241 research outputs found

    Gender, sexual orientation and health behaviors in the ELSA-Brasil cohort

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    This study aimed to investigate differences in health behaviors as a function of gender and sexual orientation in the ELSA-Brasil cohort. Data were collected using a multidimensional questionnaire on health-related behaviors. The sample consisted of 10,314 participants, each of whom was in a stable relationship. Individuals in same-sex relationships were more likely to smoke, to spend more of their leisure-time in front of a screen and to sleep longer. When the behaviors were analyzed as a function of sexual orientation and gender, women in heterosexual relationships were less likely to smoke or to drink in excess, got more hours of sleep and spent less leisure time in front of a screen. On the other hand, they were less likely to exercise. These findings should contribute towards preventing chronic diseases and promoting health in people with different sexual orientations in Brazil and in other similar settings

    Soil and Cultivar Type Shape the Bacterial Community in the Potato Rhizosphere

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    The rhizospheres of five different potato cultivars (including a genetically modified cultivar) obtained from a loamy sand soil and two from a sandy peat soil, next to corresponding bulk soils, were studied with respect to their community structures and potential function. For the former analyses, we performed bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene-based PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) on the basis of soil DNA; for the latter, we extracted microbial communities and subjected these to analyses in phenotype arrays (PM1, PM2, and PM4, Biolog), with a focus on the use of different carbon, sulfur and phosphorus sources. In addition, we performed bacterial PCR-DGGE on selected wells to assess the structures of these substrate-responsive communities. Effects of soil type, the rhizosphere, and cultivar on the microbial community structures were clearly observed. Soil type was the most determinative parameter shaping the functional communities, whereas the rhizosphere and cultivar type also exerted an influence. However, no genetically modified plant effect was observed. The effects were imminent based on general community analysis and also single-compound analysis. Utilization of some of the carbon and sulfur sources was specific per cultivar, and different microbial communities were found as defined by cultivar. Thus, both soil and cultivar type shaped the potato root-associated bacterial communities that were responsive to some of the substrates in phenotype arrays

    Overview on the phenomenon of two-qubit entanglement revivals in classical environments

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    The occurrence of revivals of quantum entanglement between separated open quantum systems has been shown not only for dissipative non-Markovian quantum environments but also for classical environments in absence of back-action. While the phenomenon is well understood in the first case, the possibility to retrieve entanglement when the composite quantum system is subject to local classical noise has generated a debate regarding its interpretation. This dynamical property of open quantum systems assumes an important role in quantum information theory from both fundamental and practical perspectives. Hybrid quantum-classical systems are in fact promising candidates to investigate the interplay among quantum and classical features and to look for possible control strategies of a quantum system by means of a classical device. Here we present an overview on this topic, reporting the most recent theoretical and experimental results about the revivals of entanglement between two qubits locally interacting with classical environments. We also review and discuss the interpretations provided so far to explain this phenomenon, suggesting that they can be cast under a unified viewpoint.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Chapter written for the upcoming book "Lectures on general quantum correlations and their applications

    Portuguese-Brazilian Evidence-Based Guideline on the Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: In current management of type 2 diabetes (T2DM), cardiovascular and renal prevention have become important targets to be achieved. In this context, a joint panel of four endocrinology societies from Brazil and Portugal was established to develop an evidence-based guideline for treatment of hyperglycemia in T2DM. Methods: MEDLINE (via PubMed) was searched for randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, and observational studies related to diabetes treatment. When there was insufficient high-quality evidence, expert opinion was sought. Updated positions on treatment of T2DM patients with heart failure (HF), atherosclerotic CV disease (ASCVD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and patients with no vascular complications were developed. The degree of recommendation and the level of evidence were determined using predefined criteria. Results and conclusions: In non-pregnant adults, the recommended HbA1c target is below 7%. Higher levels are recommended in frail older adults and patients at higher risk of hypoglycemia. Lifestyle modification is recommended at all phases of treatment. Metformin is the first choice when HbA1c is 6.5-7.5%. When HbA1c is 7.5-9.0%, dual therapy with metformin plus an SGLT2i and/or GLP-1RA (first-line antidiabetic agents, AD1) is recommended due to cardiovascular and renal benefits. If an AD1 is unaffordable, other antidiabetic drugs (AD) may be used. Triple or quadruple therapy should be considered when HbA1c remains above target. In patients with clinical or subclinical atherosclerosis, the combination of one AD1 plus metformin is the recommended first-line therapy to reduce cardiovascular events and improve blood glucose control. In stable heart failure with low ejection fraction ( 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, metformin plus an SGLT-2i is recommended to reduce cardiovascular mortality and heart failure hospitalizations and improve blood glucose control. In patients with diabetes-associated chronic kidney disease (CKD) (eGFR 30-60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or eGFR 30-90 mL/min/1.73 m2 with albuminuria > 30 mg/g), the combination of metformin and an SGLT2i is recommended to attenuate loss of renal function, reduce albuminuria and improve blood glucose control. In patients with severe renal failure, insulin-based therapy is recommended to improve blood glucose control. Alternatively, GLP-1RA, DPP4i, gliclazide MR and pioglitazone may be considered to reduce albuminuria. In conclusion, the current evidence supports individualizing anti-hyperglycemic treatment for T2DM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growth and performance curve of dairy goats fed with detoxified castor bean cake by different alkaline solutions.

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    Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the substitution of soybean meal (SM) by detoxified castor cake (DCC) by two alkaline products on intake, performance and on the growth curve of goat?s kids. 24 were used, Saanen goats (n=12) and Anglo Nubian (n=12), with initial body weight of 16.2±0.67 kg, initial age of 3 months and confined during the growth phase. The treatments consisted of three diets: a standard diet formulated with a traditional protein source, the soybean meal (SM); and test diets, which consisted of a protein source alternative, differing detoxification processes, on the basis of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design, in factorial 3 x 2 (diet SM, Ca(OH)2 DCC and NaOH DCC x Saanen and Anglo Nubian) totaling six sessions with four replicates each. The experimental period lasted 270 days. The non-linear models used were the Gompertz and Logistic. There was no effect (P 0.05) of breeds and interaction between both factors. The intake of DM during the phase of growth was greater for the goats fed with SM. There was no effect (P>0.05) of diets nor of the breeds in the ADG. Feed conversion was influenced (P 0,05) das raças e interação entre ambos os fatores. O consumo de MS durante a fase de crescimento foi maior para as cabras alimentadas com FS. Não houve efeito (P > 0,05) das dietas nem das raças no GMD. A conversão alimentar foi influenciada (P < 0,05) pelas dietas, em que as cabras que consumiram as dietas com TMD apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar. Observou-se que ambos os modelos tiveram bons ajustes, com valores numericamente superiores a 90%, contudo, o modelo Logístico apresentou maior R2 e, ao mesmo tempo, índice assintótico (IA). Apesar do GMD ser igual, as raças apresentaram taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) diferenciado ao longo do tempo, onde as cabras Saanen atingiram o pico primeiro (181 dias), com TCA de 0,14 kg dia-1. Porém, mesmo as cabras Anglo Nubianas atingindo o pico mais tardiamente, a TCA foi maior, cerca de 0,16 kg dia-1 superior às Saanen. Ambas as tortas tem potencial de substituir o FS em dieta de cabritas de aptidão leiteira durante a fase de crescimento. O modelo matemático Logístico estima de forma mais precisa o crescimento de cabras Saanen e Anglo Nubiana, sendo que a taxa de crescimento absoluto é maior em cabras Anglo Nubianas