40 research outputs found

    Low appetite child and nutrition therapy approaches

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    İştahsızlık, yemek seçiciliği ve besin fobisi gibi beslenme davranışları, özellikle bebeklerde ve küçük çocuklarda çok yaygın görülen sağlık problemleridir. Her bir beslenme davranışının altında önemli fizyolojik sebepler olabileceği gibi psikolojik sebepler de olabilmektedir. Tedavide öncelikli amaç iştahsızlık ve diğer beslenme sorunlarının altında yatan nedenlerin saptanmasıdır. Altta yatan organik bir neden varlığında öncelikli tedavi bu nedenin ortadan kaldırılması olmalıdır. Diğer önemli yaklaşımlardan birisi de çocukta beslenme güçlüğünün türünün saptanmasıdır. Bu durum tedavi yaklaşımlarının etkinliği açısından önem taşımaktadır. Saptanan beslenme sorunlarında çocuk veya bebeğin yaşına uygun beslenme ilkeleri, pratikte beslenme sorununun etkili bir şekilde tedavi edilmesini destekleyebilir. Beslenme güçlüğünün türünün belirlenerek tedavi yöntemlerinin buna yönelik olarak planlanması tedavinin etkinliği açısından önem taşımaktadır.Lack of appetite and nutritional difficulties such as food selection and food phobia are common health problems in childhood, especially in infants and young children. Under each nutritional behavior, there can be important physiological causes as well as psychological reasons.The primary aim of treatment is to determine the underlying causes of loss of appetite and other nutritional problems. In the presence of an underlying organic cause, priority treatment should be elimination of this cause. One of the other important approaches is the identification of nutritional problems. This situation is important for the effectiveness of treatment approaches. Nutritional principles appropriate for the age of the child or baby may support the effective treatment of nutritional problems in practice. Determination of the nutritional strength of the patient and the planning of treatment methods for it are important for the effectiveness of the treatment

    Use of Botanical Dietary Supplements in Infants and Children and Their Effects on Health

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    Botanical Dietary Supplements (BDS) has an important part in the human diet throughout the history. People, who lived in ancient times, relied on the plants for the treatment of diseases of infants and children. According to World Health Organization, approximately 80 percent of the population who live in developing countries use herbal supplements in order to meet the basic health needs of relies on Botanical Dietary Supplements. These products are used for upper respiratory tract infection, lack of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, urinary tract disorders, gynecological diseases and skin diseases in infants and children. Furthermore, not only the medical products but also botanical dietary supplements are used for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, along with chronic diseases like asthma or cancer. The most widely used botanical dietary supplements are echinacea, St. John's wort, ginseng and ginkgo biloba. On the other hand, the use of botanical dietary supplements by infants and children may cause side effects and can interact with other drugs. It should be noted that the dosage of botanical supplements for children differs from the dosage for adults. In conclusion, this paper explains which botanical dietary supplements can be used by infants and children and their positive and negative effects on health