5,057 research outputs found

    Acute Physiological and Metabolic responses for 40-minutes of Samba Dance

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    Dance is an enjoyable health-promoting physical activity that many people worldwide incorporate into their lifestyles today. Therefore, dance improves your heart health, overall muscle strength, balance, and coordination, and reduces depression. We aim to gain insights into the effects of samba dance on the cardiorespiratory and metabolic response during an acute session of this dance style for 40-minutes. The study was carried out on 20 female samba dancers. All of them performed two procedures: (1) a cardiopulmonary exercise test on a treadmill for physical fitness aptitude verification and (2) a 40-minutes of samba dancing monitored by analysis of expired gases. The results were: At peak exercise: oxygen uptake (VO2) =32.7 mL.kg-1.min-1; heart rate (HR) =183 bpm; the pulse of oxygen (PO2) =10.9 mL.HR-1, energy expenditure (EE) = 9.9 kcal.min-1and metabolic equivalent (METs)=13.5.Overall, each session of the dance of 40-minutes was performed at a mean VO2 of 22.8 mL.kg-1.min-1 (70%VO2max), heart rate of 162 bpm (89%HRmax), energy expenditure (EE) of 6.5 kcal.min-1 (66%max), metabolic equivalent (METs) of 6.3 (62%max), and the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of 11.8/20. In conclusion: The findings of the current investigation might suggest that the moderate and vigorous-intensity of the exercise verified in an acute samba dance session is enough to induce a chronic training effect recommended by the criteria established by the American College of Sports Medicine for improving cardiorespiratory fitness. This information may lead to a better understanding of the energy expenditure of samba dance and add to the compendium of physical activity.


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    In the title compound, C18H16N4O2, the plane defined by the ethyl C atoms and the attached N atom is inclined to the adjacent pyridine ring at an angle of 67.87 (16)°. The dihedral angle between the two heterocyclic rings is 3.33 (16)°. The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond and the crystal structure by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a one-dimensional structure

    Bioinspired cyclic dipeptide functionalized nanofibers for thermal sensing and energy harvesting

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    The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/ma16062477/s1, Figure S1: Optical microscopy; Figure S2: Output voltage as a function of time from Cyclo (L-Trp-L-Trp)@PLLA electrospun nanofibers; Figure S3: Piezoelectric current versus applied force for Cyclo (L-Trp-L-Trp)@PLLA and PLLA neat fibers, with the respective linear fits; Figure S4: Output voltage for low frequencies up to 10 Hz and output voltage as a function of time, from Cyclo (L-Trp-L-Trp)@PCL electrospun nanofibers.Nanostructured dipeptide self-assemblies exhibiting quantum confinement are of great interest due to their potential applications in the field of materials science as optoelectronic materials for energy harvesting devices. Cyclic dipeptides are an emerging outstanding group of ring-shaped dipeptides, which, because of multiple interactions, self-assemble in supramolecular structures with different morphologies showing quantum confinement and photoluminescence. Chiral cyclic dipeptides may also display piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity properties with potential applications in new sources of nano energy. Among those, aromatic cyclo-dipeptides containing the amino acid tryptophan are wide-band gap semiconductors displaying the high mechanical rigidity, photoluminescence and piezoelectric properties to be used in power generation. In this work, we report the fabrication of hybrid systems based on chiral cyclo-dipeptide L-Tryptophan-L-Tryptophan incorporated into biopolymer electrospun fibers. The micro/nanofibers contain self-assembled nano-spheres embedded into the polymer matrix, are wide-band gap semiconductors with 4.0 eV band gap energy, and display blue photoluminescence as well as relevant piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties with coefficients as high as 57 CN−1 and  35×10−6 Cm−2K−1, respectively. Therefore, the fabricated hybrid mats are promising systems for future thermal sensing and energy harvesting applications.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETE-QREN-EU (ref. UID/FIS/04650/2013 and UID/FIS/04650/2019) and E-Field“Electric-Field Engineered Lattice Distortions (E-FiELD) for optoelectronic devices, ref. PTDC/NAN-MAT/0098/2020


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    O presente artigo visa como objetivos discorrer sobre os impactos da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley nas esferas empresariais e a sua possível democratização nos mercados, partindo de análises do processo de globalização e seus desdobramentos na tentativa de consolidação dos movimentos e projetos globais para que se estabeleçam caminhos que conduzam as empresas em uma maior sustentabilidade nos âmbitos socioeconômicos, sociais e ambientais, baseados nos princípios da governança corporativa. A governança corporativa é justificada e defendida, tanto pelas empresas quanto pela sociedade e o Estado como fenômeno que abarca o reconhecimento da sua necessidade para a sobrevivência e perenidade de uma empresa no cenário internacional, através da utilização de melhores práticas de gestão e profissionalização. O mercado percebe a governança como instrumentos para a valorização de seus investimentos e as empresas por sua vez, tornam-se mais atraentes perante os investidores a partir da conscientização dos princípios de transparência e equidade. Atualmente para as empresas, a questão da governança corporativa abarca muito mais do que a justificação de sua criação motivada nos escândalos corporativos internacionais, abrangendo um contexto maior para aquelas que se preocupam obter sucesso diante dos mercados internacionais para divulgar o bom nome empresarial e por conseqüência valorizar seus papéis no mercado de ações. Palavras-chave: governança corporativa, globalização, transparência, equidade, mercado de ações

    Pernambuco Semiarid Native Rhizobial Populations Nitrogen Fixation Potential with Native \u3cem\u3eMacroptilium\u3c/em\u3e

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of nature´s most abundant elements, accounting for about 78% of the atmospheric gases, but mostly as the inert N2 form. As such it is not directly available to plants, and is relatively scarce in most agroecosystems. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) through diazotrophic bacteria represents ca. 63% of the yearly N input in terrestrial ecosystems (Taiz and Zeiger 2004). Legumes which form effective symbiosis with the diazotrophic group of bacteria commonly known as rhizobia, are a very important source of available N. Tropical forage legumes are usually able to nodulate with a diverse population of rhizobia, and may have a relevant contribution to nitrogen availability in pastures (Santos et al. 2003). This diversity may be exploited to find more symbiotically efficient bacterial strains, thereby increasing legume effects on pastures. One way to evaluate this diversity is to isolate strains from different regions, vegetation covers or cultivation systems, and environmental conditions. This practice would potentially lead to a large number of isolates, which would increase the chance of finding some more efficient than those currently available (Chagas Junior et al, 2010). Native legumes, including several species of Macroptilium are an important forage resource in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid, contributing to the quality of ruminant diet, but they are still not well known in regards to their BNF ability. This work evaluated nodulation efficiency of Macroptilium lathyroides when inoculated with Litolic Neossol from eight municipalities of Pernambuco State semiarid

    Histological evidence of wound healing improvement in rats treated with oral administration of hydroalcoholic extract of Vitis labrusca

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    Plant extracts rich in phenolic compounds have been demonstrated to accelerate wound healing, but their use by oral route has been poorly studied. The leaves of Vitis labrusca are rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids. The goal of this study was to assess the healing properties of the oral administration of hydroalcoholic extract of V. labrusca leaves (HEVL) in a murine model. HEVL was obtained by Soxhlet and dynamic maceration, and their yield and phenolic acids and flavonoid contents were determined. For the wound healing assay, 8 mm wounds were performed on the back of 48 Wistar rats, assigned into four groups (n=12): CTR (distilled water), HEVL100, HEVL200, and HEVL300 (HEVL at 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg, respectively). On days 7 and 14, wound closure rates were assessed, and the healing wounds were subjected to histological analysis. Soxhlet-obtained extract was selected for the wound healing assay because it provided a higher yield and phenolic acid and flavonoid contents. HEVL significantly reduced leukocytosis in the peripheral blood (p < 0.05), accelerated wound closure (p < 0.05), and improved collagenization (p < 0.05) on day 7, as well as enhanced the epidermal tissue thickness (p < 0.001) and elastic fiber deposition on day 14 (p < 0.01). Furthermore, HEVL promoted an increase in the histological grading of wound healing on both days 7 and 14 (p < 0.01). The doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg provided better results than 100 mg/Kg. Our data provide histological evidence that the oral administration of HEVL improves wound healing in rodents. Therefore, the extract can be a potential oral medicine for healing purposes.Brazilian Council for Research Support (CNPq) and the Foundation of research and technological innovation of Sergipe/Brazil (FAPITEC), and by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT/MCT), European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE)– project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund), co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ferromagnetic Levan Composite: An Affinity Matrix to Purify Lectin

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    A simple and inexpensive procedure used magnetite and levan to synthesize a composite recovered by a magnetic field. Lectins from Canavalia ensiformis (Con A) and Cratylia mollis (Cramoll 1 and Cramoll 1, 4) did bind specifically to composite. The magnetic property of derivative favored washing out contaminating proteins and recovery of pure lectins with glucose elution. Cramoll 1 was purified by this affinity binding procedure in two steps instead of a previous three-step protocol with ammonium sulfate fractionation, affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-75, and ion exchange chromatography through a CM-cellulose column

    Root Decomposition of Elephant Grass Pastures Grazed at Different Management Intensities

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    Grazing management may alter chemical composition of plant components affecting nutrient cycling. Among pasture management tools, adjustment of stocking rate (SR) and N fertilization have potential to affect nutrient cycling in the grassland ecosystem (Dubeux et al. 2007). Excreta from grazing animal and litter are the two major pathways of nutrient return on grazed pastures (Thomas 1992). Fertilization and SR may alter these pathways by different forms. Increasing fertilization generally increases pasture net primary productivity. Stocking rate affects different pasture and animal responses. Regarding nutrient cycling, increasing SR will likely increase proportion of nutrient returned through excreta as opposed to litter, increasing as a result nutrient losses (Dubeux et al. 2006). Root system may also be affected by management intensity. Frequent defoliation and low plant nutrition level may reduce root biomass (Richards 1993) and affect its decomposition. This study evaluated the effect of different SR´s and N fertilization levels on the decomposition of elephant grass roots