23 research outputs found

    Kandungan kemarmaran stik ribeye dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kandungan lemak intraotot (kemarmaran) dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging stik ribeye daripada empat baka lembu berbeza iaitu Wagyu, Angus, Brahman dan Kedah-Kelantan (KK). Darjah kemarmaran diukur dengan menggunakan analisis imej berkomputer dan didapati mempengaruhi kelembutan daging. Keputusan menunjukkan sampel Wagyu yang mempunyai lemak intraotot yang tinggi (33.90%), turut mempunyai kapasiti pengekalan lemak (86.32%) yang tinggi secara signifikan (p<0.05) dan daging yang paling lembut (p<0.05) berbanding sampel Angus, Brahman dan KK. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri mikrostruktur daging, ruangan antara gentian otot dan diameter gentian otot didapati lebih besar bagi Wagyu berbanding sampel lain masing-masing pada ukuran 23.40 dan 47.01 μm. Perbezaan kandungan lemak intraotot sampel Wagyu dan KK turut diperlihatkan dalam imej mikrograf sampel daging

    Kesan penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti sosej ayam

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    Kappaphycus alvarezii kaya dengan karagenan yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan sebagai agen pemekat dan penstabil. Penggunaan gelatin ikan dan ayam dalam produk makanan dapat menggantikan gelatin lembu yang mempunyai banyak isu terutamanya berkaitan halal dan penyakit lembu gila (BSE). Penyelidikan ini adalah untuk menentukan kesan penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti sosej ayam. Dua formulasi optimum T1 (10% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 3.81% gelatin ikan, 7.63% gelatin kaki ayam) dan T2 (2.57% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 5% gelatin ikan, 7.63% gelatin kaki ayam) telah diperoleh daripada Kaedah Respon Permukaan (RSM) dalam kajian awalan. Kualiti sosej ayam dikaji berdasarkan analisis proksimat dan ujian jangka hayat (pH, nilai TBA dan warna). Ujian jangka hayat dijalankan selama 3 minggu pada suhu penyimpanan 4 ± 1°C Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam meningkatkan (p<0.05) kandungan protein dan abu tetapi menurunkan (p<0.05) kandungan lemak. Nilai pH bagi sampel T1 dan T2 lebih tinggi berbanding dengan C semasa tempoh penyimpanan. Nilai TBA bagi sampel T1 dan T2 adalah rendah dibandingkan dengan C semasa tempoh penyimpanan. Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam mengubah warna bagi sampel T1 dan T2 sepanjang tempoh penyimpanan. Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam mengubah warna sosej ayam sepanjang tempoh penyimpanan. Kajian ini menunjukkan penambahan campuran Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam pada tahap optimum menghasilkan sosej ayam yang lebih berkualiti

    Optimisation of cinnamaldehyde-in-water nanoemulsion formulation using central composite rotatable design

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    Thirteen formulations of cinnamaldehyde/non-ionic surfactant/water system nanoemulsions were prepared using high-pressure homogenisation. The result showed that varying the cinnamaldehyde/surfactant ratio had effect significantly (p0.05) to viscosity. The mean droplet diameter ranged from 50.48 to 106.4 nm, polydispersity index from 0.06 to 0.28 and ζ-potential from -4.11 to -6.98 mV. The smallest droplet size was produced using 5% cinnamaldehyde and 5% Tween 80. Response surface for droplet diameter showed that the higher the cinnamaldehyde and surfactant concentrations, the larger the droplet diameter, polydispersity index and whiteness index. However, the ζ-potential increased as the cinnamaldehyde concentration decreased and Tween 80 increased. Increasing the cinnamaldehyde concentration led to an increase in turbidity. Formulation of 5% cinnamaldehyde and 6.23% Tween 80 gave no observable separation of the nanoemulsion with minimum droplet size, polidispersity index, viscosity, turbidity, whiteness index and maximum ζ-potential in modulus. The stability of the optimum formulation was sustained for 10 days upon storage at 4°C. The values of droplet diameter, PDI and ζ-potential were 55.50 nm, 0.08 and -5.38 mV, respectively

    Characterization of edible swiftlets nest as a prebiotic ingredient using a simulated colon model

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    Purpose: Edible bird’s nest (EBN) has been considered as one of the nutritious foods and was also claimed to aid in digestion problems. Potential prebiotic of the EBN for gut health by the presence of glycan within the complex structure of the EBN glycoprotein to date has not been reported. The gut health can contribute to the overall consumers’ health in the improvement of the gut beneficial bacterial growth. In this study, the potential prebiotic of the EBN was conducted using a simulation of in vitro human colon model system. Methods: The EBN-extracted glycan and EBN glycoprotein (crude sample) were digested using in vitro oral, gastric and duodenal model system. Prebiotic activities of the undigested EBN glycan and EBN glycopeptide compounds were studied with the fructooligosaccharide as a positive control, using inoculum of 10% (w/v) faecal bacteria in the in vitro fermentation system. Result: The fermentation of EBN glycan and EBN glycopeptide had shown significant increases of the gut beneficial bacteria and was comparable with fructooligosaccharide fermentation, with each sample presented different profiles of bacterial growth. The fermentation of EBN glycan and EBN glycopeptide demonstrated an increase in the total short-chain fatty acid production, particularly acetate, propionate and butyrate. Conclusion: These findings suggested that the EBN can be functioned as a natural prebiotic upon consumption, thus providing a potential as prebiotic ingredients

    Kesan masa pendidihan dan simulasi pencernaan ke atas protein dan hidrolisat protein yang dihasilkan daripada sarang burung walit spesies Aerodramus fuciphagus

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    Sarang burung walit (SBW) dengan kandungan manfaat kesihatan yang pelbagai dihasilkan daripada burung walit Aerodramus fuciphagus. Sarang tersebut dihasilkan menggunakan air liur burung walit yang mengandungi bahan glikoprotein yang tinggi. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menghasilkan hidrolisat protein SBW dan seterusnya menentukan kesan masa pendidihan (0 - 180 minit) dan proses pencernaan ke atas sampel SBW dan hidrolisat protein SBW. Proses hidrolisis berenzim telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan enzim alkalase untuk menghasilkan hidrolisat protein SBW. Ujian pencernaan terhadap protein SBW dan hidrolisat yang dihasilkan telah dijalankan menggunakan simulasi sistem pencernaan manusia in vitro. Hasil kajian menunjukkan dengan peningkatan masa pendidihan sehingga 180 minit, kandungan peptida yang terhasil daripada pendidihan SBW mentah dan hidrolisat adalah berbeza secara signifikan (p<0.05) dengan nilai kandungan peptida daripada SBW mentah terdidih didapati lebih tinggi daripada hidrolisat SBW. Seterusnya, hasil daripada pencernaan protein terhadap SBW dan hidrolisat SBW menunjukkan nilai kandungan peptida yang berbeza secara signifikan (p<0.05) dengan darjah hidrolisis protein SBW didapati paling tinggi (96.55%); diikuti dengan hidrolisat SBW 60 minit (88.69%), 120 minit (89.32%) dan 180 minit (89.81%) yang tidak berbeza secara signifikan (p<0.05) antara sampel. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan SBW didegradasi secara aktif dalam masa 30 minit pendidihan berbanding hidrolisat SBW. Perbezaan tersebut menjelaskan bahawa komponen protein pada hidrolisat SBW telah banyak dicernakan oleh tindak balas hidrolisis berenzim dalam penyediaan hidrolisat tersebut. Proses pencernaan in vitro pula menunjukkan bahawa protein SBW dan hidrolisatnya adalah protein makanan yang boleh dicernakan dengan baik oleh sistem pencernaan manusia

    Kesan pencernaan gastrousus terhadap ciri fizikokimia dan kebiotersediaan antioksidan produk chia

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    Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) adalah bijirin pseudo yang kaya dengan asid lemak tak tepu (PUFA) dan protein berfungsi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan sifat fizikokimia dan kebiotersediaan antioksidan produk chia iaitu tepung chia ternyah lemak (TCT), pencilan protein chia (IPC), hidrolisat protein chia (HPC) dan nanokapsul hidrolisat protein chia (nHPC). Simulasi model pencernaan gastrousus secara in-vitro telah mengasingkan protein chia kepada empat pecahan berbeza iaitu sampel sebelum dicerna (ND), fraksi tercerna pasca-gastrik (PG), fraksi tercerna pasca-usus yang diserap oleh kolon (PUa) dan fraksi tercerna pasca-usus yang tertinggal dalam kolon (PUb). Sampel nHPC mencatatkan darjah hidrolisis (DH) paling rendah (p<0.05) (19.72%) selepas fasa pencernaan gastrik dan tiada perubahan signifikan (p<0.05) selepas pencernaan usus. Penyusutan (p<0.05) nilai asid amino hidrofobik (AAH) dan asid amino aromatik (AAR) bagi sampel nHPC direkodkan selepas pencernaan gastrousus (PUa), masing-masing sebanyak 4.81 dan 3.95%. Berbanding semua sampel, HPC dan nHPC mencatatkan nilai tertinggi (p<0.05) potensi pemerangkapan radikal DPPH dan ABTS sampel TCT dan IPC, sebaliknya mengurangkan (p<0.05) potensi antioksidan bagi sampel HPC. Berdasarkan ujian FRAP, pencernaan gastrousus tidak memberi kesan (p<0.05) terhadap kapasiti antioksidan bagi sampel nHPC. Kesimpulannya, pencernaan gastrousus mempengaruhi sifat fisikokimia dan kebiotersediaan antioksidan produk chia yang dikaji, memberikan kefahaman penting tentang manfaat kesihatan dan aplikasi produk chia dalam diet pemakanan manusia

    Edible bird’s nest: physicochemical properties, production, and application of bioactive extracts and glycopeptides

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    Edible bird’s nest (EBN), the swiftlet’s nest, has been consumed for centuries as a tonic or health food. The information upon the usage and benefits of the EBN are largely based on historical and observational reports since its discovery, until some were proven scientifically at recent times. Studies have been conducted on the major components of the EBN, i.e. glycoprotein, in attempts to elucidate the roles of the glycoprotein in terms of functionality toward health improvement. This article presents a review of the physicochemical and nutritional composition of EBN from different harvested locations and its functional properties. The conversion of EBN glycoproteins to glycopeptides via suitable hydrolysis methods to produce bioactive EBN glycopeptides was demonstrated, and it showed improvements in the functionality and nutritional values of EBN. Some applications of EBN glycopeptides into the new development of food and beverage products showed positive results, implicated to the bioavailability of the EBN glycopeptides. The combined information in this review will benefit the scientific communities, EBN manufacturers, and nutraceutical industries

    Characterization and Toxicity Evaluation of Broiler Skin Elastin for Potential Functional Biomaterial in Tissue Engineering

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    Broiler skin, a by-product of poultry processing, has been proven to contain essential elastin, a high-value protein with many applications. The present study reported the extraction of water-soluble elastin from broiler skin by using sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and oxalic acid treatment before freeze-drying. Chemical characterization such as protein and fat content, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, amino acid composition and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) were performed and compared with commercial elastin from bovine neck ligament. The resultant elastin&rsquo;s toxicity was analyzed using an MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) tetrazolium assay and primary skin irritation test. Results showed a high quality of the extracted-elastin with the presence of a high amount of proline (6.55 &plusmn; 0.40%) and glycine (9.65 &plusmn; 0.44%), low amount of hydroxyproline (0.80 &plusmn; 0.32%), methionine (2.04 &plusmn; 0.05%), and histidine (1.81 &plusmn; 0.05%) together with calculated 0.56 isoleucine/leucine ratio. FTIR analysis showed the presence of typical peaks of amide A, B, I, and II for protein with high denaturation temperature around 322.9 &deg;C. The non-toxic effect of the extracted elastin was observed at a concentration lower than 0.5 mg/mL. Therefore, water-soluble elastin powder extracted from broiler skin can be an alternative source of elastin as a biomaterial for tissue engineering applications

    Properties of coating systems during the initial period of deep-fat frying as affected by flour type, temperature and pressure

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    This study was carried out to determine the properties of coatings made from wheat, rice and sago flour when fried under different frying temperature and pressure during the initial period of deep-fat frying. Three types of batter made from wheat, rice and sago flour were prepared by mixing each flour with water at a ratio of 1:1.2 (flour: water). Poultry nuggets were dipped in the prepared batter and fried for 0, 6, 18 and 30 seconds at three frying temperatures (150, 165, 180°C) and two frying pressures (102 and 156 kPa). Results showed that the frying pressure applied did not produce any significant effect on moisture content, normalized moisture loss and fat content up to 30 seconds of frying. All parameters except moisture content of the coating region were significantly (p<0.05) affected by flour type. Coating from sago flour produced the highest normalized moisture loss and fat content compared to other flour

    Kandungan kemarmaran stik ribeye dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kandungan lemak intraotot (kemarmaran) dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging stik ribeye daripada empat baka lembu berbeza iaitu Wagyu, Angus, Brahman dan Kedah-Kelantan (KK). Darjah kemarmaran diukur dengan menggunakan analisis imej berkomputer dan didapati mempengaruhi kelembutan daging. Keputusan menunjukkan sampel Wagyu yang mempunyai lemak intraotot yang tinggi (33.90%), turut mempunyai kapasiti pengekalan lemak (86.32%) yang tinggi secara signifikan (p<0.05) dan daging yang paling lembut (p<0.05) berbanding sampel Angus, Brahman dan KK. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri mikrostruktur daging, ruangan antara gentian otot dan diameter gentian otot didapati lebih besar bagi Wagyu berbanding sampel lain masing-masing pada ukuran 23.40 dan 47.01 μm. Perbezaan kandungan lemak intraotot sampel Wagyu dan KK turut diperlihatkan dalam imej mikrograf sampel daging