53 research outputs found

    Bleeding through… compositional processes in the integration of Middle Eastern and Western art music

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    This thesis consists of a portfolio of 10 compositions accompanied by a written commentary with audio and video recordings of my works. These compositions span a wide variety of instrumentations from large orchestral works to solo instrumental works, of both Western and Eastern traditions, as well as vocal and live art installation pieces. Throughout the commentary I explore the continuum of how Eastern traditional idioms and Western art music play a role in the creation of my musical language. This includes an overview of the history of bi-cultural integration and an exploration of the motivations for integrating musics, both in my own work and that of other composers. I explore particular parameters within my works, focusing on the spectrums between composition and improvisation, the concepts of translation and transcription and collaborative practice with Western classical and musicians of Eastern traditional music. Additionally, I examine how my application of Eastern musical parameters and techniques are filtered through four of my other interests and influences: namely, my development of a gestural and timbral language which stems from an engagement with my approach to pitch and harmony

    Crystal Engineering with 2‑Aminopurine and 2,6-Diaminopurine Derivatives: Dimers, Metallaquartets, and Halide-Bridged Clusters

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    Design, synthesis, and single crystal structure elucidation of modified purine ligands 2-(2-amino-9<i>H</i>-purin-9-yl) acetic acid (<b>L1</b>) and 2-(2,6-diamino-9<i>H</i>-purin-9-yl) acetic acid (<b>L2</b>) and their interaction with certain d<sup>10</sup> transition metal ions is described. Copper complex <b>1 </b>(C<sub>28</sub>H<sub>34</sub>Cu<sub>2</sub>N<sub>22</sub>O<sub>19</sub>) afforded a two-dimensional polymeric structure composed of metallaquartets, while corresponding silver complex <b>2 </b>(C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>20</sub>AgN<sub>10</sub>O<sub>8</sub>) was formed as a discrete dimer. Complexes <b>3 </b>(C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>24</sub>CdN<sub>10</sub>O<sub>10</sub>) and <b>5 </b>(C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>22</sub>CdN<sub>12</sub>O<sub>8</sub>), cadmium complexes of <b>L1</b> and <b>L2</b>, respectively, afforded different coordinating modes, where <b>3</b> resulted in a two-dimensional (2D) polymeric structure consisting of metallaquartets and <b>5</b> as a discrete dimeric structure, with an octahedral coordination geometry. Complex <b>4 (</b>C<sub>14</sub>H<sub>13</sub>Cl<sub>13</sub>Hg<sub>6</sub>N<sub>10</sub>O<sub>8</sub>) afforded a unique hexanuclear, 2D polymeric structure, supported by mercury-chloride bridges, presenting as interconnected dimeric, trimeric, and hexameric mercury halide (μ<sub>2double</sub>, μ<sub>3triple</sub>, and μ<sub>6six</sub>) clusters. The potential of halide ions as bridges is interesting. We have also studied the fluorescence properties of ligand <b>L1</b> and <b>L2</b> along with complexes <b>1</b>–<b>5</b>

    Crystallographic Signatures of <i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-Methoxyadenine Imino Tautomer–Silver Complexes

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    Detailed crystallographic analysis of four silver complexes of <i>N</i>9-benzyl-<i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-methoxyadenine, <b>1</b>, on the basis of three different counteranions and silver ion stoichiometry, is discussed in this article. <b>1</b> is a rare tautomer of adenine, which exhibits promutagenic behavior as it partly mimics hydrogen bond donor and acceptor properties of guanine and mispairs with cytosine. Complexes <b>2</b> and <b>4</b> exhibit discrete Ag<sub>2</sub>L<sub>2</sub> dimer, while complex <b>3</b> shows two AgL<sub>2</sub> units in addition to a Ag<sub>2</sub>L<sub>2</sub> dimer, all in a head-to tail fashion. Complex <b>5</b>, on the other hand, shows four AgL<sub>2</sub> units coordinated in a head-to-head fashion affording a three-dimensional lattice stabilized by CH···F interactions. Various noncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, CH-π interactions, argentophilic interactions, and Ag-π interactions stabilize these complexes

    Role of Core–Shell Formation in Exciton Confinement Relaxation in Dithiocarbamate-Capped CdSe QDs

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    The possibility of exciton delocalization in alkyldithiocarbamate (ATC)-capped CdSe has been investigated for several alkyl groups and compared with phenyldithiocarbamates (PTCs). We find a bathochromic shift for ATC similar to the one obtained for PTC. Our computational studies show reduction in HOMO–LUMO gaps in both PTC and ATC, albeit with a lower shift. However, TDDFT studies revealed that ATC-capped CdSe is more of a localized HOMO state as compared with partly delocalized HOMO in PTC-capped CdSe, hinting at a difference in electronic interaction between the two binding groups. We hypothesized the formation of sulfide layer over the CdSe QDs as the possible reason for the observed bathochromic shift, as verified by absorption spectra of S<sup>2–</sup> ligand exchange samples. The formation of CdS shell leads to substantial electron delocalization because CdSe CB is in close resonance with CdS, which is exactly the opposite of what was previously concluded in the literature

    Crystallographic Signatures of <i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-Methoxyadenine Imino Tautomer–Silver Complexes

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    Detailed crystallographic analysis of four silver complexes of <i>N</i>9-benzyl-<i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-methoxyadenine, <b>1</b>, on the basis of three different counteranions and silver ion stoichiometry, is discussed in this article. <b>1</b> is a rare tautomer of adenine, which exhibits promutagenic behavior as it partly mimics hydrogen bond donor and acceptor properties of guanine and mispairs with cytosine. Complexes <b>2</b> and <b>4</b> exhibit discrete Ag<sub>2</sub>L<sub>2</sub> dimer, while complex <b>3</b> shows two AgL<sub>2</sub> units in addition to a Ag<sub>2</sub>L<sub>2</sub> dimer, all in a head-to tail fashion. Complex <b>5</b>, on the other hand, shows four AgL<sub>2</sub> units coordinated in a head-to-head fashion affording a three-dimensional lattice stabilized by CH···F interactions. Various noncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, CH-π interactions, argentophilic interactions, and Ag-π interactions stabilize these complexes

    Tuning Interfacial Charge Separation by Molecular Twist: A New Insight into Coumarin-Sensitized TiO<sub>2</sub> Films

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    The 7-aminocoumarin class of dyes exhibits significant molecular twisting in their electronic excited state, which has important consequences on the reaction mechanism involving the intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) state. In this work, the relationship between the molecular structure of coumarin dye and charge separation on TiO<sub>2</sub> surface has been explored using 7-(di­alkyl­amino)­coumarin-3-carboxylic acid dyes C343 and D1421. The alkylamino group in the form of tethered constraint geometry of the julolidyl ring of coumarin C343 and rotation free geometry of 7-<i>N,N</i>′-di­ethyl­amino moiety of coumarin D1421 compel planar and twisted ICT (TICT) excited states in polar solvents, respectively. The femtosecond transient absorption studies show that both the charge-transfer states participate in directional electron injection from coumarin dye into the conduction band of the TiO<sub>2</sub> semiconductor substrate. The TICT state formation in the excited state minimizes the donor and acceptor orbital overlap and causes slow back electron-transfer reaction. Current–voltage and incident photon-to-current efficiency measurements verify the beneficial electronic decoupling of the TICT state producing superior photovoltaic response of dye-sensitized solar cells based on coumarin D1421. This work presents tuning of interfacial charge separation by molecular twist at the electron-donating site in D-π-A dye/TiO<sub>2</sub> systems

    Crystal Engineering with 2‑Aminopurine Containing a Carboxylic Acid Pendant

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    This article reports synthesis, design, and luminescent properties of a series of structurally interesting coordination frameworks prepared from a modified purine ligand, 3-(2-amino-9<i>H</i>-purin-9-yl) propanoic acid (<b>L</b>). Corresponding transition metal complexes reported in this study were unambiguously characterized by X-ray crystallography to reveal an array of diverse crystallographic signatures reflecting crystal design around varying coordination geometries of a central metal ion. While silver complex <b>1</b> [C<sub>16</sub>H<sub>18</sub>Ag<sub>2</sub>N<sub>10</sub>O<sub>5</sub>] affords formation of coordination framework with embedded dimeric, tetrameric, and pentameric metallacycles, corresponding copper complexation results in a discrete dimer <b>2</b> [C<sub>32</sub>H<sub>46</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>2</sub>N<sub>20</sub>O<sub>14</sub>]. Changing the counteranion from strongly coordinating chloride ion to weakly coordinating perchlorate anion resulted in the formation of a 1D coordination polymer <b>3</b> [C<sub>18</sub>H<sub>26</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>CuN<sub>10</sub>O<sub>14</sub>]. Cobalt complexes <b>4</b> [C<sub>16</sub>H<sub>32</sub>CoN<sub>10</sub>O<sub>12</sub>] and <b>5</b> [C<sub>16</sub>H<sub>30</sub>CoN<sub>12</sub>O<sub>16</sub>] yielded 2D grid-type assembly and a discrete dimer, respectively. Change in pH offered an interesting effect on the structural outcome of cadmium complexes: acidic and neutral conditions lead to the formation of 1D coordination polymer <b>6</b> [C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>12</sub>CdCl<sub>2</sub>N<sub>6</sub>O<sub>6</sub>] and <b>7</b> [C<sub>16</sub>H<sub>24</sub>Cd<sub>2</sub>N<sub>12</sub>O<sub>14</sub>], while basic conditions yielded an unusual porous metal organic framework <b>8</b> [C<sub>9</sub>H<sub>15</sub>CdN<sub>5</sub>O<sub>5.5</sub>]

    Ion Channel-like Crystallographic Signatures in Modified Guanine–Potassium/Sodium Interactions

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    This communication describes crystallographic details of structures reminiscent of ion channels, formed from regioisomeric N7 and N9 guanine-carboxylate conjugates with potassium/sodium ions and their subsequent STM observations on Au(111) surface. Ion channel-like crystal structures were obtained with the observation of a notable shift in metal ion coordination from carbonyl to carboxylate oxygen. These results are expected to provide insight into competing sites for modified guanine–metal coordination, an entry into guanine-based ion channels and a route toward guanine-functionalized surfaces

    Charge Separation by Indirect Bandgap Transitions in CdS/ZnSe Type-II Core/Shell Quantum Dots

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    Femtosecond time-resolved absorption and picosecond time-resolved emission studies have been carried out to study the indirect type exciton of CdS/ZnSe core/shell quantum dots (QDs). The CdS/ZnSe core/shell QD samples are synthesized with increasing thickness of ZnSe shell on CdS core QDs. In these CdS/ZnSe core/shell samples, a new energy band lower than the energy gap of both the CdS core and ZnSe shell has been observed and attributed to indirect bandgap transitions from the valence band of the ZnSe shell to the conduction band of the CdS core. The transient PL studies have revealed that the indirect type exciton, e­(CdS)/h­(ZnSe) due to photoexcitation of this low-energy band, endures less carrier trapping than selective excitation of the CdS core and charge transfer in the staggered photoexcited state. Femtosecond transient absorption studies have revealed that carrier trapping is as fast as 100 fs and interfacial charge recombination slows down with increasing ZnSe shell thickness on the CdS QD in CdS/ZnSe core/shell QDs

    Size Quantization Effects on Interfacial Electron Transfer Dynamics in Ru(II)–Polypyridyl Complex Sensitized ZnO QDs

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    Quantum-size confinement in semiconductor material offers size based tunability of interband gap energy as well as intraband sublevels. In this work, size quantization of wide bandgap ZnO quantum dots has been explored in the study of interfacial charge separation reaction using a catechol functionalized Ru­(II)–polypyridyl complex as a photosensitizer molecule. Femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption studies have revealed multiple electron injection events based on discrete conduction band states of ZnO QDs. The electron injection rates have been rationalized for quantum confinement effects owing to different sizes of ZnO QDs. Furthermore, the size dependency of the intrinsic lifetime of electrons injected into discrete energy levels of ZnO QDs has been revealed in charge recombination reaction with the Ru­(III)–polypyridyl complex cation. The charge recombination dynamics reveals a competing trend of carrier confinement and carrier leak upon reducing particle size. This study shows the optimization of finite size effects in achieving better interfacial charge separation at the dye/semiconductor interface
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