6,785 research outputs found

    The pre-penumbral magnetic canopy in the solar atmosphere

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    Penumbrae are the manifestation of magnetoconvection in highly inclined (to the vertical direction) magnetic field. The penumbra of a sunspot tends to form, initially, along the arc of the umbra antipodal to the main region of flux emergence. The question of how highly inclined magnetic field can concentrate along the antipodal curves of umbrae, at least initially, remains to be answered. Previous observational studies have suggested the existence of some form of overlying magnetic canopy which acts as the progenitor for penumbrae. We propose that such overlying magnetic canopies are a consequence of how the magnetic field emerges into the atmosphere and are, therefore, part of the emerging region. We show, through simulations of twisted flux tube emergence, that canopies of highly inclined magnetic field form preferentially at the required locations above the photosphere

    IRIS observations of magnetic interactions in the solar atmosphere between pre-existing and emerging magnetic fields. II. UV emission properties

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    Multi-wavelength ultraviolet (UV) observations by the IRIS satellite in active region NOAA 12529 have recently pointed out the presence of long-lasting brightenings, akin to UV bursts, and simultaneous plasma ejections occurring in the upper chromosphere and transition region during secondary flux emergence. These signatures have been interpreted as evidence of small-scale, recurrent magnetic reconnection episodes between the emerging flux region (EFR) and the pre-existing plage field. Here, we characterize the UV emission of these strong, intermittent brightenings and we study the surge activity above the chromospheric arch filament system (AFS) overlying the EFR. We analyze the surges and the cospatial brightenings observed at different wavelengths. We find an asymmetry in the emission between the blue and red wings of the Si IV 1402 \AA{} and Mg II k 2796.3 \AA{} lines, which clearly outlines the dynamics of the structures above the AFS that form during the small-scale eruptive phenomena. We also detect a correlation between the Doppler velocity and skewness of the Si IV 1394 \AA{} and 1402 \AA{} line profiles in the UV burst pixels. Finally, we show that genuine emission in the Fe XII 1349.4 \AA{} line is cospatial to the Si IV brightenings. This definitely reveals a pure coronal counterpart to the reconnection event.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures + 3 figures in the Appendix; accepted in Ap

    The Broad Band Spectrum of MXB 1728-34 Observed by BeppoSAX

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    We report on the results of a broad band (0.1-100 keV) spectral analysis of the bursting atoll source MXB 1728-34 observed by the BeppoSAX satellite. Three bursts were present during this observation. The spectrum during the bursts can be fitted by a blackbody with a temperature of 2 keV. From the bursts we also estimate a distance to the source of 5.1 kpc. MXB 1728-34 was in a rather soft state during the BeppoSAX observation. The persistent spectrum is well fitted by a continuum consisting of a soft blackbody emission and a comptonized spectrum. We interpreted the soft component as the emission from the accretion disk. Taking into account a spectral hardening factor of 1.7, we estimated that the inner disk radius is Rincos⁥i∌20R_{\rm in} \sqrt{\cos i} \sim 20 km, where i is the inclination angle. The comptonized component could originate in a spherical corona, with temperature of 10 keV and optical depth of 5, surrounding the neutron star. A broad gaussian emission line at 6.7 keV is observed in the spectrum, probably emitted in the ionized corona or in the inner part of the disk. Another emission line is present at 1.66 keV.Comment: 12 pages, accepted by Ap

    Computer simulation of the microstructure and rheology of semi-solid alloys under shear

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    The rheological behavior of metallic alloys containing both solid and liquid phases is investigated in the low solid fraction range (<50%). This behavior depends on both the solid fraction and the shear rate. The concept of Effective Volume Fraction (EVF) is used to decorrelate the influence of these two parameters. At high shear rate the slurry behaves like a suspension of hard spheres, whereas at lower shear rate, particles tend to aggregate in clusters, entrapping liquid and thus, increasing the EVF and the viscosity. A lattice model is introduced to simulate the aggregation / break-up processes within a slurry under shear. When the steady state is reached, the entrapped liquid fraction is calculated, leading to a viscosity estimation. Simulation results for the viscosity and 3D cluster structure are in good agreement with experimental results.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures, to be published in Acta Mate

    Measuring the spin up of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1751-305

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    We perform a timing analysis on RXTE data of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1751-305 observed during the April 2002 outburst. After having corrected for Doppler effects on the pulse phases due to the orbital motion of the source, we performed a timing analysis on the phase delays, which gives, for the first time for this source, an estimate of the average spin frequency derivative = (3.7 +/- 1.0)E-13 Hz/s. We discuss the torque resulting from the spin-up of the neutron star deriving a dynamical estimate of the mass accretion rate and comparing it with the one obtained from X-ray flux. Constraints on the distance to the source are discussed, leading to a lower limit of \sim 6.7 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Chandra Observation of the Persistent Emission from the Dipping Source XB 1916-053

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    We present the results of a 50 ks long Chandra observation of the dipping source XB 1916-053. During the observation two X-ray bursts occurred and the dips were not present at each orbital period. From the zero-order image we estimate the precise X-ray coordinates of the source with a 90% uncertainty of 0.6''. In this work we focus on the spectral study of discrete absorption features, during the persistent emission, using the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra satellite. We detect, for the first time in the 1st-order spectra of XB 1916-053, absorption lines associated to Ne X, Mg XII, Si XIV, and S XVI, and confirm the presence of the Fe XXV and Fe XXVI absorption lines with a larger accuracy with respect to the previous XMM EPIC pn observation. Assuming that the line widths are due to a bulk motion or a turbulence associated to the coronal activity, we estimate that the lines are produced in a photoionized absorber distant from the neutron star 4 x 10^{10} cm, near the disk edge.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ on 2005-09-22, accepted by ApJ on 2006-05-0

    The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper

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    The upland sandpiper (Bartramia Longuardia) has experienced a steep population decline in the northeastern U.S. since the mid-20th Century. In Pennsylvania it was found in less than 0.5% of atlas blocks during the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania project (2nd PBBA; 2004-09) and breeding was confirmed at only two locations. Due to continued declines and a small population size, the upland sandpiper was listed as PA endangered in 2012. During May 2012 the areas around 15 2nd PBBA upland sandpiper sightings were resurveyed by Gettysburg College students and volunteer birdwatchers. The aim was to establish whether the atlas records related to persisting populations. We used five-minute audio playback at up to 10 locations within 4km of the atlas sightings. A maximum of 19 pairs/calling male upland sandpipers were found across the state in 2012, most of them on or close to reclaimed surface mines. However, locating such a scarce species can be problematic, and it is still not known to what extent the species is under-reported. To help direct future surveys we analyzed data from the 2nd PBBA and the 2012 survey to produce a habitat suitability model for the upland sandpiper in Pennsylvania. We used a GIS framework to determine areas of suitable habitat and then stratified these by proximity to recent (2004-2012) upland sandpiper sightings. We recommend that our suitability model be used to establish a sampling protocol for more thorough statewide upland sandpiper survey every five years, in order that the species’ precarious status can be closely monitored

    On the stability of the thermal Comptonization index in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries in their different spectral states

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    Most of the spectra of neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (NS LMXBs), being them persistent or transient, are characterized by the presence of a strong thermal Comptonization bump, thought to originate in the transition layer (TL) between the accretion disk and the NS surface. The observable quantities which characterize this component dominating the emission below 30 keV, are the spectral index alpha and the rollover energy, both related to the electron temperature and optical depth of the plasma. Starting from observational results on a sample of NS LMXBs in different spectral states, we formulate the problem of X-ray spectral formation in the TL of these sources. We predict a stability of the thermal Comptonization spectral index in different spectral states if the energy release in the TL is much higher than the intercepted flux coming from the accretion disk. We use an equation for the energy balance and the radiative transfer diffusion equation for a slab geometry in the TL, to derive a formula for the thermal Comptonization index alpha. We show that in this approximation the TL electron temperature kTe and optical depth tau_0 can be written as a function of the energy flux from the disk intercepted by the corona (TL) and that in the corona itself Qdisk/Qcor, in turn leading to a relation alpha=f(Qdisk/Qcor), with alpha ~ 1 when Qdisk/Qcor <<1. We show that the observed spectral index alpha for the sample of sources here considered lies in a belt around 1 +/- 0.2 a part for the case of GX 354--0. Comparing our theoretical predictions with observations, we claim that this result, which is consistent with the condition Qdisk/Qcor <<1, can give us constraints on the accretion geometry of these systems, an issue that seems difficult to be solved using only the spectral analysis method.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of periodic dips in the light curve of GX 13+1: the X-ray orbital ephemeris of the source

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    The bright low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) GX 13+1 is one of the most peculiar Galactic binary systems. A periodicity of 24.27 d with a formal statistical error of 0.03 d was observed in its power spectrum density obtained with RXTE All Sky Monitor (ASM) data spanning 14 years. Starting from a recent study, indicating GX 13+1 as a possible dipping source candidate, we systematically searched for periodic dips in the X-ray light curves of GX 13+1 from 1996 up to 2013 using RXTE/ASM, and MAXI data to determine for the first time the X-ray orbital ephemeris of GX 13+1. We searched for a periodic signal in the ASM and MAXI light curves, finding a common periodicity of 24.53 d. We folded the 1.3-5 keV and 5-12.1 keV ASM light curves and the 2-4 and 4-10 keV MAXI light curves at the period of 24.53 d finding a periodic dip. To refine the value of the period we used the timing technique dividing the ASM light curve in eight intervals and the MAXI light curve in two intervals, obtaining four and two dip arrival times from the ASM and MAXI light curves, respectively. We improved the X-ray position of GX 13+1 using a recent Chandra observation. The new X-ray position is discrepant by \sim 7\arcsec from the previous one, while it is compatible with the infrared and radio counterpart positions. We detected an X-ray dip, that is totally covered by the Chandra observation, in the light curve of GX 13+1 and showed, a-posteriori, that it is a periodic dip. We obtained seven dip arrival times from ASM, MAXI, and Chandra light curves. We calculated the delays of the detected dip arrival times with respect to the expected times for a 24.52 d periodicity. Fitting the delays with a linear function we find that the orbital period and the epoch of reference of GX 13+1 are 24.5274(2) days and 50,086.79(3) MJD, respectively.(Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, including 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&
