9,039 research outputs found

    Magnetism and Superconductivity in a Two-band Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions

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    We study a two-band Hubbard model using the dynamical mean-field theory combined with the exact diagonalization method. At the electron density n=2n=2, a transition from a band-insulator to a correlated semimetal occurs when the on-site Coulomb interaction UU is varied for a fixed value of the charge-transfer energy Δ\Delta. At low temperature, the correlated semimetal shows ferromagnetism or superconductivity. With increasing doping n2|n-2|, the ferromagnetic transition temperature rapidly decreases and finally becomes zero at a critical value of nn. The second-order phase transition occurs at high temperature, while a phase separation of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states takes place at low temperature. The superconducting transition temperature gradually decreases and finally becomes zero near n=1n=1 (n=3n=3) where the system is Mott insulator which shows antiferromagnetism at low temperature.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degrees of Freedom (ORBITAL2001

    Charge Gap in the One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model at Quarter Filling

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    We propose a new combined approach of the exact diagonalization, the renormalization group and the Bethe ansatz for precise estimates of the charge gap Δ\Delta in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with the onsite and the nearest-neighbor interactions UU and VV at quarter filling. This approach enables us to obtain the absolute value of Δ\Delta including the prefactor without ambiguity even in the critical regime of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) where Δ\Delta is exponentially small, beyond usual renormalization group methods and/or finite size scaling approaches. The detailed results of Δ\Delta down to of order of 101010^{-10} near the MIT are shown as contour lines on the UU-VV plane.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Random matrix model at nonzero chemical potentials with anomaly effects

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    Phase diagram of the chiral random matrix model with U(1)A breaking term is studied with the quark chemical potentials varied independently at zero temperature, by taking the chiral and meson condensates as the order parameters. Although, without the U(1)A breaking term, chiral transition of each flavor can happen separately responding to its chemical potential, the U(1)A breaking terms mix the chiral condensates and correlate the phase transitions. In the three flavor case, we find that there are mixings between the meson and chiral condensates due to the U(1)A anomaly, which makes the meson condensed phase more stable. Increasing the hypercharge chemical potential (μY\mu_Y) with the isospin and quark chemical potentials (μI\mu_I, μq\mu_q) kept small, we observe that the kaon condensed phase becomes the ground state and at the larger μY\mu_Y the pion condense phase appears unexpectedly, which is caused by the competition between the chiral restoration and the meson condensation. The similar happens when μY\mu_Y and μI\mu_I are exchanged, and the kaon condensed phase becomes the ground state at larger μI\mu_I below the full chiral restoration.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Combined Analysis of Numerical Diagonalization and Renormalization Group methods for the One-Dimensional UU-VV Model at Quarter filling

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    The one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with both the on-site UU and the nearest neighbor VV interactions at quarter filling is studied by using a novel finite size scaling. We diagonalize finite size systems numerically and calculate the Luttinger-liquid parameter KρK_{\rho} which is substituted into the renormalization group equation as an initial condition. It leads KρK_\rho in the infinite size system and the result agrees very well with the available exact result with U=U=\infty. This approach also yields the charge gap in the insulating state near the metal-insulator transition where the characteristic energy becomes exponentially small and the usual finite size scaling is not applicable.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures,submitted to PR

    Recombining Plasma & Gamma-ray Emission in the Mixed-morphology Supernova Remnant 3C 400.2

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    3C 400.2 belongs to the mixed morphology supernova remnant class, showing center-filled X-ray and shell-like radio morphology. We present a study of 3C 400.2 with archival Suzaku and Fermi-LAT observations. We find recombining plasma (RP) in the Suzaku spectra of north-east and south-east regions. The spectra of these regions are well described by two-component thermal plasma models: The hard component is in RP, while the soft component is in collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE) conditions. The RP has enhanced abundances indicating that the X-ray emission has an ejecta origin, while the CIE has solar abundances associated with the interstellar material. The X-ray spectra of north-west and south-west regions are best fitted by a two-component thermal plasma model: an ionizing and a CIE plasma. We have detected GeV gamma-ray emission from 3C 400.2 at the level of \sim5σ\sigma assuming a point-like source model with a power-law (PL) type spectrum. We have also detected a new GeV source at the level of \sim13σ\sigma assuming a Gaussian extension model with a PL type spectrum in the neighborhood of the SNR. We report the analysis results of 3C 400.2 and the new extended gamma-ray source and discuss the nature of gamma-ray emission of 3C 400.2 in the context of existing NANTEN CO data, DRAO HI data, and the Suzaku X-ray analysis results.Comment: Accepted to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled domain

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    We investigate the dynamical coupling between the motion and the deformation of a single self-propelled domain based on two different model systems in two dimensions. One is represented by the set of ordinary differential equations for the center of gravity and two tensor variables characterizing deformations. The other is an active cell model which has an internal mechanism of motility and is represented by the partial differential equation for deformations. Numerical simulations show a rich variety of dynamics, some of which are common to the two model systems. The origin of the similarity and the difference is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure