7 research outputs found

    Sutikopakrama key for Healthy Mother and Healthy Child

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    Ayurveda elucidate due importance for the care of women at every phase of her life, especially when it comes to antenatal and postnatal care. Post natal is a period flowing child birth which can be certainly co-related with Sutika Paricharya explained in Ayurveda.  In this stage mother should be educated to take care of herself and the new born baby as the health of the mother affects directly over the newborn.  After delivery woman becomes weedy, also empty bodied (Shoonya Shareera)[1] due to physical and mental stress and debility at the level of reproductive organs.  It is essential for a mother to deepen and gain the mental, emotional and spiritual resources needed to carry her though all the demands of family life, without feeling depleted.  In this article highlights on various major components of Sutika Paricharya such as Ashwasana (Psychological Reassurance), Vihara and Aahara (Normal diet in puerperium) etc., Ayurveda prescribes numerous herbs to establish healthy status of the woman after delivery.  Ayurveda has executed the post-natal care (Sutika Paricharya) in a meticulous fashion focusing on every aspect required to nurture and replenish the health of woman and avoid postpartum complications

    Concept of Vasantha Ritucharya - An Overview

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    Ayurveda - The science of life has always reflected in two different of plains as “Swasthasya Swastha Rakshanam Athurasaya Vikara Prasamanam”.[1] It is well known that Ayurveda gives first priority to the preventive aspects and thus attains its first aim that is Swasthya Rakshana. Hence, when the main aim remains to be Swasthya Rakshana it in turn means homeostasis of Doshas, Dhatu and Mala. This can be only achieved by following proper Dinacharya, Rithucharya and Ratricharya. It is very essential to get accustomed to each Ritus as they are plenty of changes that are happening around the nature during each Ritu. To maintain the proper homeostasis in body it is inevitable to follow the Pathya and Apathya, Ahara-Viahara in each Ritu. All Acharyas have uniquely described regarding the same in Samhithas. Vasantha Rutu (March 15-May 15) comes under the Adanakala constituting of Chaithra and Vaishaka Masa

    Nidra - A Literary Review

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    Sleep plays a key role in the survival of a human being. Sleep deprivation has more negative effects on the quality of life of an individual than food deprivation. More than 1/3rd of a human’s life is spent in sleeping. Sleep is one of the 13 Adharaniya Vegas,[1] i.e., the urges that should not be controlled. Sleep is also one the Trayopasthambhas according to Ayurveda[2] i.e., the three pillars of life. Sleeplessness has been mentioned as a symptom in multiple diseases

    Review on ‘Swastya’ - Principles of Charaka Samhita as explained in Dinacharya and Rutucharya

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    Ayurveda is explained by Acharya Caraka as science of life. The primary motive of Ayurveda is maintenance of positive health of an individual and treatment of the diseased; in order to attain four Purusharthas, which is possible only if a person is healthy. Ultimately the benefit of studying the Caraka Samhita is to achieve Dhatu Saamya (equilibrium of body components). The concept of Swastya is explained in every Sthana of Caraka Samhita which explains the significance or existence of concepts of personal health and well-being. Through concepts of promotion of health and personal well-being exceptionally said, Charaka Samhita thus may be considered as textbook of tagline, adding life to years and not merely years to life

    An eyeshot on Kshudra Dhanya in Ayurveda

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    Kshudra Danya is a group of small seeded cereals used as human food since ages. They are popular by the name millets. As Millets are packed with nutrients, they have numerous health benefits. Ayurveda has a distinguished explanation of Kshudra Danya (millets) with their specific qualities and effects, based on which their indications and contraindications can be elicited. This analysis may help in understanding the right usage of Kshudra Danya (millets) to avail their complete health benefits

    Successful management of Cervical Erosion through Kshara Karma - A Case Report

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    Cervical erosion is a common gynecological condition seen in OPD.  About 85% of woman suffers from cervical erosion which is a benign condition of female genital tract during Reproductive life time.  Though it’s not a fatal one yet the long term association with the disease and the number of symptoms both related to genito-urinary system as well as psychological imbalance in patient needs attention. The complications encountered by diathermy, cauterization, laser therapy, etc like local operations on the cervix causes menstrual disturbances, reactionary hemorrhages, cervical stenosis, sepsis, perforation of cervix, troublesome vaginal discharge and effect on subsequent pregnancy and child birth. Cervical erosion can be considered as Gabhashayagrivagata Vrana, as it shows the features of Vrana.  By considering the Lakshana and Chikitsa of Karnini Yonivyapath, Kshara Karma having better result in treating Cervical Erosion

    A review article on causative factors of Madatyaya (Alcohol Used Disorders) in Ayurveda

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    Alcohol used disorders are one among the leading epidemiological health issues in India. In Ayurveda it can be correlated to Madatyaya where Alcohol consumption, its benefits, bad effects and diseases caused due to rule-less use of alcohol, its types, symptoms and management is explained in detail. Understanding the Nidana (causative factors) will give the hint to the patho-physiology, severity and prognosis of the disease. Thus, planning the treatment considering all these factors would surely provide a better result. Around forty Causative factors can be seen according to different Acharyas (Authors of text books of Ayurveda) and it can be divided into six categories. Among the causative factors, Madyapana (consumption of Alcohol) is the prime reason behind the manifestation of Madatyaya. Compiling and analysis on the causative factors explained in various text books of Ayurveda is done in this article