58 research outputs found

    \ast-g-frames in tensor products of hilbert CC^{\ast}-modules

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    In this paper, we study \ast-g-frames in tensor products of Hilbert CC^{\ast}-modules. We show that a tensor product of two \ast-g-frames is a \ast-g-frames, and we get some result

    Independence, infinite dimension, and operators

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    In [Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 46(3), 664-673, 2019] O. Christensen and M. Hasannasab observed that assuming the existence of an operator TT sending ene_n to en+1e_{n+1} for all nNn \in \mathbb{N} (where (en)nN(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is a sequence of vectors) guarantees that (en)nN(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is linearly independent if and only if dim{en}nN=\dim \{e_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} = \infty. In this article, we recover this result as a particular case of a general order-theory-based model-theoretic result. We then return to the context of vector spaces to show that, if we want to use a condition like T(ei)=eϕ(i)T(e_i)=e_{\phi(i)} for all iIi \in I where II is countable as a replacement of the previous one, the conclusion will only stay true if ϕ:II\phi : I \to I is conjugate to the successor function succ:nn+1succ : n \mapsto n+1 defined on N\mathbb{N}. We finally prove a tentative generalization of the result, where we replace the condition T(ei)=eϕ(i)T(e_i)=e_{\phi(i)} for all iIi \in I where ϕ\phi is conjugate to the successor function with a more sophisticated one, and to which we have not managed to find a new application yet.Comment: 12 page

    Functions with a maximal number of finite invariant or internally-1-quasi-invariant sets or supersets

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    A relaxation of the notion of invariant set, known as kk-quasi-invariant set, has appeared several times in the literature in relation to group dynamics. The results obtained in this context depend on the fact that the dynamic is generated by a group. In our work, we consider the notions of invariant and 1-internally-quasi-invariant sets as applied to an action of a function ff on a set II. We answer several questions of the following type, where k{0,1}k \in \{0,1\}: what are the functions ff for which every finite subset of II is internally-kk-quasi-invariant? More restrictively, if I=NI = \mathbb{N}, what are the functions ff for which every finite interval of II is internally-kk-quasi-invariant? Last, what are the functions ff for which every finite subset of II admits a finite internally-kk-quasi-invariant superset? This parallels a similar investigation undertaken by C. E. Praeger in the context of group actions.Comment: 27 page

    Solution of a functional equation on compact groups using Fourier analysis

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    Let GG be a compact group, let nN{0,1}n \in N\setminus \{0,1\} be a fixed element and let σ\sigma be a continuous automorphism on GG such that σn=I\sigma^n=I. Using the non-abelian Fourier transform, we determine the non-zero continuous solutions f:GCf:G \to C of the functional equation f(xy)+k=1n1f(σk(y)x)=nf(x)f(y), x,yG, f(xy)+\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}f(\sigma^k(y)x)=nf(x)f(y),\ x,y \in G, in terms of unitary characters of GG

    KK-bb-frames for Hilbert spaces and the bb-adjoint operator

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    In this paper, we will generelize bb-frames; a new concept of frames for Hilbert spaces, by KK-bb-frames. The idea is to take a sequence from a Banach space and see how it can be a frame for a Hilbert space. Instead of the scalar product we will use a new product called the bb-dual product and it is constructed via a bilinear mapping. We will introduce new results about this product, about bb-frames, and about KK-bb-frames, and we will also give some examples of both bb-frames and KK-bb-frames that have never been given before. We will give the expression of the reconstruction formula of the elements of the Hilbert space. We will as well study the stability and preservation of both bb-frames and KK-bb-frames; and to do so, we will give the equivalent of the adjoint operator according to the bb-dual product