15 research outputs found

    Lung resection and application of latissimus dorsi muscle flap for pulmonary aspergilloma: Case report

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    Aspergilloma, is the most common form of aspergillus infectionthat presents as parenchymal cavitary lesion withsaprophytic colonization. This disease is associated withvariety of lung diseases such as tuberculosis, sarcoidosisand bronchiectasis. The patient in this study with tuberculosiswas diagnosed 12 years ago and treated for sixmonths. Most frequently referred symptom is hemoptysis.Aspergilloma get a diagnosis with chest x-ray and thoraxcomputerized tomoghraphy. In treatment usually anatomicresection is performed, bronchial stump is supportedand the remaining space is filled with a flap. The pateintwas admitted to our hospital with hemoptysis and left upperlobectomy was performed due to cavitary lesion andbronchial stump was supported with latissimus dorsi muscleflap. The postoperative period was uneventful with noreccurrence so far.Key words: Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, thoracicsurgery, tuberculosi

    Tavşan akciğerinin nonanatomik rezeksiyonlarında harmonik skalpel ve ultrasonik cerrahi aspiratör kullanımının karşılaştırılması (Deneysel model)

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.[Abstarct Not Available

    Akciğer kanseri ve koroner arter hastalığı olan üç olguda eşzamanlı koroner arter ve akciğer cerrahisi

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    The coexistence of operable primary lung carcinoma with coronary artery disease is rare. Synchronous operation is one choice of treatment, saving the patient from having two major operations at separate stages and reducing the cost. We present three male patients who underwent synchronous operations without cardiopulmonary bypass for coronary artery disease and primary lung cancer. Two patients had stage IA disease, and one patient had stage IIIB disease. Two patients underwent left and right lobectomies, respectively, while one patient with thoracic wall and left subclavian vein involvement underwent nonanatomical incomplete resection. The postoperative course was uneventful without major hemorrhage in all the patients. No signs of local recurrence or metastasis were detected in two patients with stage IA disease during follow-ups of 41 months and 37 months, respectively. The patient with stage IIIB disease completed five months of follow-up without distant metastasis.Ameliyat edilebilir akciğer kanseri ve koroner arter hastalığı birlikteliği nadirdir. Seçilebilecek tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olan eşzamanlı ameliyat, hastanın ayrı seanslarda yapılacak iki farklı majör cerrahi girişimden koruması yanı sıra tedavi maliyetini de düşürmektedir. Bu yazıda, koroner arter hastalığı ve akciğer kanseri nedeniyle, kardiyopulmoner bypass kullanmaksızın aynı seansta ameliyat edilen üç erkek hasta sunuldu. Akciğer kanseri iki hastada evre IA, bir hastada IIIB idi. Bir hastada sol, bir hastada sağ üst lobektomi uygulanırken, göğüs duvarı ve sol subklavyan ven tutulumu olan bir hastada nonanatomik ve inkomplet rezeksiyon uygulandı. Üç hastada da ameliyat sonrası dönem sorunsuzdu, majör kanama sorunu görülmedi. Evre IA tümörlü iki hastanın 41 ay ve 37 aylık takiplerinde lokal nüks ve metastaza rastlanmazken, evre IIIB tümörü olan hasta uzak metastaz olmaksızın beş aylık takibini tamamladı

    İdiyopatik pulmoner kolesterol granülomu olgu sunumu

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    In this report, we presented a forty-six years old female patient with a solitary pulmonary nodule who had been diagnosed as cholesterol granuloma of the lung after surgical intervention. Previously reported aetiologic factors of cholesterol granuloma were investigated but no risk factor was detected.Soliter pulmoner nodul ile başvuran, cerrahi girişim sonrası yapılan patolojik incelemelerde pulmoner kolesterol granülomu tanısı alan, daha önce bildirilen etiyolojik faktörler araştırıldığında buna ait herhangi bir bulgu saptanmayan kırk altı yaşındaki kadın olguyu sunduk

    Iterative surgical resections in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Introduction: We reviewed our surgical preferences and the prognosis for recurrent and second primary tumors in patients who underwent surgical treatment for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Aim: We report our experience with patients undergoing iterative pulmonary resection for lung cancer. Material and methods: Among patients who underwent anatomical resection for primary NSCLC, those who underwent a second surgical resection between 2010 and 2020 due to recurrent or second primary tumor were included in the study. Operative mortality, survival, and prognostic factors were investigated. Results: In total, 77 cases were included: 31 (40.3%) underwent the second resection for the recurrent disease and 46 (59.7%) underwent the second resection for the second primary tumor. Postoperative mortality occurred in 8 (10.4%) patients. All patients with postoperative mortality were in the group that underwent thoracotomy in both surgical procedures. The 5-year survival rate was 46.5%. The 5-year survival of those operated on for recurrent or second primary tumor was 32.8% and 51.1%, respectively (p = 0.81). The 5-year survival rate was 68.8% in patients under the age of 60 years, while it was 27.5% in patients aged 60 years and above (p = 0.004). The 5-year survival was 21.8% in patients with an interval of 36 months or less between two operations and 72.2% in those with a longer interval (p = 0.028). Conclusions: Our study shows that survival results similar to or better than primary NSCLC surgery can be obtained with lower mortality if more limited resections are performed via video-assisted thoracic surgery, especially in young patients. In addition, the prognosis is better in patients with an interval of more than 36 months between two operations