobranchia, Tintinnidae and Foraminifera eggs and larvae of Gastropoda, Echinodermata and fishes were observed in all areas in low densities during few months. No significant difference was observed in density and diversity of zooplankton in all areas

    Water quality assessment in inlet and outlet channels of shrimp farms in Tiab Area, Hormozgan Province

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    The shrimp farming industry has rapidly expanded in the south of Iran and in particular in the Hormozgan province during the past decade. We studied physico-chemical parameters of water in outlet and inlet channels of shrimp farms in Tiab during July-December 2000. Water samples were collected monthly at four stations during the harvest period. The parameters assessed included pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, total phosphate, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a. The variation of above parameters were determined to be 7.62 - 8.19, 42.75 - 52.55ppt, 2.8 - 8.3mgil, 4.46 -0.66p,mil, 0.214 .64141, 0.12-2.0711m/1, 0.13-16.1 tili/1, 0.59-10.5 µm/l, 22-121 mg/1and 0.43-5.1311m/1 respectively. Results of the analyses showed that salinity, dissolved nutrient, T.S.S and chlorophyll a in the effluent were significantly higher than the influent water (P<0.05). A significant correlation was also found between chlorophyll a and nitrate, phosphate and suspended solid concentration (P<0.05). Comparison of the results with the standards showed that parameters are currently within acceptable limits