14 research outputs found
Nas margens dos códigos legais : a tradição dos bons criminosos na ficção de Miguel Torga
This paper looks at the ways in which violence and its perpetrators are represented in Miguel Torga's fictional universe in order to illustrate two basic characteristics: the importance of ancestral codes for the control of social disorder (immanent justice) and the resistance to types of prepotency and injustice on the part of the state organs and institutions
The door
This translation of The Door (previously published in the original) attempts to make better known how committed Fernando Pessoa was, at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the writing of fictional texts. And how he also had a preference for non-canonical genres. This text demonstrates as well Pessoa's fascination with the themes of madness and perversion. The "Postcript" added to the translation follows on some previous readings of The Door and suggests new ways of interpreting and analyzing it
Ezra Pound : dos sentidos da influência
In this article the author examines the meaning of the idea of "influence" in Ezra Pound's poetical theory and practice, discussing its value within the framework of a literature produced in the defence of the social function of poetry. In attempting a better understanding of the directions which influence might follow, the article brings to discussion Harold Bloom's theory of the anxiety of influence
The door : tentames e andaimes [posfácio]
This translation of The Door (previously published in the original) attempts to make better known how committed Fernando Pessoa was, at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the writing of fictional texts. And how he also had a preference for non-canonical genres. This text demonstrates as well Pessoa's fascination with the themes of madness and perversion. The "Postcript" added to the translation follows on some previous readings of The Door and suggests new ways of interpreting and analyzing it