13 research outputs found


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    Language have an important role in a communication. Every individual can learn a language. Have a many how know a language, both national language or foreign language for communication with other people one of which is language learning in school. One of them learning at school. language learning at school that we have met from elementary to high school. Generally the nationallanguage taught is Indonesian and the foreign is English. German is one of the foreign in High school taught. German language have four skills is reading skill, written skill, speaking skill, and listening skill. Speaking is productive skill because the student express the words directly. Speaking skill is important skill after listening skill. Proved by Rivers (dalam Sutari dkk, 1997:8). that states that most adult use 45% their time for heed, 30% for speaking, 16% for reading, 9% for writing. The purpose of this written scientific article is for to knowing about compatibility speaking exercise in Deutsch ist Einfach 2 books with curriculum 2013. The writing this scientific article make a some qualitative description method. The analysis result is have 13 materie with food and drink theme and with using speaking skills. After analysis with curriculum 2013 there are 2 materi is not accoradance with curriculum 2013 is curriculum 4.2.4 wich should in curriculum there is a discourse have the shape of table with containing daily necessities and a price list while in materie 4.2.4 in this discourse for the item are mentioned and for the prices not mentioned and not in form table. Materie 4.2.8 question and answer is not accordance with curriculum 2013, which should be in curriculum is “was möchten Sie?” “ich hӓtte gern Kartoffeln” while in materie 4.2.8 is “was möchten Sie?” “ichmöchte 1 Kilo Bohnen”. There are some verbs in curriculum 2013 but not in the deutschisteinfach 2 book like a Bestellen, Brauchen, und Lesen and the are some adverb of time in curriculum 2013 but not in the dein the Deutsch istEinfach 2 book like an Abends. but from this findings the materials still can use. can be concluded that Deutsch istEinfach 2 book accoradance with curricule 2013 and can be used in a German learning with food and drink thema, with speaking skills

    Tethered Cord Syndrome

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    Tethered cord syndrome (TCS) is a clinical condition of various origins, which comprises of progressive neurological, urological, and orthopaedic dysfunction, because of congenital fixation or tethering of the distal spinal cord by the terminal filum. It is believed that, if the filum elasticity is compromised by either fatty infiltration or abnormal thickening, the spine movement may cause stress upon the conus, resulting in TCS.Patients with symptomatic TCS can present with a wide variety of signs and symptoms in combination with cutaneous, orthopaedic, spinal, anorectal, and urological abnormalities. The common clinical presentations include the presence of cutaneous signs associated with open septal defects, neurogenic bladder with incontinence or urinary tract infection, leg or foot weakness, numbness and/or spasticity, differences in leg or foot length, deformities of the foot, spinal deformities, and back and leg pain.Neuroimaging is used to confirm when there is suspicion of TCS. Magnetic resonance imaging is the modality of choice in visualizing the level of the conus medullaris and for identifying a thickened and/or fatty filum.The fundamental goals of surgical intervention in TCS are to prevent future deficits in the asymptomatic patient and to improve or stabilize deficits in the symptomatic patient. These two goals are based on the fact that sectioning of the terminal filum can be done safely with minimal risk and a very low rate of morbidity. The reported complications of surgery are cerebrospinal fluid leakage (most common), wound infection, meningitis, bladder dysfunction, and neurological injury. 


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    Background: Spinal surgery, in general, is increasing in number. The most frequent pathology is degenerative disease, and the most common segment is cervical and lumbar. However, there is limited information concerning the thoracic spine surgeries.Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the trend and profle of the thoracic spine (T-spine) surgeries in the Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia – RSUP Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo from 2012 to 2016.Method: This is a retrospective study including all patients who were undergoing T-spine surgery during the period of study from January 2012 to December 2016. The number of T-spine procedureswas recorded and plotted in the trend graph. The data consisting age, gender, indication and procedure of T-spine surgery, and duration of hospital stay were recorded from medical records.Result: In the last fve years, there was an increasing trend of T-spine surgery. A total of 68 surgeries for T-spine performed with 35 female and 33 male subjects. Majority of subjects were aged 41 to 50 years old (28%), with an indication of surgery due to tumours (68%). As many as 76% T-spine surgery was carried out non-instrumented. Duration of hospital stay was 9-13 days.Conclusion: Productive age is the most common age undergoing T-spine surgeries. A spinal tumour is the most frequent indication of the T-spine surgerie


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    Background. Cervical spine disease has the potential to reduce productivity in affected patients because of myelopathy and mood disorder (e.g. depression) which lead to decreasing of the patient’s quality of life. Objective. This study aims to elaborate the most frequent symptoms and pathology of C-spine disease in patients who underwent a surgical procedure over the period time from January 2012 to December 2016. Method. This study is a retrospective, conducted in Spine Division of Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FMUI). All patients who underwent surgery for the C-spine disease are included. The data was obtained from the records in our spine database. Result. The total number of surgical procedures for spine disease over the 5 years was 345 procedures, with 127 procedures in the C-spine which are the second most common procedures of spine surgery in Department of Neurosurgery FMUI. The C-spine diseases were more common in males, aged more than 50 years old. The most frequent disease or pathology is degenerative disease, and yet, tumour cases show an increasing number and became the most common pathology in the year of 2016. The most common procedure is anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).Conclusion. Our study showed that the most common symptoms and pathology are myelopathies and degenerative disease respectively, which has similarity with another study in the term of the most frequent pathology and surgical procedure. The finding of the more advanced neurological condition by the time of surgery as the most common symptom is found to be contradictory with other studies in western countries


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    Background. Cervical spine disease has the potential to reduce productivity in affected patients because of myelopathy and mood disorder (e.g. depression) which lead to decreasing of the patient’s quality of life. Objective. This study aims to elaborate the most frequent symptoms and pathology of C-spine disease in patients who underwent a surgical procedure over the period time from January 2012 to December 2016. Method. This study is a retrospective, conducted in Spine Division of Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FMUI). All patients who underwent surgery for the C-spine disease are included. The data was obtained from the records in our spine database. Result. The total number of surgical procedures for spine disease over the 5 years was 345 procedures, with 127 procedures in the C-spine which are the second most common procedures of spine surgery in Department of Neurosurgery FMUI. The C-spine diseases were more common in males, aged more than 50 years old. The most frequent disease or pathology is degenerative disease, and yet, tumour cases show an increasing number and became the most common pathology in the year of 2016. The most common procedure is anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).Conclusion. Our study showed that the most common symptoms and pathology are myelopathies and degenerative disease respectively, which has similarity with another study in the term of the most frequent pathology and surgical procedure. The finding of the more advanced neurological condition by the time of surgery as the most common symptom is found to be contradictory with other studies in western countries

    Luaran Nilai Fungsional Kasus Tumor Primer Spinal Intradura Ekstramedula Pascaoperatif di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo 2014-2016

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    Tumor spinal primer memiliki morbiditas dan disabilitas yang tinggi. Profil demografi dan luaran nilai fungsional penderita tumor primer spinal intradural ekstramedular 60% dari seluruh tumor spinal primer sehingga penting dinilai karena dapat dijadikan parameter keberhasilan operasi dan dapat digunakan dalam memberikan informasi kepada pasien dan keluarga sebelum operasi. Studi retrospektif deskriptif analitik ini menggunakan data rekam medis penderita tumor spinal intradural ekstramedular yang baru menjalani operasi pertama kali di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2014 – 2016. Skor luaran fungsional Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short-form Health Survey (SF-36) pra dan pasca-operasi dievaluasi dan dibandingkan menggunakan uji korelasi Friedman. Rerata usia subjek adalah 46,3 tahun (min-maks 15-71 tahun), dengan 31% penderita berusia 50-60 tahun, 69% penderita perempuan, dan rerata lama awitan keluhan hingga operasi adalah 7,79 bulan. Sebanyak 65% menderita Schwannoma dan 34,5% meningioma. Dibandingkan dengan skor pra-operasi, skor pasca-operasi kuesioner SF-36 memperlihatkan peningkatan bermakna pada kedelapan aspek kuesioner. Nilai fungsional SF-36 penderita tumor primer spinal intradural ekstramedular menunjukkan perbaikan bermakna pada masa 1 tahun pasca-operasi. Kata kunci: Tumor primer spinal, intradura ekstramedula, SF -36.   Evaluation of Functional Outcome of Primary Extramedullar Intradura Spine Tumor Operated in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, 2014–2016   Abstract   Spinal tumor is one of the neural disorders that contributes to high number of morbidities disabilities. Demographic profile and functional outcome of primary intradural extramedullary spinal tumor patient is important to be evaluated for the purpose of providing holistic information for patients and their family prior to surgery, as well as measuring surgical results. This analytical descriptive retrospective study utilized medical record of primary intradural extramedullary spinal tumor patient who underwent first surgery in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from 2014-2016. Pre- and postsurgical Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short-form Health Survey (SF-36) functional score were evaluated and compared using Friedman correlation test. The mean age of study participants is 46,3 years old (min-max: 15-71 years old), with 31% participants included in the age group of 50-60 years old, 69% participants were female, and the mean of onset-to-surgery time is 7,79 months. The dominant histopathological finding was Schwannoma (65%). Compared to the pre-surgical score, post-surgical SF-36 showed significant improvements in all eight aspects of the questionnaire. SF-36 functional score of primary intradural extramedullary spinal tumor patient presented significant improvement in 1 year after surgery. Keywords: Primary spinal tumor, intradural extramedullar, SF-36

    New Predictor of In-Hospital Mortality of The Surgically Treated Haemorrhagic Stroke: Subanalysis

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    At present there are no specific limits on the level of inflammatory markers which can be used as a boundary between excessive or non-inflammatory responses. We investigate the leukocytes count at hospital admission of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage patients to be proposed as a boundary between excessive inflammation and not excessive. This is a subanalysis from the study of the neuroprotective effect of tigecycline on brain injury due to spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage supratentorial who underwent evacuation of the hematoma. Leukocytosis defined as a leukocyte count ≥ 11.000 cells/mL. The primary outcome was inhospital mortality and the secondary outcome was length of hospital stay (LOS). Statistical analysis conducted by chi-square or Fisher’s exact test and logistic regression. Seventy patients were included. Approximately 79% of the patients had leucocytosis. Leucocytosis was not associated with inhospital mortality or LOS of 15 days or longer. However, a leucocyte count of 20,000 mm3 or higher was associated with in-hospital mortality (odds ratio, 9.09; 95% confidence interval, 1.97 to 42.06; P = 0.005). A leucocyte count of 20,000/mm3 or higher can be proposed as a boundary of the excessive inflammation on spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. Prediktor Baru Kematian di Rumah Sakit untuk Pasien Stroke Hemoragik yang Dilakukan Operasi: Hasil Subanalisis Saat ini belum ada penanda khusus untuk menilai suatu respons inflamasi yang berlebihan atau tidak. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengungkap jumlah leukosit tertentu sebagai penanda inflamasi yang berlebihan pada pasien perdarahan otak spontan yang dilakukan operasi evakuasi hematoma intracranial. Penelitian Ini adalah subanalisis dari studi efek neuroprotektif tigecycline pada cedera otak akibat perdarahan intraserebral spontan yang menjalani evakuasi hematoma. Leukositosis didefinisikan sebagai jumlah leukosit ≥ 11.000 sel / mL. Luaran utamanya adalah kematian di rumah sakit dan luaran sekundernya adalah lama perawatan di rumah sakit (LOS= length of stay). Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan chi-square atau uji eksak Fisher dan regresi logistik. Hasil: 70 pasien dilibatkan. Sekitar 79% dari pasien memiliki leukositosis. Leucocytosis tidak berhubungan dengan kematian di rumah sakit atau LOS 15 hari atau lebih. Namun, jumlah leukosit 20.000 mm3 atau lebih tinggi berhubungan dengan kematian di rumah sakit (rasio odds, 9,09; interval kepercayaan 95%, 1,97 hingga 42,06; P = 0,005). Jumlah leukosit 20.000 / mm3 atau lebih tinggi dapat diusulkan sebagai batas peradangan berlebihan pada perdarahan intraserebral spontan.&nbsp

    In retrospective, the gentle learning curve of unilateral laminectomy promotes favorable clinical outcomes

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    Background: The learning curve in implementing a new surgical procedure is often time-consuming and potentially comes with the additional risk of injury associated with an unusual surgical procedure, which may harm the patient. Aim: Evaluate intraoperative burden and neurologic recovery of spinal tumor resection following unilateral laminectomy procedures. Methods: Medical records of patients undergoing surgery for intradural spinal tumors from January 2015 to June 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Preoperative and postoperative data were collected from medical records and interviews. The intraoperative burden was assessed by duration of surgery, estimated intraoperative blood loss (EIBL), and postoperative leukocyte count. Short-term and long-term outcomes were recorded. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and Fisher's exact test. The neurological recovery rate is calculated by the Hirabayashi method, where a 75–100% score indicates an excellent neurological recovery. Results: Twenty-six records were included in this study. The mean duration of surgery was 180 (120–540) minutes, the mean EIBL was 175 (50 – 1,200) mL, and mean increase in postoperative leukocyte count was 5,670 (2,210 – 13,250) cells/mL, and the mean LOS was 6.5 (4 – 42) days. In 20 of 26 (76.9%) patients, gross total resection was achieved. An excellent neurological recovery rate was achieved in 81% of patients. Conclusion: Unilateral laminectomy procedures are adaptable without additional disadvantages, resulting in satisfactory clinical results