72 research outputs found

    Individual effect of the steps preceding slaughtering on Salmonella contamination of pigs

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    The influence of the different steps preceding pig slaughtering (waiting in the herd, transport and lairage) was studied regarding deep (organs) and surface (carcass) Salmonella contamination, by mixing SPF with contaminated pigs at the different steps. For a lairage of 2 hours and a transport of 1 hour, the caecal contamination concerned the conventional pigs and the long time mixed groups (more than lairage time). The isolated strains were from herd origin according to serotyping. After the slaughtering process, it was not possible to differentiate carcasses contamination rate for the conventional batch from those of the control group pigs (transport and lairage in Salmonella-free conditions). This study showed that without efficient control measures during slaughtering, implementation of control measures in the herd would be inefficient regarding carcass contamination rate

    Anticipation and adaptation of public policies: leading role of a safety agency

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    Au sein du paysage des agences de sécurité sanitaire, l’Anses occupe une position particulière par son large champ de compétences embrassant à la fois la sécurité sanitaire humaine dans les domaines de l’environnement, du travail et de l’alimentation ainsi que la protection de la santé et du bien-être des animaux et la protection de la santé des végétaux. L’Anses dispose de plus pour la réalisation de ses missions de laboratoires de recherche et de référence. Le travail en synergie des missions d’évaluation des risques, de délivrance des autorisations de mise sur le marché dans ses domaines de compétence et de recherche et de référence permet à l’Agence d’être un opérateur essentiel dans l’anticipation des crises sanitaires et dans l’appui à leur gestion par les autorités de tutelles. Il contribue à l’adaptation des politiques publiques dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire.Among the network of safety agency, Anses cover a large area of competencies through its risk assessment, risk management research and reference activities in the field of human safety related to environmental exposure, occupational work, food, and also plant health and animal health and welfare. The original position of the agency makes its role essential in anticipating sanitary crisis and support to the risk managers. Anses contributes through its research, reference, risk assessment and risk management activities to the improvement of public policies in the field of sanitary safety

    Isolation and characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes from piggeries in France

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    Recent analyses of human listeriosis outbreaks showed that these were associated with consumption of delicatessen items or pork products from other sources

    Microscopie de fluorescence résolue à 1µm, rapide et faible coût Application à la sécurité alimentaire

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    http://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/opt-diag/National audienceProposal of low cost, submicrometer, and fast fluorescence microscopy Microarray scanners are now reaching submicron details for fast scan speeds on large surfaces such as microscope slides. Reading times depend on the required resolution. However, specific applications in food security tend to bring closer to the source the measurements necessary to decision making. For the development of salmonella and listeria on pig carcasses, the measurements taken directly at slaughter need to be interpreted within less than an hour, so that the decision of meat usage in a fresh/cooking circuit does not have significant economic consequence. We developed a method for marking immediately after impacting carcass, which makes it possible to read fluorescence signals 30 minutes after sampling. However, the sampling method leaves the sample some organic residues, whose irregularities in the thickness and the surface can cause problems in reading and interpretation with conventional scanners. We propose a method of packaging and reading for the automatic counting of salmonella with fast scanning, adapted to the environment of the slaughterhouse. Detection is carried out by a 488nm excitation and a conventional 520 nm fluorescence detection using a photomultiplier. The assembly proposed uses optical fibers. It provides a resolution close to 0.5 µm, the diffraction limit at 488nm

    Monitoring programme of antimicrobial resistance in sentinel bacteria isolated from intestinalflora of pigs and poultry 1999-2001

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    Un programme de surveillance des taux de résistance aux antibiotiques chez des bactéries indicatrices ( Escherichia coli et Enterococcus faecium) isolées de la flore intestinale du poulet de chair et du porc a été mis en place, en France, pour déterminer leurs évolutions en fonction du temps. Plusieurs antibiotiques représentatifs des classes d’antibiotiques utilisées comme médicaments vétérinaires ou comme facteurs de croissance ont été étudiés. Une évolution statistiquement significative du niveau de résistance à trois antibiotiques a été mis en évidence chez les souches d’ Enterococcus faecium isolées chez le poulet de chair. L’hypothèse d’égalité des niveaux de résistance entre les différentes années d’études n’a pas pu être rejetée pour les souches d' Enterococcus faecium isolées chez le porc. Une réduction statistiquement significative de la résistance chez les souches d' Escherichia coli est observée pour la streptomycine et le triméthoprime pour celles isolées du poulet de chair et pour la streptomycine et l’apramycine pour celles isolées du porc.A monitoring programme of antimicrobial resistance of sentinel bacteria (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecium) isolated from intestinal flora of poultry and pigs has been implemented to follow trends in France. Several antimicrobials representative of different antimicrobial families used as veterinary drugs and feed additives has been tested. A statistically significant variation between the different years has been observed for Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from poultry for resistance against three antimicrobials while the hypothesis of equality could not be rejected for pig strains. A statistically significant decrease of Escherichia coli resistance was observed in each animal species for two antimicrobials tested (streptomycin and trimethoprim in poultry, streptomycin and apramycin in pig)

    Experience of the use of Ketamine to manage opioid withdrawal in an addicted woman: a case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Opioids are good painkillers, but many patients treated with opioids as painkillers developed a secondary addiction. These patients need to stop misusing opioids, but the mild-to-severe clinical symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal risk increasing their existing pain. In such cases, ketamine, which is used by anaesthetists and pain physicians to reduce opioid medication, may be an effective agent for managing opioid withdrawal. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe the case of a woman who developed a severe secondary addiction to opioids in the context of lombo-sciatic pain. She presented a severe opioid addiction, and her physicians refused to prescribe such high doses of opioid treatment (oxycontin® extended-release 120 mg daily, oxycodone 60 mg daily, and acetaminophen/codeine 300 mg/25 mg 6 times per day). To assist her with her opioid withdrawal which risked increasing her existing pain, she received 1 mg/kg ketamine oral solution, and two days after ketamine initiation her opioid treatment was gradually reduced. The patient dramatically reduced the dosage of opioid painkillers and ketamine was withdrawn without any withdrawal symptoms. CONCLUSION: Ketamine displays many interesting qualities for dealing with all symptoms relating to opioid withdrawal. Accordingly, it could be used instead of many psychotropic treatments, which interact with each other, to help with opioid withdrawal. However, the literature describes addiction to ketamine. All in all, although potentially addictive, ketamine could be a good candidate for the pharmacological management of opioid withdrawal.case reportsjournal article2016 Nov 102016 11 10importe
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